I live quite healthily and have excellent gut bacteria. I eat vegetables, fruit and high quality meat, no diseases, no processed food or beverages whatsoever.
how can I profit from this?
I live quite healthily and have excellent gut bacteria. I eat vegetables, fruit and high quality meat, no diseases, no processed food or beverages whatsoever.
how can I profit from this?
advertised to npc you willing to shit inside of them for 20k
add some sauerkraut to your diet to start the moon mission
You live to be old enough to be senile and abused to death by ethnics in a nursing home
Look up Fecal microbiota transplant
yes, I've been reading fermented food boosts gut microbiome, thanks for the tip
Unless he starts smoking cigarettes to keep away dementia and parkinson's
>Fecal microbiota transplant
nice, thanks for the google search tip
>40$ per stool donation
not to shabby
daily reminder, anons, that you are flushing 40$ down the toilet everyday
I wonder if there's a limit to how much you can donate. Imagine being able to get 40$ every day just for taking a dump
Weird, I've thought of finding ways to eliminate my guy bacteria without killing myself. The idea of bacteria sloshing around in my belly is enough to make me puke. Why can't we just be androids already.
Just bought a fernenting pot. Also im german/polish so its only natural
>transplanting fecal microbiota can prevent or induce weight loss
if this proves to work on humans, this might be the gold mine I've been looking for
Work more and harder
The reason you have an appendix is to prevent that from happening.
Wtf I take like 3 shits a day. I'm not sure my shit is that healthy though lol.
3 shits a day? Shit man, that'd be like working full time at 15 dollar/hour. You could be a professional shitter
pls share tips sirs hve bad gut farting all day
>Why can't we just be androids already.
I've wondered this ever since I was 5.
Seems like life would be much easier as a terminator of sorts.
How are your energy levels.
I am tired all the time.
I need someone who experiences a life of HIGH ENERGY to sell me their poo.
Once the poor is transplanted to my gut, I will have high energy too, and be able to do things.
Basically, I want Donald Trump's shit.
you don't process your meat? i.e. cooking? disgusting.
>What do you do for a living?
>Poo in loo.
try cooking your own meals, but ingredients from local farmers if possible. for meat I would recommend veal and anything from wilderness. vegetables anything green, orange, blue, purple... mostly try eating all colors to enhance your microbiome. nuts like walnuts and hazelnuts are great protein source, but not too many as it can induce loose stool.
drinking glass of wine is good, but try to get one without sulphur inside
energy levels are great, but aside from tips above, I utilize intermittent fasting from 16-8, meaning 8 hours of time when I can eat how much I want followed by 16 hours of resting. feels good man
I like eating medium rare meat, usually beef stakes grilled on cast iron skillet. while raw can be good you have to be careful. thermal heating can remove parasites in meat and toxins in lentils for example
Is this the reason for scat fetish? Someone's so attractive (healthy) that you want their shit (gut flora) inside you? Also is it effective at all if it has to go through the stomach first?
from what I understood, Fecal microbiota transplant works that lab scientists put stool sample inside a film-enveloped pill which you swallow and the contents are released inside your gut, which allows the hosts bacteria to reproduce and enrich your gut. so,you don’t even taste poop when seallowing if that’s what you asked
aajonus vonderplanits was right
look up eating buckets of cown manure
If you are young, then you can sell blood transfusions.
It's the only real life-extension treatment there exist today, you can prolong your life with +20% if you frequently get blood transfusions from a younger healthy person.
I was more asking if it would be a good investment paying a thot to shit in my mouth. Thanks for the info though, I actually assumed they pump it up through your ass. Where to buy poo film pills?