Why don't wagies respect themselves

why don't wagies respect themselves.

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No choice thats why

I'd smash

how old are you ? its a bad question if you're over the age of 19

Somebody post cotton eye wagie

They seem to be having fun though?

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>its a bad question if you're over the age of 19

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their brains have atrophied.

Being at rock bottom gives a certain freedom. You don't care anymore because you have nothing to lose.

back in my day you neets would be put into the local asylum and forgotten about

They don’t take themselves very seriously, you should do the same

theyre npcs who will shame you for not having a job

misery loves company


seriously imagine *working* in a cucked society like this where niggers and mexicans get treated like royalty, and everyone spits in white mens face while living off white mens money and white mens productivity.

I literally, unironically want a genocide of all non-whites.

I see you are slave of your anxiety.
Never gonna make it.

At least they do work unlike government workers that are paid a fortune for doing nothing

you can fake smile eh? infact most our smiles are fake most the time.

They're just old and having a good time, what's the issue?

based and redpilled

I would prefer being a slave before this


car payments
misc. bills

basically conditioned ourselves into indentured servitude.

dude they are just doing their morale booster. we do it at our walmart too. it's really effective at getting us to smile and help the customers. makes us feel great and for that WE RESPECT OURSELVES SHEESH. i love my job!! #walmartCSRexpert

the more you smile the earlier wrinkles will develop in your face. Nothing will age you as fast as working sales/customer service jobs demanding consistent fake smiles

they force them to sing and dance. it's a big dick power move.

Kek. This was on every wall at my job.

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how do they not kill themselves?

because they have little fucking neets living in the basement and have to feed them.

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I don't know how there's anyone above the age of 25 there but for anyone

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Idk that huwhite man didn't look particularly into the dancing.