What’s the real reason they’ll leave the EU?

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We hate the french


They fell for fake numbers made up by Farage and Johnson who, ironically, already resigned.
Farage is by the way about to move to Germany, he fucked a German chick and is obtaining citizenship surreptitiously at the moment.
The definition of "rat".

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They're a bunch of boomer retards who never got over the second world war and are willing to tank the country for their retarded boomer fantasy

migration i guess

thats at least the main reason of eu sceptics in austria

the eu is also a shitshow instead of giving in a little to eastern European countries and anti refugee/migrant sentiment they rather destroy their beloved eu by dividing the voters and entire countries for good boy points

so they can send the niggers back to france

The London financial sector wanted it for some reason

There are few reasons:
- Being in an Island made them feel special isolated snowflakes, and want to continue feeling like that
- It was the last big Empire, and went down quite silently, so they lack perspective on how small they currently are
- Connected to the above, the are unable to understand that the European continent and its people are true allies, not the dark skin people that consume most of its resources.

Remember those buses with "muh millions back to NHS".
People believed it. People took action.
It seems like whole show was taken over by someone else and now plays on different objectives.
It's very hard to say who without sounding like conspiracy theorist, but this whole show doesn't make any fucking sense.
Can it be just simple USA+Russia - "Let's divide EU, it became to strong and yah let's push some blacks and muslims over there"
I don't even know at what angle you have to look to see the truth behind.
Or maybe it's just simple politician fuck up and they never expected half country to support it in the first place.
Anyway, what bothers me, who paid for those bus ads? Was is from government pockets? if so, britons rekt themselves


this brexit thing is just foul play to distract russia and make their financial thing just a little bit orse. no brexit is hapening, it will cancel moments before it would be executed. all is planned.

Britfags are too much infested by thirdworlders and leftists to ever make it happens

Bullshit, faggot. Every leaver I know is either;
>ex forces and hates foreigners
>works in fishing industry and resents EU vessels fishing in what have historically been British fishing waters
>Right/Libertarians who dislike the fact that our laws are influenced by a foreign body
>Conservatives who remember what we signed up to (a free trade area only) and how the Maastricht treaty changed that all without a referendum
>People who voted against joining in the first place
To suggest Brexiteers were told how to vote by BoJo and Nige and incapable of making their minds up before the campaign is exactly the sort of narrow-minded and blinkered thinking that led to Remainers getting a shock at the result. Remainers never engaged with the actual arguments, preferring to strawman and sneer. Maybe they would have won if they engaged with the arguments for Brexit- they chose not to, and now we are leaving

>Can it be just simple USA+Russia - "Let's divide EU, it became to strong and yah let's push some blacks and muslims over there"
>I don't even know at what angle you have to look to see the truth behind

also this.
The only ones having an advantage of a weak Europe are the US, Russia and China. It's no coincidence why most nationalist trolls on Facebook etc are from a trollfarm in St.Petersburg. Divide and conquer.

Clearly a russian meme that the braindead voters actually fell for.

The EU has been unable to deal with migration/immigration, their solution to the problem has always been to distribute the migrants/refugees better between countries - rather than stopping them or protecting any "external" EU borders.

Although the EU, more than anything, has been inept in this matter - and thus can hardly be blamed for the migrant-crisis. Then they have become a symbol of the humanitarian-liberal ideology which seeks to erode nation states ethnic and cultural characters.

>who paid for those bus ads?
so you telling me london city finance pioneers paid for those?

We don't want to pay for greece,Italy,Spain and duestchbank when they go belly up.

Also this, Fuck you France!

EU = Exitscam

Tbh I wish you guys would stay in the EU famalam. I know its bureaucracy is a pain in the ass, and it's still far from perfect, but it will improve over time.
Besides, the alternative would be the whole financial sector moving over to Paris and Frankfurt, and entrepreneurs opening mailbox offices in Estonia - that's what's actually happening at the moment. I work for an Estonian company that mediates tons and tons of British companies who are trying to set a foot to Europe in fear of a Brexit.

>and now we are leaving

*blocks your path*

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Business related though, I have money abroad, will the pound go down soon? I might wait a few days before bringing it back

Why would we need a strong Europe, though? In a world dominated by Anglo-Germanic patriarchy it would be not so bad to have a global redistribution of power & privilege.


spite. the government, media and other groups that hate us and want us replaced were pushing remain too hard.

Are you a European Federalist and for the Abolition of the nation state of Britain? If not, Brexit.

Immigration, Fishing, Farming, Common External Tariff, Potential EU Army, Undemocratic structure, ECJ etc are all indefensible problems, but not the main problem.

>Why would we need a strong Europe, though?

Hi Ivan, pls leave this discussion to us Europeans.

Any theories? It doesnt even seem like brexit will happen, so it was it all just a big distraction?

European banking union would try to kill London as a centre of trade, being independent will allow the UK to slash taxes and make it a millionaires paradise

Why do international bankers care about london or any other city? or even countries at this point?
The only reason for the charade known as brexit i can think of is that it is a test case to see how far the public will go

You are paying shit. There are 761,000 old British cunts living in Spain and consuming our Health system and resources. We'll glad send you those productive individuals while the doctors and engineers leave your country.

This + they are shitting over the common people as fuck.
You may travel to other countries without getting controlled.
But everything else that globalisation and opening your country for everything and everyone brings, fucked us in the long run.

Schwarz/Blau sind leider auch nur Marionetten.

muslums and leftists who enjoy hearing about women and little kids getting raped en masse...

they pretend to be incompetent but they know what they are doing. its been hijacked by insane leftists actively working towards white genocide

Everytime Britain quitt Europe or the "economic advantage" of Europe.

There was a War after that ...

Kalergi Plan
Ever heard of it?
>lol tin-foil hat, nazi, fake
We have it black on white what was said and what the goal is, every step is step towards that goal.
You can't deny that. Or is it (((coincidence))) that things fit into that plan somehow?

The UN and EU is openly saying they are replace the european people.
To bad that these things will never brought up by the (((media))).
Those trying to bring that up are shut down or labeled as far right nazi aka shut down.

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>be brittard
>vote brexit because muh immigrants
>white immigrants from europe stop coming
>now get even more pakis and indian immigrants instead


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this is the british problem, not EU. there are no such things in Poland or Austria or Czechia. You will suffer from it even as a non-eu country, unfortunately

what does eu have to do with millions of pakis, street shitters and goat fuckers already in uk?

Who forced the idea of open borders, open everything, globalisiation?

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Kalergi wasn't even jewish you moron. How can anyone take you tinfoil tards seriously when you just call "jew" anyone you don't like

I voted leave at the time because I don't like how the EU is run there are no arguments when they vote for laws they just discuss with their advisors and vote, the advisors In Essence have all the power and I'd vote leave again since article 13 passed European MPs have come out saying they didn't even know what they were voting for. If any British MP said that they'd be the political equivalent of debard.

They are his exact words.
And exactly that is happen since the first day.

All you said is
>hurr durr nazi
Please show me some proof that this is not happening and I am wrong.

Please show me proof that Kalergi was a Jew

and no, posting a photo of him with a star of david shopped on him isn't a proof

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>ignoring the question and original statement
not working david

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fake and gay

>can't post any proof that kalergi was a jew
>now he calls me a jew for asking for proofs
woah didn't expect this at all!

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The euro is going to collapse as a currency, the pound in 2 years time will buy you 10 of them each.
The remain campaigners and the media in the uk have been seeding the idea of economic collapse for 2 years now but its just fud, theyre buying the dip as fear is being priced in, long term the eu is fucked, as is the currency.

Its as if people have forgotten what happened in Greece and how close Spain and Portugal came, the eus economy is sold to the people in the uk as a paradise of opportunity and prosperity being torn away from us, its all lies.
all of us are fucked but we are just a little bit less fucked, anyone in gbp just now will do fine

delusion is a strong drug

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Short gbp, prove me and the rothschilds wrong.
Theyve been dumping usd for gbp for a year now.

rothchild is my uncle and he told me he shorted gbp

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youll be poor forever, not that it has any bearing on my life, so I wish you well

since last year gbp lost 15% value against the dollar

please tell me again how much money you made by dumping usd for gbp last year?

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Yes. It's as simple as that.
Europe too united, plus threat of strong currency. It was the same with Yugoslavia in the 90s. Germany is now thinking of leaving and if Germany leaves as well, the EU is fucked because others will start leaving soon after. Not because Germany is such a grand country (it is, and I'm not german), but because many countries' leaders (my own especially) are airheaded morons that don't know how to run things and all they do is regurgitate shit that Germany passes down because they can't think for themselves. So if Germany leaves, other countries will.
On the other hand, if the English leave, and no one follows, they'll look like idiots. Nobody in the EU gives a flying fuck about the English and what they're doing.

>engage with the arguments
You mean the ones that were obviously fraudulent? You seriously didnt realise you fucked up even after the "winners" left the fucking country?

Tax avoision.

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i've known for 2 years brexit would be cancelled.. and trump and gop committed treason.. and trump would be elected... im a fucking genius

Yeah I really hoped that schwarz/blau would have some balls and just do their thing, but there is so much bullshitting going on

you have yet to explain how the EU is doing anything at all to make the european peoples and states stronger in the first place

so far all it actually does is
>waste a fuckton of money on bureaucracy
>waste an even bigger amount of money on redistribution to eastern poverty holes
>support mass immigration from third world shitholes into europe

none of this makes any of us stronger, all it does is fuck shit up and encourage parasitism.

>What’s the real reason they’ll leave the EU?
To set yet another example that no one is able to leave the EU

Yes, the inflow of Pakis is clearly something that leaving the EU will help you with. It has nothing to do with the british empire.

I think that FPÖ is more a controlled opposition.
There are things happening no sane person would do.
They could get a pretty good name with just a few things.
They must be controlled somehow to keep their bad reputation.


control of an opaque government that isn't directly elected.. anti-EU sentiment in Netherlands and Belgium (at least Flanders) rising as well.. short it!

In 3 years of continuous brexit debate, who the fuck has actually been talking about the EU and what their plans are?

Can still remember Farage on Question Time saying EU army will happen and the lying filth known as Nick Clegg nervously trying to laugh it off as absurd. That was over 5 years ago. Nobody’s laughing now!