EOS usage is dominating real world blockchain usage. Why haven't you gone all in yet?
EOS usage is dominating real world blockchain usage. Why haven't you gone all in yet?
EOS isn't a blockchain bud
I don't get the image? EOS looks good with no substance and only gets worse with age?
yeah, a better analogy would be eos = bidet
but a bidet is actually useful...
Would you rather wipe your ass with dollar bills or let a 9.3/10 lick it clean? That's what I thot.
ah, got it. EOS is still trash and so is the image
It's amazing how many biztards don't understand this meme.
EOS is already dead
Better do some actual research you brainlet. EOS usage is nearly 4x all other chains combined.
Haven't sold a single EOS. $100 soon
sorry your esoteric memes don't make any sense
Retard, you dyor and don't repeat after others words for once.
I earned 400 eos swingtrading link. Comfy.
Facts are facts you dumb shit.
If you knew anything about code you would realize EOS is absolute fucking shit. In all honesty, TRX is better kek
Based bidet poster
Tron? Please KYS.
Nah EOS is definetly the king of Dpos, Tron is almost bitconnect tier.
>He thinks the volume is real
It’s verifiable. It’s all gambling.
>he thinks it's verified
>he thinks he thinks
>EOS isn't a blockchain bud
Its a blockchain.
The lightning network on the other hand is what not a blockchain really looks like. Too bad you BTC maximalists are in full cope mode over that one.