Reason for the pumps

CL's blog is now LIVE

Looks pretty.

Attached: blog.png (1917x982, 561K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah... really pretty. Just don't click that "blog" button, sir

Attached: 404.png (2560x1224, 169K)

lol, not surprising desu

LMAO typical Adelyn move. 404 on the Blog link.


Just kidding tiger mom, we love you.

We know you're reading this.

Is this official?

Im convinced the chainlink team browses this board.
I remember when the new chainlink website was released and with it a new logo. There was a thread here about the new website and an user came and dropped HD images of the new LINK logo with a mundane comment like "1000 eoy".
Why would the team come here and drop the new chainlink logo images? Because they want us to meme it. They realize the power of memes.

This is the reason for the pump? Wow.

Selling my stack now before everyone else finds out.

Post stuff from months ago so it looks like they've been in business and didn't literally register their company in the caymans yesterday.

yea it's kind of disappointing they didn't launch this with actual new articles or information. hopefully that's what they've launched it for in preparation of.

I'm also not really sure what benefit this has over the medium blog other than just having less traffic because it doesn't have the SEO power the medium site does.

>I'm also not really sure
Well well look at the big brain on Rebecca!

In a similar way, I'm sure a couple of twitter accounts that shill all day long with very high quality content on twitter are either part of the team, or coordinating with them. But also, we didn't give them an option they had to get onboard with the memetic force, even better if they could steer it.

yea and if you ever want us to stop screwing with plebbit - you should definitely announce it here. That shit would be hilarious.

$1250 EOY

Attached: Screenshot_53.jpg (765x415, 81K)

they directly referenced a discussion on biz relating to databases in the pivotal tracker.
Also in the slides the have the new logo imposed on the classic cube. They probably just lifted it straight from here.

I'm going to need a sauce on this. Thanks user

Pivotal tracker biz reference I mean

Sold 35 percent of my stack, this is actually bearish af

>Community suggested looking into etcd as an alternative to PostgreSQL.

This scam just continues to get more elaborate each week. At this point, they'll ACTUALLY have to provide a working product or get BTFO'd

That was said on the telegram first then some wannabes on biz picked it up and pretended to discuss it after they had already figured it out in telegram.

sure thing Rory

we don't love adelyn. she's a stupid bitch. Remember when she put Rory as "Co-organizer" for that event, with herself as "Organizer"? bitch.

sure thing Rory

I think they were horrified at first, but like anyone that spends enough time here they began to be corrupted by the raw autistic energy of the place. Now they seem to have accepted that in actual fact, having the notorious hacker known as Jow Forums deciding to rabidly protect your investment (and the potential trillions of $$ people like Swift) in exchange for use having dibs on Link nodes to fund our tendie consumption and good spirited NeetSoc larping is actually a pretty good deal. Better than 10,000 pajeets spamming them endlessly with "Sir! How to configure Link node with investment of only 2 Link sir! When airdrop, when lambo!".

She stole my favorite dog recipes too. Hisssss.


Attached: hmmmmm.png (447x423, 121K)

how do they get their mail?

forgot pic

Attached: scam-island.jpg (710x724, 104K)