>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy? Before you buy anything, stop making the general with trips, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.
Wait you actually found a broad that's responsible with her money? I thought those only existed in fairy tales.
Zachary Richardson
aaaaaand we are back!
Adrian Phillips
You are correct that CA will not let PG&E fail. That would be highly irresponsible because people need the power provided for by PG&E. However, CA will not let PG&E succeed, either. In CA, any fire started by electrical equipment is the fault of PG&E, even if PG&E could not have reasonably prevented it. So PG&E will go bankrupt every 10 years or so.
PG&E may eventually recover and resume dividends, but not for months or years.
Christopher Martin
please delete
Eli Clark
kek Call TDA customer service and ask her on a date
Christian Clark
They want to let them fail, but enough people realize that you literally cant let the only electricty provider for half the state fail, break the power grid, and then have no recourse for paying back the people impacted by the fires. They also cant let a bunch of idiots take control of the grid by 'nationalizing' it just to spite the company, since that'd be a recipe for 10x worse wildfires with the state themselves being held liable next year.
>wait a week or two They're going through bankruptcy procedures on the 28th. Enough people will realize what the jig is by then. I'd get in now, or at least set some limit orders. We'll probably test a $4 bottom at worst over the next week, assuming we havent tested the true bottom already. Then its largely just gonna move upward from there.
Josiah Russell
They can be a good stock for short-term and mid-term gains
William Johnson
>short term gains the hedge funds are all busy selling a chuck of their holdings daily, there are no short term gains
They're also getting delisted from the S&P soon. A bunch of ETFs are going to sell their shares too
Jackson Powell
go all in bro
Lincoln Robinson
Bears are back in town, look at the price movement.
Brandon Taylor
MDA pump incoming on Binance, look at the depth!
Isaiah Collins
QLD and SSO lets go boys, 2x is the patrician leverage
keep up or get left behind with your boomer shit
Grayson Jenkins
I would say up until the 28th you could use PCG for some nice proft by shorting it then afterwards maybe buy it because i'm 95% sure commiefornia won't let it fall and it will quickly rebound
>tfw missed the dip on amd even though I had it all planned out
I had a put option open on AMD to cover my buy at $19.00 just in case I was wrong.
I put in my order to buy at $19.03, but had insufficient funds and my fucking broker is dog shit enough to allow you to place orders like this in the first place. Then the order was rejected and didn't even state why.
Now I missed the dip, AND didn't sell my put options.
what's your favorite hz? 440 A? that's too high imo.
Kevin Barnes
I'm glad to see this thread getting back into meme pump and dumps, we went boomer for about a year >LCI >MGNA >other random shit So happy, we're all going to make it
Threadly reminder that companies who participate in share buy-backs and dividends are not your friends as they have given up on ideas of ways to grow their business through their working capital.
or they're trying to get cash away from chickenhead ceo's on frivolous projects
Isaiah Gomez
Based. SPYB is an index that tracks buy back stocks, and you can see it significantly under preform the overall market
Isaac Fisher
Based and saved I've seen people on here talking about 270 being long term resistance, maybe we'll see some volatility around that point
Michael Lopez
Lol fuck their buisness. They need to pay me my Cut of the crop or I walk
Dylan Barnes
reminder to open an IRA for 2019 reminder you can still open an IRA for 2018 until April
Parker Clark
I was getting real tired of this thread talking about lame boomer stocks and indexs.. Jesus Christ it's like every opened a brokerage account and started watching jim Cramer and reading seeking alpha thinking they are now masters of the market buying GE... incredible really
Bentley Mitchell
reminder hoarding the cash instead of distributing it to shareholders in the form of dividends is more tax efficient.
Juan Kelly
I don't give a fuck how the company is taxed, I need my divvy gibs you filthy communist checked. admittedly most of my portfolio is still boomer, but adding memes is important
Tyler Reed
Dont care, just make the price go up, give me money
Camden Roberts
why are you holding bags? just take the optionspill and bet that basedbois wont sell their bags and dab on them.
Dylan Lewis
Where is a good place to open one? No idea why I haven't done this yet.
Luis Ortiz
maxing my 18 and 19 ROTHs soon, pure VTSAX. You got any issues with that if im in my mid 20s?
Anthony Martinez
What was your conclusion after your DD? All of it seems absolutely garbage to me.
If they don't pay you the dividend they can use that money to make even more money. You're just going to blow it on trap hookers and cough syrup with codeine.
>If they don't pay you the dividend they can use that money to make even more money.
Sounds like a them problem and not a me problem. Fuck you, pay me or you are gonna get cratered like GE.
Owen Bailey
vanguard is the classic among enthusiasts (RIP Bogle). fidelity if you want to go the boomercore route. your bank probably supports it if you just want convenience. always check expense ratios. very fine if you're willing to accept the risk. keep in mind tax efficiency of your accounts though.
Eli Russell
Ethan Morgan
Just hopping in this thread to say YOU WILL MAKE IT. You just have to keep trying, keep improving, and be kind to yourself.
Brandon Price
Making any money at all whatsoever is less tax efficient than making nothing.
Jose Bailey
Bogle was a massive faggot that cost 1000's of mutual fund managers hundreds of billions in fees over the years.
There's bullet proof glass resistance at the $262 and no real support level until we get down to the $210s
Luke Russell
this is the beginning of the end user
Colton Scott
i think Netflix is gonna moon and pump us In 2015 the first correction had a 1 month that was double what we have experience so far, it could happen again and SPY goes to 280 this month
isnt ROTH basically the best option every tax year up to the maximum for damn near everybody? I make sub 50k annually so i will pay low taxes on my contributions, and will be using more than I currently do per year in retirement. current < future pay means that ROTH is ideal yes?
Landon Roberts
News? All of my shit just lit up in an instant.
Brayden Cooper
I wish equities values fall to one tenth the price they currently are now in the next two weeks.
Take the Yolo 420 meme stock pill: SMG (official company of /smg/) MRMD ACB IIPR KSHB
Put these memes in your portfolio and smoke it :^)
Jaxson Anderson
Owen Sanders
Hey did ya'll see this shit? An autist on WSB managed to get a naked ~250K in box spreads on Robinhood. Robinhood once again setting themselves up for a lawsuit; the dumb fucks sent an email out (check for yours) declaring they closed box spreads due to undisclosed risks. And they closed his account and exited his position without his permission.
This is like when you could day trade options with a sub 25K account on their platform expect much, much worse