I-is this true?

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Regarding Link ofc

What is he talking about?

Link. Didnt see anything in the whitepaper so asking if anyone has a clue.

how old are you kid? I dont think you should be on this board, this is scammer zone.

>didn't even read the fucking whitepaper before investing
jesus you're stupid.it talks about token release to keep the price stable and "less than the price of a cheap coffee"
why do you think the 1k eoy joke became so big?

This. A bunch of 4channers tried to force it as /ourcoin/ and it somehow caught on. I'm so sick of these threads.

Fyi, $1000 eoy was a joke about the 300million token for node operators running out and they could no longer keep the price down at a stable price aka the singularity. Though realistically it would take 10 years+ for them to run out kek.

Yes faggot everyone here knows this, did you unironically fall for 1000$ eoy? top kek, the chainlink cone being above 1$ beats its purpose this is common sense, because any good oracle worth their name has to be pegged against the US dollar, but speculation wil probably drive the price to 1.5$ or 2$ max.

Grow up fag. Also lurk more fag

great god i see it now

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stop messin around guys ofcourse its going above prolly 2 dollars max

you deserve to be a nolinker

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You’re going to lose all your money

actually its coded to automatically market dump tokens in order to keep the price sub $1, ideally around 0.65 usd. read the white paper

Yeah velieve me

god how new can you fucking be retard

This is old FUD
>token being higher then a cup of coffee defeats the whole purpose of the network! it says it in the whitepaper!

pls tell me where to find this on the white paper im too dumb to find it

This user gets it.
It's really sad so many nefawgs fall for the link meme. It's a meme because the token was never intended to be more than the price of a cheap coffee.

Please help, is this bait or not???? I’m fucking confused as fuck right now. Is this a newfag, bait or what the fuck????

Distributing Oracles.
Page 11 of wp

no sergeys has a incentive to get the token price as high as possible, people run more nodes fucking brainlets.

It's fud used for literally every coin. I've seen it for req and xrp in the past on here countless times for e.g.... don't be a fucking idiot and read the whitepaper

But seriously, is this fud or what I'm a newfag and I'm scared

I heard the price of 1 Link would be pegged to the price of a Big Mac to make it easier for Sergey to use them at Mcdonalds.

One of the key mechanisms included within the ERC-677 token is called the digital throttle. This was implemented by the ether dev's specifically for oracle services. The reasoning goes, using a digital throttle to control token velocity metrics allows for the token to maintain a consistent TPS unrelated to ether's TPS. The digital throttle also curtails the token from breaching $1, this allows the users of the service to get an accurate price for the service and know the collateral amounts for their contracts.

Imagine only just now realising link is a scam!!

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Omg, Anonymous said THAT??


ty for clearing my doubts

Way better fud than the two man dev team.

Sorry that is what I meant also, I know this is fud 100%, seen it thousands of times, but what I am saying is does op really believes the fud?

Fucking disgusting newfags, newlinkers, and nolinkers finally starting to question their idiocy make me sick.
Literally two seconds on google and you’ll find articles about Chainlink in Forbes, MIT Technology Review, reports on CNBC, hours and hours of talks on YouTube... warosu has over a YEAR of serious in depth discussion about everything to do with Chainlink, dissecting every last detail... there are thousands words long Medium and blog posts explaining Chainlink from start to finish...
And you want to be spoonfed a personal reply, tailored just for you? Typed out for you, personally? Um no sweetie. There’s a reason you got zero decent replies and that’s because we refuse to spoonfeed newlinkers who are too lazy to type into google. We spent a year researching this shit every single day and holding even through painful dumps to 20c. And you show up demanding info? Can you see why no one wants to give it to you easy?

You have to have gone through this experience, the months and months of reading and searching and learning, to truly understand, and to get to the point where you know it inside and out and will never sell. If someone types you a few lines, you’ll read them, you may buy some LINK, but you’ll just sell sooner or later for whatever reason because you didn’t really KNOW anything. So it’s pointless to explain it to you anyway
Do not spoonfeed the newlinkers - the ones who make low effort posts demanding tailored research just for their little pathetic low IQ queries.

The word coffee does not exist in wp

How the fuck some people say that shit with cheaper that a price of a coffee??????
The word coffee does not exist in the White Paper, you morons.

Attached: 1547582302001.png (400x414, 287K)

You probably are reading the v1 version of the whitepaper user. You have to read the final version with the tokenomics and price section.

binance made all of those link stable coin pairings because link is also a stable coin that maxes out at $1 at stabilizes @ ~.50cent

No. There is clearly a trick in here and also I can see it.

It’s hilarious seeing people talk about what happens after mass adoption for something that isn’t even a real product in the first place, that even if it was, nobody would even use because there’s no market for it. The number of unlikely things that all have to happen for Link to make it make the odds of the price not going to zero very close to zero.

>There is clearly a trick in here and also I can see it.
LMAO. This brainlet shows some promise. This is why you dont come into our threads with stupid questions/assumptions. Its up to you to figure it out, you already have the whitepaper open so get reading buddy.

This is why you dont come into our BOARD with stupid questions.
Jow Forums is now a certified LINK board and anyone who says otherwise can go fuck themselves.

it's not actually the word "coffee", you need to search for stuff like "espresso", macchiato, flat white, etc. it lists lots of different coffees

Chainlink rebranded from Chainlatte. Search for the misspellings.

Literally this
why has no one else pointed it out?

>and price section.

Attached: 1510641909642.jpg (680x680, 32K)

Thank you, brother! Now I see the Truth
Link is a meme but we still in this together.