
yeah, but watch linkies refute this

"b...b...but its insiders and i...i....institutions and w...w....whales buying ! 1K EOY SUPER STINKY !


>what is an exchange

Also what do you think will happen to the price when other exchanges list Link?

>link offered by some literal who exchange

yet another "partnership" no one cares about. stupid linkies

This is bullish for Bitpanda not Chainlink. It's like inviting Brad Pitt to a party at your house, if he shows up he's doing you a favor not the other way around.

You are acting like the poster you replied to shares your opinion but he wasn't fudding, just stating facts (which are bullish anyway). Nice try though!

Is this the Austrian exchange?

Dumbass Alert

>retail investors
As if europoors matter.

Attached: paulwalker44.png (645x670, 376K)

got your investing license goy?