Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard Group and creator of the index fund, dead at age 89


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What the heck is a vanguard group or index fund



Rest in peace

RIP to Jack. If only more understood the merits of owning a ton of VOO or VTSAX

why own VOO when you can own VTSAX

one of the most important investors of our times.
he is the reason everyone and their mother buys nothing but index funds these days.

it will be interesting to see how far the index-only investing trend goes over the next couple of decades (with current complaints about the death of price discovery etc.)

F my truth-telling Gentile

Biggest issue is shareholders’ vigilance over corporate governance and remuneration. Now you have to please only handful of institutional investors with gala annual resort parties and hookers instead of making millions of retail investors happy

That’s true

Indexies BTFO. Ad-hoc stock picking vindicated as an investment strategy.


Led the greatest transfer of wealth away from the rich and to the rest of us. I honestly couldn't think of a person more deserving of an F


some bullshit that crypto is replacing

Mad respect for Mr. Bogle.


May your index funds in heaven continue to outperform the average mutual fund.

Buy the Index

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>If only more understood the merits of owning a ton of VOO or VTSAX

Yeah. Although Boyle himself was concerned that the popularity of index funds would damage their performance. If everybody does it, the market’s global behavior will change.

Is Bogle a jew, or /based/ enemy of jews?

most people arent smart enough to go full index funds

they still try to beat the markets and always some section of investors will do so, so index funds will always outperform those people and take their money

based index fund bros, taking money from individual equities investors, feels good man

I wonder about that too.
F or S?



Enemy of the jews. He could have been another piece of shit hedge expensive fund manager that just fails and steals money from people but he chose to help the average joe

You mean edward jones advisors?


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Major F


This guy was a hero who did more for the average person trying to invest than anyone. He couldve been a mega billionaire but instead ran index funds he invented at cost saving the average investor a ton of money.

Also, almost everyone here should be using index funds.


Jack bogle a great lad. F

Holy shit this is actually depressing. Bogle was one of the very few ethical people in the finance world


gonna buy more VTI tmrw

Capped. This is as bad as the guy who didn't understand buy/sell orders.

A Jew Ponzi scheme

Which one is, you niggers?

It's a bizarre paradox. Passive investing is a better strategy than active investing. Yet passive can only exist because of active otherwise there won't be any price discovery and the markets would remain permanently stagnant. It's a system to leech off rich idiots as long as rich idiots still exist.

Do you retards realize how big this shit is? he is like Alexander the great, all his "kingdom" (index funds) is going to get broken down to bits by greedy motherfuckers and everyone will sell, its OGRE

He wad most certainly based and also extremely redpilled, F.

which is fine, also it leeches off medium well off idiots. People making 60-100k a year think they are smart enough to beat the markets, endup giving away 5%+ or more annually basically straight to index funds

this is why you can make 40k a year and end up with many times more assets when your 40 years old than some dumbass that made 100k for 2 decades at the age of 40

You sped, investors are taking the index-investors money. Im in at 1.5 & when it goes to 4 dollars, the reweighting will bring it to 5 or 5.50. Then i and everyone else sells, and then we buy the reweighting bags.

The market fund might return OK, but as a personal investor, you beat that & you're taking everyone elses money.

He's been retired for decades (there's an age limit in Vanguard). The company is owned by the funds themselves. Did you not think Bogle wasn't aware of his own mortality? He structured the company in a way that not even himself can hand over to plutocrats.


You know how many dozen managers out there beat the market by atleast 10% a year on average?
Mai, buffett, lynch, soros, greenblatt, druckenmiller, icahn. "Efficient market".
I love government brainwashing.



I work at Vanguard, he really is a stand up guy. He would come to the galley for lunch a lot, especially burger day, and just sit with you randomly for lunch. I had a burger once with him last summer. I have his last two books, autographed even.

That's an amazing story. Must have been loved within the company.

It's depressing that the depression era kids are dying out. They sure knew the value of resources.


what are you talking about? 1.5, 4, 5, 5.50?

Any other nice stories about working at vanguard, based bro?

Index reweighting. So if a 1b market cap goes to 3b for whatever reason, the index has to buy it up and reweight it, adding another few hundred million. Indexes do not efficiently buy stocks and this is why they barely return the money supply inflation. Indexing is the real reason for stock market volatility. Small changes in earnings / fundamentals warp excessively when the reweighting buys/sells to compensate.

Should I buy the vanguard dividend fund if I can only afford to invest in one index fund?

No. Hold cash until the next cycle begins- ill attach a pic.

and so why does everyone who buys SPY or QQQ or VTSAX or VOO always always make it to retirement if they are willing to hold? Yes people can possibly do better but everyone literally only lives once, there is value in the guarantee of index funds becoming worth waht you need them to if you buy enough for long enough

This one image is how you can become a good investor.

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Indexing is fine- So is paying tax, buying expensive depreciating assets, and not passing wealth onto your kids and family. But there are more preferrable alternatives & 10% isn't gonna get most people there.

There's no magic answer in which fund you should choose but for the common investor Bogle himself seemed to heavily advocate in his books for investments in Total Stock Market index funds. You won't beat the market obviously. But you will consistently ride the long-term gains of every sector of the market and because of the extremely cheap expense ratio, none of your profit will be wasted going to greedy investment managers

Thanks user. I had to Google CAPE but understand it now

No worries- here's the original paper if you want to learn more: starcapital.de/fileadmin/user_upload/files/publikationen/2014_02_CAPE_Predicting_Stock_Market_Returns.pdf

i buy index funds and pay the taxes im required, im not a tax evader

i will pass on wealth to my family and kids because i make so much more than i spend so i invest 4 figures monthly, and i also dont buy any expensive liabilities, which is what depreciating assets are, because those are a meme. I will probably drive a used Civic forever, theres no reason to ever spend 10x the money on a new car when its just used to get elsewhere

Partnership and end of year bonuses are pretty damn good. Though I work as a developer so cant really show much on the business side.

Yeah, everyone loved the guy. Funny story about him with some coworkers and anime: turns out, he is a mech pilot in full metal panic and pilots Vanguard, the mech.

You don't have to justify your decisions to me. I align with them and didn't challenge them. But it is worth chasing better returns if you have the time or are young and curious.

Hey can you pass on a note to the front-end team to redesign the fucking website. Probably the biggest thing Vanguard is lacking against its competitors and it astounds me because I know a lot of smart computer scientists work there.

Ha, I agree. It's pretty bad. I assume it's on the list of changes because it runs on an older development stack, but that sounds like a very expensive budget of a project.

Well I do think with a basic sense of TA I can position and swing trade well, I've done it before, I just dont have enough capital to really make it worth my time plus any potential losses is basically me losing out on index funds I could have been accumulating

I am young and curious with the time but I dont have the capital or cash flow to waste much money

TA is a joke- Notice how the big fundies, like all-time best never use it? TA works simply because of a bull market. Your average holding time is average upswing in the market- Try TA in a bear market when trillions in liquidity is drying up. Won't ever work. Fundamental value and Growth at Reasonable Price is best way to make money.

Ive never lived through a bear market unless we are currently in one, and as such all I've done so far is keep buying index funds every month no matter what. All my purchases from what the last like 4 months are down, but so what this will all be worth way more in 15 years when I need access to the cash.

It seems like I could use my time more efficiently somehow with the markets but as you said there are limitations to TA like no huge pros use it so I just take the next best option - if index funds ever collapse then I wont be needing any USD anyways, so might as well buy them

unironically based and redpilled

based bogleheads. buying a bag of VFIAX tomorrow in his honor. biz doesn't deserve low fee passive index funds

F. Such a shame, did so much for the average american. Should be more well known than Buffet.

This late cycle, just wait for a good bear market. PE's can drop to 5 or 6 on solid banks, and many compabies sell for below their assets. Some you're just paying for net cash on the balance sheet- My family loves recessions. Most wealthy people do- They liquidate a few years before ans go on margin when stocks hit net cash prices. Any lower and takeovers happen. 10% downside risk, 400% upside risk in normal market thats hammered like the past two bear markets. Dad doubled cash in a year on bank shares. We're liquidating big & getting credit lines ready.

>move to cheap area of the country and buy cheap house for $100k
>put $500k in Vanguard High Yield Dividend ETF (VYM) paying 3.5%
>collect $17.5k in dividends each year which is more than enough to live on in cheap area with paid off house
>don't have to worry about inflation because VYM share price and dividends rise along with inflation
Combine that $17.5k in dividends with optional NEETbucks and it's way more than enough to live on. This is how you make it anons. You don't need millions and millions of dollars to become NEET.

how do i leverage? i want to buy the next recession dip with 3x etf like tqqq but smart people say that's a bad idea.

The Chad Bogle

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VYM outperforms S&P 500 and pays higher dividend yield

what do you mean by net cash prices? As in when stock price x outstanding shares = cash on hand a company has? By PEs dropping that low on banks are you just saying you mostly dabble with bank shares, or is there something unique about them relative to other sectors of the market? BAC is at 15% annually the past 10 years, C at 6.3%, then SPY at 14%. Doesnt seem unique to me so is banks just an example your using?

Is this also why AAPL presumably has a floor share price at a relatively high amount because they have SO much cash on hand?

some boomer investment shit

I've just been buying SPY and QQQ with a bit of QLD and SSO for 6 months now, yeah Ill be down heaps if we keep going bear but im at least practicing my buy and hold habits. I probably cant time a recession like you can, so my next best step as far as I can tell is to just keep buying as we go down and as we go up, then when we reach new all time highs in say 2022 I'll be up heaps due to sick dollar cost averaging, and then everything after that is pure returns

I have iron hands because I trust in myself and the markets

lol thks div boomer but not what i'm looking for


It is a good idea, but you're doing it wrong. Refinance your mortgage, or take a margin loan on a non-leveraged etf/index fund. 3x daily ones decay over time.


There's also a mutual fund version VHDYX if that's what you want. The ETF has lower expense ratio though.

Bogle was the first Satoshi

that sounds too risky for me. fuck i feel like the decay would be worth it since the market can only go up.
bruh i don't want dividend. it's literally equivalent to selling the stock. it's not free money lol

The majority of fund managers are losing though.

>Led the greatest transfer of wealth away from the rich and to the rest of us.

Someone want to explain this one?

just google it yourself about how index fund came to be

I'm down about 30% this year. Not a tad stressed. The stocks have reached their true floor(buybacks, stakeholders increasing stakes at current prices aggressively). Bank shares are an example- If they survive the fall, they should be fine in a bull market. And yes Apple is a good example of the cash example. So net cash on the books per share = share price; you're buying a business for free.

Read peter lynch's books:
One up on wall streat
Beating the street

He explains in terms anyone can understand what good investing really is. Don't worry about intelligent investor/security analysis until youve read lynch's books. Alchemy of finance by soros is a fucking fantastic read if you have the time to digest it.

You rotate between value & growth stocks in a bear and bull market, the idea is to rotate before everyone else does but not stupidly early. Time in market matters the most- I might get a 50% return, any longer than 2 years for that and I'll be torturing myself. If you nag a bargain and get a 20% return in a few months, you know you're going well.

Index until you can pick well- papertrade beforehand and check prices daily- you should have a buy/sell range for the current performance, prospects and position of a stock factoring in all variables possible.

Index funds work but they’re so fucking boring

>down about 30% this year. Not a tad stressed
lmao that's not normal bro

Shareholder yield is superior to dividend yield in a sense

Just buy the index

Dividend funds sound comforting but it washes out to the same result

Yeah, can't I just max my 401k and have fun with the rest of it?

Majority. Majority should be analysts- Lynch is the best example I can give. His run at fidelity proves certain styles of investing can outperform consistently within certain economic environments. Buffett is shit in a bull market, and FANG will get raped if there is a balance sheet recession.

Good funds at the moment would be the net short ones and long value stocks. They'll be positive over the next 3 years.

Too many funds exist today and many genuinely smart people don't take in more information than they did yesterday- I.e ignoring government policy, macro changes and structural progression towards big government.

Trends earn you money. Most people forget this.

It is such a good opportunity I am 100% in it. In the process of being sold 50%-100% to a partner on the asset level or asian companies wanting to replicate the business model. Media report can't discount billions off realestate assets on a false accusation, and all roads lead to me roughly doubling my money within 3 months.

>tfw someone had to die for Jow Forums to actually talk about the stock market

96% of fund managers do not beat the market in 1 year. And the 4% that do, it becomes even harder for them. Over a 5 year period, roughly 99.5% of fund managers do not outperform the passively managed funds. You said it yourself, you're down 30%.

how do you feel about people taking on leveraged ETFs, 2x mostly, if they are willing to take on more volatility in exchange for more returns? Im young enough to handle the market cycles, and stuff like SSO and QLD have made it through 1 recession already so I feel they are a reasonable buy and hold candidate. 3x I dont touch due to them not proving themselves through a recession, but a mix of 1x and 2x seems ideal.

Theres no mathematical REASON why SPY and QQQ exist as they are besides thats just how index funsd were first started, so theres nothing that says '1x leverage is the best' so why cant some other leverage be better? 1.5 or 2x perhaps? thats my thinking

On the one trade. My 2 month trade balances it to a minor loss of a few %. The year being 6 months in. I'll be up net 100% by late March- with 3 months left in the year.