Death comes for us all one day. Even this billionaire couldn't live forever.
Money doesn't matter
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Finally put to death?
which is where you are wrong. Wont take that much longer if it hasnt been solved already.
Would say 100 years at most, all thats left is preventing the brain from degenerating/finding an effective way to detect cancer cells are purge them in early stages. Look at where mankind was 100 years ago and where it is today.
Crispr, as revolutionary as it is/way is already getting outpaced by other developments.
>he wants to live forever
you have to be a literal brainlet to want this, live forever in this demiurge world
you wouldn't appreciate another 500 years as long as its living and not "staying alive" obviously?
in perspective: 500 years ago was the time of pirates and shit. 500 years from now will be the time of???????? you aren't curious?
Look, once my father and mother are dead, i belong more to the dead space rather than the living ones, i don't know another place more hellish than fapping away my life without meaning at all and trying to love manipulative thots
in fact getting rich was just to live a comfy ascetic life or giving stuff to my parents or my sister, anything else is just vanity
You’re a good man user. Losing a loved one and parent will suck so bad I cant imagine it. Yet it is inevitable.
God this existence sucks so bad.
why do you lie to yourself? money sure matters, you seem to have taken a bitter route, or found your own "enlightenment". why not be rich and curb those bastards? you would most likely need to be a heavy weight yourself to take on another heavy weight under the given circumstance. infact, people will catch your vibe and you could raise an army of billion if they see and feel that you truely are fighting for good. best of luck anons!
You've resticted your world to the point where you are painting with one color and a paint roller.
Yeah, Vitalik donated to SENS which is trying to cure ageing. If they received 50 millions a year then they would cure it much quicker but still at current pace it should take 20 years or so to prolong life until we cure ageing completely which should take until end of century.
Just find meaning....
Why would age take away meaning. The universe is unimaginably vast in terms of possibilities as well as anything else.
I know that feel bro. I'm scared for when my dad and mom go. My dad today actually exhibited some strange symptoms of dementia I think. He mentioned something about his brother (who he hasn't contacted in like 5 years) about some password to see his paintings. I was lost completely. Then I heard him in the bathroom taking a dump and saying some stuff to himself. Sucks. He was my hero. He was like uncle junior in sopranos in the last scene between him and Tony. I'm scared it's gonna get worse and I'm the only person who has noticed this with him
Son stop listening to me taking a shit
No one cares about death or tomorrow these days . It is a material world now . Gone is brotherhood , friendship and values . Adapt and live life one day at a time . You will get the hang of this god forsaken world . Ftw!
It’ll be the time when all goyim races mongrelization and are forever slaves to their Jew masters.
You are naive as heck if you believe that our world will evolve instead of turning into a dystopia.
Sure he can, the blood of innocent children he drinks & transfuses daily can extend his life for a long time. Maybe long enough to get the nanotech right, and then he'll be immortal (but still drink the kids blood, just for the taste).
Nope. Not at all. Sounds terrible in fact. You sound young, check back in with us in a few years zoomer, once you've had a chance to realise it's just the same trivial shit over and over. Worst sandbox game ever. Only thing worse than what you're describing is the whole digital immortality thing retards love to go on about - even if it was possible, being software trapped on the Internet without the ability to die is a recipe for some truly bad shit.
Yep. Once you've taken the blackpill that even if (((They))) were gone tomorrow, human nature itself is just too fucked to redeem that's about all that's left.
>Just find meaning
That's retarded. The experience of meaning is like falling in love or hate - ultimately it's not a matter of choice. You just do or you don't, due to innumerable unknown and unconscious conditions. And once you've had the best the world has to offer - and it was still fairly lame, there's not much else to go on. Tbqh the Buddha nailed it. Life is dukkha, intrinsically unsatisfactory, transitory and there's not even a real permanent self in the normal sense to cling to.
You sure you dont have depression bruh?
I fully plan to live forever, or at least for a few thousand years.
I think it's a realistic possibility that every zoomer will have that option in their lifetimes.
Now when people have forgotten all about pizzagate I bet there's plenty of foreskins once again available to keep him alive for a hundred more years
>Death comes for us all one day
yep. and life's about the journey, not the destination. When we die, we die. Nothing after that. nada, nothing, zilch. so stop worrying about your death and live your life however you want to.
>money doesn't matter
money is a medium of exchange (fuck keynesians this is all it is. it doesn't need to have any inherent value.). It allows you to do shit in this world. of course it matters. The more you have the more fun you can do.
looks like two eyes, a human one and a small demon one, wtf guys
Tfw doomer
You know designer babies are a thing in the near future. Guess what? Nobody wants a baby with black skin. The humans of the future will be quite different from any of the current races. Maybe even new races will form. The negroid will be a thing of the past in the next 100 years. But im pretty sure there will still be white/brown people. As long as we use these bodies of flesh.
>Nothing after that. nada, nothing, zilch
Unironically believes this
creating black for cuckoldry recreational
what's this larping aids
we ve got adamantium resistance at 100yo. if wealthy will break that resistance and make it their support, it might result in revolution, that will be truly hard to stop, unless brainwashing advances faster than life prolongation. i guess?
>Money doesn't matter
Untill you're on the street.
nightmare fuel, the fake uncanny valley teeth are the dot over the i
>you were born in the last generation to die before aging was cured
you are just a slave to your own limitations. like it or not, aging is a disease and apparently can be treated.
not wanting to age is different than not wanting to die. everyone will die in the end, whether from a disease, an accident, a catastrophe, a murderer. but why would anyone ever want to die from something as disgusting and ugly as aging? ever saw an old guy with advanced dementia?
if you get bored of living you can simply euthanize yourself. if aging is cured i'm sure suicide will stop being such a taboo.
>Death comes for us all one day. Even this billionaire couldn't live forever.
Just because you die doesn't mean money doesn't matter. It just means that money is preferable.
we are already immortal actually just some of us chose to go in the reincarnation cycles.
theres only two options, risk ur life in the reincarnation cycles or believe in jesus and cross over
Living forever sounds like a drag.
Don't you want your misery to fucking end?
Money does matter. Look at this billionaire who died with a smile married to this sweet southern hottie.
Compare that to bitter /biz incels and neets
True... true... you might stop the biological death process, but you won't stop that car from hitting you sooner or later, or that nasty fall that breaks your neck, or that defective toaster from frying you.
Does he take statins? How old is he? Does he take lots of sugars and/or carbs and not much meat/eggs/dairy?
Try to get him off statins ASAP if he takes them. That shit causes most cases of dementia in modern society. The statistical correlation of statins and brain dysfunction/dementia is very high in people in the old age. The brain and nervous system needs cholesterol and saturated fat to regenerate and repair itself.
Trust me user, this is some advice I wish I had when my dad was still alive. A bunch of meat and eggs per week could have unironically made him live 5-10 years more.
Wait, no. Don't trust me. Just DYOR and you'll see it for yourself. It is never too late. I hope he get better.