this is not going the way biz has led me to believe it will. we always celebrate the smallest of achievements. when really we've done nothing.
Should i panic sell?
>selling your link
Not gonna make it
no. its literally still in an uptrend and theres probably going to be more of a pump for the gosner-nazarov live POV fuck sesh this week.
sell it and buy back at 25 c
Is OP talking about LINK or NKN?
i hate how link tards appropriated this coin. you cunts are actually a cancer on society
i was accumulating this coin before it was spammed on biz. link tards are npcs who buy whichever coin is spammed. no thought process at all goes into it. thats the only reason they bought link and the only reason they now hold nkn. which ever link tard cunt decided to start spamming on here should fucking kill themselves
get the fuck out my coin you disgusting piece of shit
>Implying the god protocol would ever acknowlege another shitcoin
Sergey doesn't even bother to reply when other CEOs tag him on twitter
is this what you call the hipster faggot of crypto? Does this guy drink onions and live with his wife's boyfriend?
i would actually punch the fuck out of you if i met you you dumb npc cunt
you fucking retards are destroying this coin’s credibility with your shitty fucking memes
stop spamming threads. coin is full of fucking dumb money now. off yourself you decrepit cunt
when nkn pumps now we have a whole swarth of low iq link holding npcs who will completely fuck up the trajectory with their miniscule little pee brain trading strategies
im genuinely pissed off at whoever is doing this
Oh fuck if Sergey's involved I'll pack a nice bag full. That's what the photos mean right? Can't go wrong with LINK or NKN. Assume they're two halfs of the same coin?
NKN will pump harder and faster than LINK for sure. Just buy the NKN, wait for pump, dump and then get even more LINK
NKN was always a pajeet shilled coin. Zero substance threads with terrible memes since the beginning
Yeah they go too hard with the shilling, making NKN lose credibility, but if you bother lurking their discord and take a look at their roadmap you will think again about it and appreciate how hard they work to deliver a working product on mainnet before june. There's already a testnet going on where anyone can offer their hardware and bandwidth (or just set up a VPS) and get rewarded with a token that will be exchanged with NKN.
By having a testnet you can be assured that they will deliver the real product in the end, so I wouldn't call it a scam
its link tards that are doing it
they are depraved animals that need to be put down
pls update your investor immediately sirs
If you’re not learning bush survival skills and drinking your own pee while you wait for link to moon you’re not gonna make it OP.
i dont get what you are goin about user. i hold absolutely no link, but its hard to deny how well it has done in this bear market price wise.
>2x after more than a year of low iq retards spamming it all day is good
just kill kill yourself link toddler. link could pump 100x (literally never happening) and it would still be a shit coin full of dumb money npcs who only bought it because it happens to be the coin people on an internet forum they frequent happen to hold it. link tards are literally the lowest common denominator in terms of coin community and their very presence in any coin is a liability to that coins progress. if you cant see this you are link tard and you get the bullet to.
bet you wont say that to sergey's face
This, only if binance materializes, which I think is likely.
Sergey isnt a linktard. He hates you retards just as much as I do