Insider here. Coinmetro will go x6 on launch. Prepare your anuses if you are already in. First sell 0.60c. Buyback 0...

Insider here. Coinmetro will go x6 on launch. Prepare your anuses if you are already in. First sell 0.60c. Buyback 0.25c.

Attached: download.gif (115x166, 9K)

I've heard the name "coinmetro" a thousand times on Jow Forums but I still don't know what it is or does. That's how I know it's a shitcoin.

Just like Chainlink huh?

why the fuck would it 6x

Stockholm Syndrome in FULL effect

why would anyone want to touch this trash

I hold XCM and I would be VERY surprised if it doesn't dump after minting. Most of the tokens were sold when eth was like $800+ so I can imagine a lot of people are looking to recoup some of their 2018 losses by liquidating their XCM

hey guys, our statistics actually support a 90% dump during the first few hours of trading, stabilisation of the token after a few days to the 0.5-1 cent range.

FUU DERPZ how do you know that

I'm not touching Coinmetro until margin trading, ECTF/TAM, and the BTC/USD and ETH/USD pairs are up
If Kevin delivers these then I'll give him a chance. But the delays make him look bad

margin trading is currently in beta, should be up and running within a month

you can use USD credit cards right now btw

The only thing that'll prevent a dump is to announce some sort of FSA mechanism, COSS style. Doesn't have to be 50%, even 2% will create fomo.

only third worlders are attracted to unregistered securities

How can i buy some of this token? When is the launch?

only dumb fucks think that regulation alone will make them money

Nope. Forehead itself said that it will drop after minting before it will rise again.
You are a retard.
No. That's me.
He gets it.

24 hour trading volume is currently $17...Tokens will be worthless

>Just like Chainlink huh?
Now that you mention it, yes. What exactly is Chainlink supposed to fucking do anyways?

>Just like Chainlink huh?
Now that you mention it, yes. What exactly is Chainlink supposed to fucking do anyways?

market cap at launch price was about 50 million right? it's going to 5 million. i think most people paid 0.12 a unit. it's gonna be 0.012


Quite a foreheady fellow this Kevin

Distinctive facial feature

Where do you people even get the numbers from, it's arround 25M wtf.

The circulating supply is 300 million, so the market cap is around $40 million


seventeen blank? Not 17.000??

Shitcoin that took ico money at the absolute top of the bubble and still didnt distribute the shitcoins (that are currently worth close to $0), so people can dump them.
with the amount of shill threads lately it seems bagholders got a notice that trading will finally start.

TL;DR: stay way from it unless you enjoy being a bagholder

desperate token holder confirmed
t. 1 eth investor at 650$ which knows his funds are lost

did he delay the AMA again


Hello, this is Kevin again. We're delaying the minting until April, when we may release, if we feel like it. Please make sure to submit your weekly KYC to be eligible for token release. No update on American donors, but big news soon. Tune into our AMA to find out more big news!

>find out how a large headed CEO made millions by ripping of Jow Forums