>applied to 983 jobs over the past 7 months
>still no job
>"its a numbers game bro"
>"there must be something wrong with you"
>"hahaha I applied to only 1 place and got an offer. SUCK IT FAGGOT"
>applied to 983 jobs over the past 7 months
>still no job
>"its a numbers game bro"
>"there must be something wrong with you"
>"hahaha I applied to only 1 place and got an offer. SUCK IT FAGGOT"
The NSA blacklisted you for browsing Jow Forums.
Are you mass blasting a pajeet tier resume or are you tailoring your cover letter / resume to the job in question?
Also, lie. Fuck it, if you can't find a job normally, fucking lie, get the experience and bootstrap that way.
Lie about your history retard. Give yourself (recent)work experience. Its the only way to get in.
My favorite is the boomer resume advice.
> it's too long
> it's too short
> title too big
> title too small
> just put years not exact dates
> put exact dates
Gosh it's almost like nepotism is worse than ever and you need excuses not to hire unknowns
hahaha I applied to only 1 place and got an offer.
This has to be a larp. not even one interview offer?
sure, i didnt get responses from every resume i sent out, but i got 2 offers from the only 2 interviews ive ever done. it cant be that hard.
Same but with women.
I'm in the same boat as OP
Only probably 3-4 interviews or call backs
1 interview they picked someone more senior than me, which is to be expected since it was a big contract
2 were part time bullshit jobs and the cunts interviewing me were uppity retail managerial types
1 other interview was over the phone with a Pajeet
Oh another interview was as a grounds keeper, they didn't hire me because I had never used their specific type of lawn mower before
Shit's fucked
That's why when I get my business degree, I'm going to apply at a minimum wage job and work right away. Who cares if I'm over-qualified. I just won't list the degree.
>he had to take jobs well below his qualifications
It's only acceptable until you get your degree. After that you perma-disqualify yourself by doing this.
If you dont have a skill youre fucked, go learn a skill and apply for jobs that need that skill
try not to sound like a brainlet in your interview/cv and you might get a chance
Your resume probably sucks.
>recruiter: good news user I've got something for you!
>me: o-oh kay?
>recruiter: yes you'll be an hourly contractor working for us, this recruiting firm. You'll buy your own health insurance and get paid weekly based only on the hours you work each week especially during Christmas and NYE week you'll probably only get 16 or 24 hours those weeks kek
>me: k-keep me posted if there's any full time again?
>recruiter: lol sure. You better get going now.
>Apply to 0 jobs
>Get contacted daily by recruiters.
It's kind of annoying desu. I'm happy at my current workplace.
You don’t need a resume to work the streets
>finally got a call back
>the job is 25 miles away, through LA 405 traffic
I wish the Jews designed a better system than this for finding jobs. It's pretty demoralizing. Im sure jobs hunt you down if you're well known in your field or if you know somebody who can get you a great job. Those are basically the Chads of the workforce.
Someone on Jow Forums if you run a company give me a job I'll do anything. I will suck your dick.
I've had 6 phone interviews out of 983 applications. I worked my ass off preparing for these interviews. I researched the company, did online courses, and even tried doing some of the job to prove I could do it. I even hired a professional interviewer to practise with. All this effort for fucking nothing.
Post your resume and tell us what field you're looking to get into. Something tells me you either have really shitty qualifications or you're in a really shitty job market. Regardless, it sucks to suck
The fuck is wrong with you, I have people literally stealing my phone number from databases to call me and I don't even remember posting a resume anywhere.
What kind of jobs are you applying for and what are your general qualifications/experiences? I'd put "willingness to keep trying in the face of adversity" on there. I don't know if I could deal with THAT much rejection.
Do you have any weird appearance problems? Neck tattoo? NIGGER KILLER tattood on your cheeks?
OP here, switched to phone.
what I meant to say was I uploaded my resume on a job board with 963 or whatever vacancies, and none of them contacted me
just buy link
How absolutely jewish of you
Calling you is one thing
Getting the job is another
See my post: I get calls all the time but it always falls through when the recruiter sends my resume over and I don't have the "experience" they're looking for.
Well there's your problem. Recruiters are extremely expensive. You want to apply directly to jobs at the company you want to work at. Recruiters are effectively middlemen who you pay by accepting a lower wage while the employer accepts paying a higher cost to the recruiter. You're effectively working for the recruiter and he's reselling your labor. That's my experience with the recruiter business anyway.
What actual skills do you have though? What industry are you trying to get into? You could always try an apprenticeship for a low wage, just to get experience. It sucks, but it fills out your resume a little and allows you to get into another job more easily. Right out of college I fell ill and I had a gap of 5 years where I was basically mostly recovering. Then I spent 1.5 years working for almost nothing, as nobody sane would hire me. Now I have people calling me.
I'm aware I sound like a boomer right now, but if you're a bad situation, ANY movement towards your goals is better than none and having to deal with constant frustration.
There's plenty of free or cheap online stuff you can look at too, like udemy or even youtube has a LOT of stuff that will teach you entire new languages if you want to. That'll help you in your job interviews. Also certificates and diplomas. Because HR jobs are usually run by not too bright women who don't believe in IQ-tests.
>tfw only chavs are given apprenticeships in the UK
OP is probably a STEMcuck. All the good jobs are in the humanities, STEM is the easiest to automate.
Humanities jobs also pay 1/5 of STEMcuck shit.
Are you in the US OP? Big firms' HR deps. have really fucked you over big time there.
Are you applying for small companies as well? Some of those must still have face to face interviews right?
Data analyst/admin jobs
And no.
Fuck off imposter
Guilty as charged...
Dunno man. Even small companies seem to have several stages in the application process
>be me
>apply to more than 400 vacancies
>not a single response
>realise that I've been pressing the wrong button in my email program and all the letter were saved as drafts instead of being sent for two months
>my face when
HAHAHAAHAH darwin wins again
Just resend them?
Have you tried McDonalds?
has nothing to do with Darwinism. some people just get fucking lucky.
t. Has gotten lucky in the past but is now unlucky
contrary to conventional NPC wisdom, its not actually easy to get into Mcdonalds
Are you fucking retarded or just blind and couldn't read what he wrote ?
I applied to almost 2000 jobs in the past year you fucking amateur.
Just join the navy at this point. Get a good score on the asvab and pick a job that will be in demand civilian side.