I’m 20 and I don’t know anything about crypto currency or how to trade

I’m 20 and I don’t know anything about crypto currency or how to trade.
I’m definition of a pleb faggot

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Buy link, never sell

You can watch YouTube videos all day long, but most the dweebs who made them and circle jerked about how they were traders all through the bull market collapsed into sobbing messes in 2018

before you trade learn how cryptoes work in detail
like you have to understand it

then find out how to avoid getting on the radar in your tax jurisdiction

and then and only then go on buy sell and post pink wojacks

mfw i'm a youtuber who sold the top and bought the bottom, mfw i stopped making videos 4 months before bull rally. mfw i made it. mfw i am signals user.

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Download coinbase on your phone and link your debit card. Spend literally every dime you can afford to on Ethereum. Go to a website called Binance and make an account. Transfer all of the ETH from coinbase to binance. Go to markets, ETH, and then select LINK/ETH, go bear the green rectangle, click 100% and then “Buy LINK”. This is all you need to know about “trading”. Good luck young one.

Two years ago some user helped me get started buy guiding me through buying POSW. anything you want to know fren?

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A diamond in the rough

you realize majority of youtubers actually did sell near the top. they just don't want to go to their audience and say we sold the top and didn't tell u b/c we didn't know it was the top. it was just a coincidence.

What cryptos do I invest in and can I still make it? Also any ways to raise capital fast?

LINK and poker

I don’t know

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If I have 500,000$ worth of bitcoin and decide to sell it, does it automatically give me my money? Or is there a risk involved where someone won’t buy it and I’m stuck with the bitcoin? I know this probably retarded question but I’m so confused

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btc has the liquidity for 500k on the order book. ideally you'd want to split it up and sell gradually so you don't cause a spike down.

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Someone has to want to buy it, but 500k worth of Bitcoin shouldn’t be a big issue. With smaller altcoins it will take you a while to unload that much without crashing it.

What’s a spike down?

make a telegram and let biztards join

why? i post my signals here anyway.

500k sell now would cause a 15 dollar spike down on coinbase pro. as in it would bring the price down 15 dollars.

notifications. easier than browsing biz all day and refreshing

don't buy Apollo Currency it's a scam

Write a script to sub to a trip and bring it into github or something (qanon.pub style)