I need halp and i can't talk to anyone, please frens

i need halp and i can't talk to anyone, please frens

>75000 link, 3btc, 35eth portfolio
>20 years old
>debt free
>working towards a trade
>everyone seems to ask why i don't have a girlfriend
>reasonably good looking, girls smile and seem to mire at the gym
>"j-just get tinder user"
>mentally messed up from the suicide of my mom when i was a teen, can't seem to form close relationships because of trust issues and soon as any girl has found out about my mom they seem to distance themselves
>live on my own because my family is broken and they live 1500 miles away
>feel like i'm a ghost to everyone
>so fucking lonely and sad
>i dream about using steroids and abusing them and going out like rich piana because i just don't want to go on

feels really fucking bad guys, i just want to talk to someone

Attached: howtofeel.gif (696x478, 1.51M)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.co.uk/Lost-Connections-Youre-Depressed-Find/dp/1408878720/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1547549034&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=lost connections johann hari

Hey fren, when sad remember happy day

Get it together faggot, ur life isn’t that bad. Just continue to work and wait for your crypto to moon (you are over extended in link btw). Make friends and enjoy the fact that you are 20 (aka party etc). Your mom is dead get over it stop letting a dead person hold you back lmao pussy.

With that much money you can just buy friends. Take them out to eat

Also your mom is in hell for suiciding, so move on from that disappointment and don’t fucking tell girls she killed herself, they distance themselves because you probably come off weird as fuck when you tell them that.

Join the military. You'll make the best friends in your life, and go through the bads and goods with them. You'll also have a much higher chance at fucking sluts.

ur right (i'm still keeping my link position though fuck off) and i appreciate the honesty
everyone thinks i'm poor as fuck

user if you dont touch your portfolio you gonna be extremely rich in 5 years. Just keep on going. You dont need roasties, just be comfortable with yourself, being alone isn't this bad and you'll get used to it.

We are all gonna make it.

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lol i've never told them that (my whole fucking high school knew because the teachers told everyone), but they ask about family and i have nothing to say where they all have great happy families and probably think it is weird

love you user i really hope we all make it

Depending where you live, get some therapy maybe, try to stay off meds tho and dont mention suicide cuz that might be reason to lock u up.

I unironically consider Jow Forums my friends...

Brother, hang in there.
You may find this book very interesting and useful: amazon.co.uk/Lost-Connections-Youre-Depressed-Find/dp/1408878720/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1547549034&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=lost connections johann hari
Also I'd recommend Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, the 48 Laws of Power and the Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi.
You'll be very wealthy soon.

You must make connections in order to not feel shit, humans are social animals. I do thai box and brazil jiu jitsu, they give you the sense of comraderie missing from modern society, make you stable, self confident and strong.
Also go out in nature for a hike at least once per week. Ah and research CBD oil and shrooms.
T. 27 years old user, who has been through hell

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thank you user, i've read meditations, it helped a lot. I'll check the others. I'm going to start boxing really soon too, looking forward to it

Your mom was sick. It wasn't you or anyone else's fault. You probably already know that, but just in case you didn't.

It's ok to try to find a woman you can trust. She's out there, but you may have to sift through some garbage first. Any woman who won't talk about your mom with you is the wrong one, and definitely don't mention any money to any of them. If you do you'll just find the ones who pretend to love you.

Also try to reconnect with your family. They probably miss you.

>I know... I have to go back... Whatever

i was once in your situation (with the exception of your exceptional good financial situation), then i learned you can masturbate to online porn. Seriously, if you don't know what masturbation is or online porn, then google it and try it out for yourself.. It's a life changer !

thank you fren for the words, i'm going to give my brother a call later today

porn and masturbating makes you GAY, i only have money because i work like a dog (i work 3 different jobs and have no time to sin, electrical apprentice in the morning/day, work for a contractor in the afternoons and do first year engineering math tutoring on the weekends)

I'm 28 and still in the same situation as OP. No family, no gf, living alone, decent looking according to girls, decent finance job. How fucked am I?

I will only say it once.
You had no influence in your mom's decision to quit life.
You couldn't do anything to avoid it, it was her selfish choice.
But most importantly, she wouldn't like to see you suffering and eventually ending it the way she did it. If there was any remaining consciousness of her still around, I'm sure she regrets doing what she did and leaving you alone.

So OP, live for the life she couldnt live, for the life she was afraid to live and enjoy your time here as death is always coming around for all of us. You've been given a chance most of us wont be able to grasp in a lifetime.

It’s going to be ok fren

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I love my brother

When I was 20 I was some lanky virgin who had no friends. Similar family situation. My life only started changing around at 24 and now (26) I've got loads of friends and a few relationships down. You're only 20 man. Get a hobby, start some project. The world is full of possibilities.

You have been living selfishly and have become cold and distant. You’d feel better if you give.


Link: 0xA5f5A690b46a8b18085EB1EeDc210811888eA9A6

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you arent

>20 years old

Stopped reading right here.

your still a baby at 20 fren. you seem financially stable so pursue creative interests


OP, do you want a friend who you can talk everyday and that can help you?

We will talk through wickr/signal/telegram so dont need to fear nothing.

Learn about game.

The Rational Male
Chateau Heartiste

Join a boxing gym or BJJ gym - something physically demanding with a group of men so that you form bonds due to the stress demands. It sounds like OP needs ‘a pack’ so to speak, a brotherhood

PIMP and TenGame by RSD Julien

It’s okay fren, we all go through tough times. Make a effort to incorporate these things into your life and you will find peace:

>stop jerking off
Aim for once every 2 weeks if you must but NO PORN
>meditate daily
Read “Meditation in Plain English” and start with small 15 minute sessions a day and work your way up to longer sessions
You said you already go to the gym, but try to add some cardio if you don’t already
Avoid the usual garbage foods (sugars, carbs, bad fats etc). Try to cut carbs completely or minimize to 20g per day
Idk where you live, but go outside and start spending whole days on weekends and several hours on weekdays in the solitude of nature
Sunlight exposure is critical for production of melatonin among other things. Try to lay in the sun 20 min a day
Take one a day. Make sure you’re consuming enough electrolytes
This is a tough one. Socializing is almost like a muscle. There have been times in my life where I’ve been reclusive and I tend to speak like a babbling monkey. Times when I’m more open, I’m much more social. Find people that don’t intimidate you and just start talking about random shit.

Try to find peace over the death of your mom and push yourself out of your comfort zone. If you really feel like you need it, consult a doctor for antidepressants but use that as a plan B.

Godspeed user, I’ll see you at the yacht party

>i dream about using steroids and abusing them and going out like rich piana
You do know it wasn't steroids that killed him, right?