Finland will be the wealthiest country on earth, what's your thoughts on that?

Finland will be the wealthiest country on earth, what's your thoughts on that?

Screencap from finnish Jow Forums ylilauta cryptoboard.

Attached: chainlinkland.png (1458x900, 1.77M)

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so? finland is like the best place on earth right now already. only the weather sucks maybe they will buy some sort of weather machine or something

t. kraut

ja taas tämä sama autisti joka pakottaa linkkiä, jos et pakota linkkiä niin pakotat sitä natsipaskaasi. lopeta jo.

t. profiloija

not surprising.

a good education system, no niggers, and an army of chainlink marines sounds like paradise

Isn't there a nightclub in Helsinki that only let's in nigger men and Finnish women?

>t. profiloija
Tiedätkö yhtään miten samanlaista ja samanmielistä sakkia Suomen chainlink-yhteisössä oikeasti on? Hivemind, joka oikeasti toimii hivemindin kaltaisesti. Nämä burgerit eivät ole samalla tasolla. Tietäisitpä mitä minä tiedän...

Väärin ja väärin. Eilen näin illasta jonkun pakottamassa linkkiä sekalaisessa ja myötiksethän sille keharille lens. Kerron vain föreinöreille miten asiat on.

Hauskin juttu tässä on se, että näitä normoille pakottavia linkkereitä on useampi, ainakin 3kpl

Pitänee vielä lisätä, että Chainlink olisi ihan kiva tulla enemmän ihmisten tietoisuuteen tuolla meidän maassa. On meinaan oikeasti rahalla tarvetta Suomelle... Saataisiin ehkä vähän poliittistakin valtaa tarpeeksi isolla summalla. Monenlaista voisi tehdä. Mitenköhän tästä kannattaisi kertoa ilman, että vaikuttaa pyramidihuijarilta tai että joutuu paljastamaan liikaa itsestään?

finnish does not translate well wtf google

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>finland is like the best place on earth right now already
You're damn right.
You're welcome here anytime fren!

Here is couple fun facts about finland:

>finnish is related to sumerian, not INDO-european
>finns built permanent housing right after the last ice age
>finns had agriculture 7000 bc
>the oldest fishing net was found in finland
>the oldest wooden idol in the world was found in finnic lands
>there are for example a ten kilometers long stone painting in the shores of lake laatokka
>there are more than hundred of these jatulintarha's in Finland (pic related)
>scandinavian kings descend from finns
>slavic kings descend from finns
>finnic dna has been found all over eurasia and even from carthago
>finns were the first to found america via the ice bridge in the atlantic
>finns have the most olympic medals per capita in the world
>finns are the most educated and innovative people in the world
>finns are the most blue eyed blondes in the world

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Hopefully there will be enough Linkies in Canada wielding influence to de-commie the place.

>what is a chainlink fence?

Painu vittuun täältä pakottamasta

Damn I kinda wanna move there post singularity, linkie frens and qt blondes doesnt sound too bad desu

Have Finnish people historically identified key business trends / investments before others? If not this is pointless information.

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Here you see a real russian bot
Yes, check out Nokia. Finland is the country where the mobile developing started.

That’s not an argument. That’s simply one company and not a cultural mindset.

Oh you had Nokia in the picture, didn't see before posting.

thanks fren, ive always wanted to go.

how bad would it be for an adult english speaker to try to learn finnish?

you will never speak finnish without sounding like a retard


based Kenya

Finland will never be rich. This is bearish for chainlink

>identified key business trends
>shape the entire mobile industry
If that's not enough I don't know what is. Even the chosen one used Nokia.

Attached: matrix_nokia_8110_s700x0_q80_noupscale.jpg (564x447, 38K)


>bogdanoffs bow down to the finns

This, It's one of the hardest languages to learn.

still, finnish people are socially awkward as fuck

All of them

Oh yeah I fucking hate this dark and cold winter. It makes you super unmotivated and don't wanna leave the house. Best thing about winland is I can enjoy neet buxx and not go to work construction sites.

When I make it I will travel to asia every winter and come back only for the summer. I'm so full of this shitty weather it pisses me off

Yea bro finnish women love that bbc in their cunt

Attached: clubswagga.jpg (960x923, 119K)

>when your old friend used to date pic related but she cheated on him


JFC, they dont deserve link

and now theyre all depressed alcoholics

kek. read more you fag. Linkies and Chainlink are literally getting bullied and hammered. its a meme and finnish people know it.

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You're friends with niggers? Never going to make it.

Kerropa anoni että missä linkistä käydään mitään järkevää keskustelua suomeksi? Englannin kielisissä ryhmissä liikaa porukkaa ja perseen nuolentaa. Yliksen keskustelu on hupihommia lähinnä.

In my mind the american style socialization is much more awkward than the finnish style socialization.

This pisses me off so much. WTF are africans doing in finland?? Take control of your women goddamnit and learn from these idiotic americans mistakes.

Thanks to socialism, bad politics and poor media. Too much ridiculous regulations and taxes.

Thats true and its all about the fucking weather. I don't blame finnish people for getting alcoholics and depressed when you are almost 8months in the cold and dark winter. An hero is a option for many men and women.

Attached: pekkaerics.jpg (450x450, 28K)

sounds like your country is doomed no matter what

Those are the necessary posts to keep the most retarded people away.

No man its all cool, we finnish males are very open minded and happy that these african imports can show our laidies what its like to get fucked by a real man.

We are very happy actually, its a common thing for finnish couples to get an african men seed their girlfirend/wife and make brown children with inferior african genes.

Attached: clubswagga1.jpg (720x480, 85K)

Don't get me wrong, socialism is a good thing to the certain point.

Remember to take your d-vitamins

Finland is a blight on humanity, it's a never ending scourge. Don't trust those squinted eyed fucks, they are the worst.
There are not enough possible insults to describe those tards, which unironically supports the point that Finnish people are the worst: they ruined the English language, by being the indescribable abomination that they are..

>take control of your women
Kek saudi spotted

b-but spurdo...

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how did you go from the victors of the winter war to this? Did you even have jews to subvert you like we did in (((America)))?

Glad to see you enjoyed your cucked existence. As if the russians werent enough you had to import literal apes. You absolute turbocuck

you can't control women if they have any rights. most of the western women living in cities are shameless whores.

Well yea as you might know that refugee is a big business for the finland elite so they had their media propaganda for years but its starting to crack open now when we have had hunderds of cases of muslims drugging and raping underaged girls, some as old as 10 years old.

Attached: swagga2.jpg (720x399, 101K)

Fucking this.

>invent molotov cocktails
>don't lob a dozen or four into this crowd

oh Finland....

Don't forget the swedes, Finland is the cuckiest countrie in the world. Whe have always been slaves for the swedes or russia, but now we are coming slaves for the inferior refugees

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What a shitty ugly language. Looks like a cat sat on their keyboards and typed enter

talking like a pro c*ck
commie subversion since the 50's

holy ooga booga

chill out, pics are from "club swagga" which almost immediately closed down

it's alright sven, let it all out

>no niggers
Are you from the past? Helsinki is a 15% nonwhite now, mostly Somalis and Iraqis. And Helsinki is 1/4 of the entire Finland population. They took a shit in their own pool.

You don't have to lie user, club swagga has been banging white blondes since 2013 and they sure do loath the bbc

Here is a typical finnish male

Attached: Cg_opXHWkAYtD9g.jpg (350x503, 51K)

Attached: ooff.jpg (363x329, 63K)

you would know fren

Are you seriously gatekeeping burger linkies from getting to know finnish linkies? Naureskelen sulle tässä itekseni

real men but inferior genes?

I meant superior, the tought of big black african salami got me distracted my fren.

What a fucking lying russian cuck bot is this? All text is straight from cum eater bots handbook

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finnish is one of the languages which google stupid ai surveillance shit wont understand well. too much slang and words that might mean ten different things in english.

it's a complicated language. also good for keeping simpletons such as you ever understanding it.

it's nice to know a language which is giberish to 99.9% of people

"satoshi nakamoto" is finnish. bitcoin and crypto-thing was invented by group of finnish university nerds.

Oh yeah mask the truth as russian propaganda.

Niggers everywhere in big cities and winters are so deppressing. I just want to move to thailand for the winter.

The second Bitcoin developer after Satoshi was actually finn. Guy named Martti ‘Sirius’ Malmi

Vittu miten huono lanka. Hävettää olla suomalainen

"the truth", sure Ivan. Fuck of cuck and take your nigger fantasies with you.

Jews ruined europe with refugees

Kiva tietää

they're called finish because they're premature ejaculators.

I have mastered the basics of 5 languages including Japanese, pretty sure could learn finnish easier than the average person. It's just looks really barbarian and unaesthetic both in written and spoken forms. There's no reason to learn it anyway, completely irrelevant language.

Well tell me this, why do so many finnish males end up being incels? Have you even been outside, all you can see is mixed babies with white couples.

Finnish women loath the african alfa seed, but need the beta finnish male to provide

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yeah, i never said it's relevant
also how it looks or sounds is completely irrelevant

only thing is relevant is that it works and makes google translator go full retard

Homostelu lanka? HOMOSTELU LANKA!!

Lmao Estonia is better than Finland in terms of a good place to live. No niggers, low taxes, hot girls(finnish women look like shit). Only con is too many russians.

Neither do Finns

Is that Jow Forums in Finish or a different chan altogether.

Estonia is depressing


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its completely different board. it has reddit tier upvoting as you can see

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Jesus fucking christ, you really have no idea what loath means, do you? Can't say I'm surprised though, you cuck-bots aren't exactly the smartest bunch out there.

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It could have just been autocorrect

Kek is this true?

>more north, higher IQ
>more north, more interest in Chainlink

coincidence? I think not boys

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j1df pls

I for one bow down to our Finnish overlords

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>no mention of the Finno-Korean hyperwar
Your ignorance of your own history saddens me Keijo