Give me your sub $5 mill mcap bois (preferably the ones that havent pumped recently) I finna need get money in tis bih fml senpai gotta catch those 3x lmao like lmao bruh
nah seriosuly tho bru. give me your sub $5 mill coins. get some fire up in this bih BOI
xhv stands and falls with their ambitious plan of getting that offshoring done. Lots of doubters about that.. how do you see it? (i hold some myself still)
Easton Martinez
GRID+, hands down. Even though it pumped some already, the intrinsic value is x100 from the current price
Nathaniel Diaz
i have no idea how it's progressing kek, i just liked the idea when i first heard of it and hope they can pull it off.
Jack Russell
didnt the devs exit scam? no communication from them for a month+ i think.
> Snowblossom > NIM yeh i have these on my radar already.
Traxia - Literally one of the most promising projects in the whole of crypto.
Leo Long
mr bitchtits has the vocabulary to fucking destroy those people but his bitchtits overpower him to stay silent and stay nothing with that crooked smile
id bully him daily to do something about it if i was his irl friend
Nathan Reyes
>"Yeah... no. I'd have to go with a serious actor" gets me everytim lmao
Dominic Cooper
Shift, it will probably be the first "decentralised web" coin
Adrian Lee
constellation has never pumped and is trying to outcompete hedera hashgraph
Eli Russell
There are enough basedboy numales trendies trying Brazilian Jiu Jitsu - please fuck off. Jonah won't last.
Also, losing that weight was the worst possible thing for his career. He was the funny fat guy (barely funny). Now he is just a creepy looking skinny guy.
Eli Sanchez
Fantom. That is all I'm going to say
Brandon White
Get back to running and get off biz
Andrew Baker
Monetha will explode soon.
Owen Robinson
450k$ marketcap (If goes to 4.5mln, 10x)
- crosschain tokenization &identity manager platform for iost,ethereum,stellar
Rate3 -$RTE -, listed on Huobi (CEO has connections to Odyssey&DatX (he is advisor to both), also advisor @ with Vitalik Buterin. CEO is also active on conferences. this have not pumped ever yet. fresh coin
FLO is also used by Caltech's EMTB Laboratory to store over $10 million worth of scientific data, 10,000+ electron tomography samples. It's only a matter of time before universities all around the world begin storing their data in #FLO. Caltech ETDB whitepaper
But better earning potential with Rate3 for sure. 500k$ marketcap vs 9 millions marketcap.
Noah Hall
The partnerships on this thing bro thats what matter.
There are coins with less/none partnerships valued in the 100s, 200s even 500s of millions marketcap. FLO has already 4x since I revealed it to FLOchan and it's still sub $10 million. This coin is being used by Fortune 500 companies, scientific universities, WORLD BANK, and the United States government.
Reposting what I posted in the sub-1 mil mcap thread:
SDS. Alchemint. This token is extremely similar to Maker-DAO on ETH, but the NEP5 version for NEO.
Using Alchemint, stablecoins can be launched backed by collateral. SD-USD is already a stablecoin available on multiple exchanges (Switcheo and Aphelion). Given how straightforward the use case is, and how cheap it is at the present time (sub-1 mil mcap), I view it as Binance moonbait.
The only thing that makes it questionable, imo, is how absolutely shit NEO performs lately. However, I used to hold NEO and did a lot of research and am very fond of the way Da Hongfei carries himself and the way the ecosystem has grown, so i'm going to continue accumulating.
I honestly look at some of the garbage in this thread and wonder what people are thinking. There aren't many good sub 1 mil cap coins/tokens but there are plenty sub 5 that I would gladly put a shitload of money into.