2 down, 3 to go - right, wagie? until you have to do it all over again next week
2 down, 3 to go - right, wagie? until you have to do it all over again next week
I have 4 nights this week and 3rd one is close to halfway done faggot :)
>w-work is fulfilling, I-I love my job I'd be nothing without it.
Haven't worked since last Thursday
Feels good to have a dope job
50 more weeks left in the year wagie. don't get cocky
These threads really make me want to quit my job, seriously.
I've always hated working for someone else but yeah these threads really just pushed me over the edge and I actually did quit my job about 6 months ago kek
Im doing sales for 5 years now almost, thinking Aboutaleb quiting after the full five years and just sell my own websites to businesses that need to renovate them. Got it all setup. Just worried about the part where I get no steady income and need to pay steady rent.
Luckily I won't have to work much longer since I have a 59k stack of LINK
No wife, no kids, no mortgage, only real debt is a car note which was a mistake but not crippling.
I'm actually sort of enjoying wage cucking the more LINK pumps because I know my time working is almost done. And I can still add to my stack as well. I also run a side hustle to bring in extra cash that goes directly to LINK. Hoping to make it to 75k stack before we ascend
Jokes on you I just quit my job becuase link is on track to go to the 1000 eoy I’m a NGTOW now
what have you done since
12-16 hour days 7 days a week. No rest. The great news is that in 2 years i'll be able to permaNEET while living like a Chad. Enjoy living on mom's teet while she's still alive.
they made me work late tonight. had to stay until 6pm to get the powerpoints done. AHHHHHHHHHH
You’re gonna feel dumb
Why? LINK moon is basically assured and if not, my life doesn't really change. Being a Wagie sucks but the options to escape are limited so I take the chance on LINK.
that face is just
joke's on you I'm a shutdown fed
getting $35/hr backpay to NEET it up while Donnie keeps up his wall tantrum
I’m actually going on an exciting business trip tomorrow to Europe. All expenses paid. Have fun jacking off at home :-).
And I make damn good money doing it.
the jealousy in your post is palpable