Stop using credit cards

Stop using credit cards.

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I bet his foreskin is missing.

Ramsay's advice is good if you're clueless, but bad if you aren't.

Yeah getting free money back sucks I hate it

His advice is for morons but some of the phonecalls he recieves are kino watching him tell some Shaniqa that no she can't drive a $50k car while being a student

The worst are the humble braggers and for some reason he doesn't roast them like he should.

Yeah! Getting between 2 and 6 percent back on every purchase I make plus a slew of other benefits, while paying 0 dollars for all of it is a terrible idea! Who could possibly keep thier cards paid off and not spend more than they have?!

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>*blocks your path*

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He wants the people sitting on the fence to become humble braggers.By taking Financial Peace University of course.

for what it's worth you can use some niche services to get a better discount with crypto than a credit card.
dominos pizza is 6% with bch from egifter, is 5% with btc or bch. There are other giftcards with varying discounts but to me it pretty much covers what you get from your consumer type of spending. For a side business where you buy inventory I can still see credit cards being mandatory even with smaller rewards/cash back. I prefer vendor credit though, and it's the answer for "but muh businesses can't run without banks." That and crypto futures.

It's scientifically proven that people spend more freely with plastic than cash. The pain associated with handing over cash is not there with a CC. Therefore, it's irresponsible

You ever heard of a debit card faggott? Nobody pays with cash any more

I pay my balance off every month. 0 interest paid.

This guy is retarded. I have a chase sapphire reserve, I get free airline lounge access, 300usd travel credit every year, free upgrades, free nights at hotels, free rental car insurance. Tons of free shit.

If your a good credit fag, get a chase sapphire reserve. It will change your life.

Your an idiot

wtf I hate getting cash back and fraud protection now!

Neither of these people arguing about credit cards know how to construct a fucking sentence.

I'm out.

A idiot who just stayed in Amsterdam for free at the Hyatt for a week. Had free drinks at the lounge. Had a free Uber to the airport.
Ya ok user.
>t. 830 credit score who runs the word.

Nice argument

fucking retard. first off, cashback inky applies to certain things at certain times if year. groceris in Q1 for example. Second, they charge interesr based on your AVERAGE MONTHLY BALANCE. So if you buy something on the first of the month and pay it off on the 30th, you had a negative balance going for 28 DAYS. So the average balance will be in the NEGATIVE.

>Ya ok user.
>>t. 830 credit score who runs the word.
Pfffft. Ironic.

>A idiot

I'm throroughly convinced that both my parents and my boomer co-workers are up their eyes in debt no thanks to paying everything in credit cards. I'm sticking with cash for the rest of my life.

Seek help

Your wrong. Chase sapphire reserve. I get 2-4K in free shit after paying net $150usd.

>3x points on food and travel
>2x points on everything else

i bet you didt read the fucking fine orint though.

upboat, me too reserve fren me too.

Ramsay is fundamentally flawed with his advice.

If two people both spend $2000 a month on bills, food, etc, the person paying with a credit card will be better off than the person paying with cash, all other things being equal. And that's not even talking about the retarded travel points and other shit. You literally just get 2-5% returns back on every payment, so there is no downside to it.

Just because some people are retards with credit doesn't mean credit should always be avoided like the plague.

See you at the airport lounge fren. Drinks are on me

It’s sad “hurr durr credit cards stupid” immature neets don’t understand how beneficial a good cc can be.

If you need a loan to get rich you are objectively low IQ. Also read the Bible dumb ass

you didnt read the fine print and you probably lost like thousands of dollars via interest to get that card to begin with. they dont give away money lol u cunt

Sign up for chase reserve, 50k point worth about 5k in plane tickets. All because I have 800+ credit score. Cash is for plebs

>Paying interest and believes he's getting free shit

Typical usury victim. I guess you're best kind of goy, the one that doesn't realize he's paying for all of those flights and free drinks.

>having to buy shit on credit
>brags about his good goy score instead of being rich enough to trash it for shits and giggles

This has got to be a troll.

If you pay it off every month, you're charged 0 interest. You can read your balance, look at all your transactions, add them up, and confirm that you're literally just paying off what you bought that month.

This is true of every credit card. Are you twelve?

>/biz is literally retarded enough to not understand that if you pay your card before the end of the month/cycle you pay 0 interest

Honestly biz, how fucking stupid are you .

Idiots in this thread that have no idea how credit card rewards work. If you pay off your balance every month, you pay no interest. Its the idiots that carry a balance paying 25% interest that pay for people like me who pay off their balance every month.

Thats not how it works. It calculated by monthly average. So if youre in debt for 99% of the month, you pay 99% of whatever your iterest rate is. Read the fine lrint, idiots.

Also to get a good credit acore you have to pay off interest. If you never pay any interest your score remains yhe same

Serious? Like for real for real?

Hurrrr dueeeerrrereeeeeerrrrrrr

You dont know what its like to be poor, cracker. Pay repeatmratuons.

>don’t buy gold.

Obvious troll, guy has no idea of how credit scores work, in addition to credit cards.

Using a credit card is just my form of giving to charity.


You're a stupid underage motherfucker. You pay 0 interest if you pay off your balance in full before the due date.


Not true, but your score goes up faster if you maintain a 10% balance.

>So if youre in debt for 99% of the month you pay 99% of whatever your iterest rate is

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same i can't STAND free money

if anybody wants my 2-5% cash back, DM me on Jow Forums

you end up spending more when you use a credit card dummy

Not true, as you are utilizing more credit. The less balance you carry, the better your score. Credit Scores are not a mystery, it's well documented what makes them rise and fall, and carrying a balance only hurts your score.

No because it's an objective fact that you spend more on credit cards than with cash and debit cards. The average person is better served watching their monthly grocery budget count down to 0 instead of counting up toward a soft limit on a credit card. Personal finance is not about math, it's about behavior

You’re the only person to understand it. It’s not about the math. It’s about the behavior of the person swiping the card.

Honestly I used to think he's retarded but this rant is pretty based.

I guess he is entertaining but if you aren't a brainlet his advice is pretty bad. But his target audience is brainlets so it is actually really good. You gotta follow the meta.

You can pay extra on your credit card you fucking mong. You can run a negative balance and never play the “soft balance line” or whatever the fuck gay shit your talking about.

Fuck off Dave

so dave I have 45000 loan on my truck that cost me 800 per month. My expenses are 2000 per month. However, I only make 2200 per month in income. What should I do?

Don’t buy a truck you can’t afford?

thanks dave

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not on all cards retard

His daughter is a semon demon.

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Seriously dude, you bought a depreciating asset for close to double your annual income. You deserve to be poor Cletus.


Imagine missing out on free money because you're literally retarded

But imagine the money I save for not spending more by swiping everything on a credit card.

But I get cash back and other rewards. My amazon card gives me 5% back.

I hardly ever use cash for anything. I fucking hate getting coins back. Fuck coins.

Been reading a lot of good things about that card.

credit cards are for women
the banks love handing out credit cards

You need to kys

It's not just about the credit. When you stop loaning money to buy consumer goods, you have to plan your savings, which helps you keep perspective of your overall budget and acts as constraint for smarter less impulsive decisions.

When I look back, I can't believe how much stupid shit I bought before I started doing this.

I second this. I have spent hundreds of dollars on Amazon because they have my credit card saved there.

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So many poor fools in this thread thinking they are getting "free money" by using debt cards.

Dude if you are a single masturbator watching anime all day no problem, your strategy is great, but the second you need to coordinate a family budget with multiple spenders then good luck with your retarded strategy. You have to set an actual limit with cash envelopes or multiple debit cards that count down to 0 or you will overspend. You have no life experience and can't see the obvious pitfalls that lead to 7 out of 10 families having credit card debt. The shitty 3% cash back is not worth the risk unless you are single and have control over every dollar of your budget

>stop getting 1% back and huge sign-up bonuses for purchases you were going to make anyway.
Imagine being this retarded.

>pays 15% more on average every shopping trip with his credit card but brags about being 1% back

inb4 "hurr durr, the average person spends more with credit than cash."

Don't disagree, luckily it's not hard to be less retarded than the average person. If you have 1k average expenses, it's retarded to not get a Chase Sapphire card, where you get like 500 dollars for spending 2k in your first two months of having the card.

That's for retarded people. If you aren't a retard, you have the same spending habits regardless of how you pay. Are you a retard? Ok, fair enough, you are, so just stay with your nickles and dimes.

Schwab platinum is all you need, reinvest those MR points my goys.

You just agreed that people pay more with credit cards than cash, the natural conclusion of which is that they are more likely to get into debt. And then you recommend them to get a credit card for a free 500 bucks which is an obvious ploy to get folks to sign up and join the 70% in debt. Can't you see the ridiculous logic here? For a website that is usually against (((them))) it makes no sense to endorse credit cards

Yeah, they do. Has nothing to do with me, because I'm not a retard. If you aren't a retard, you should have as much credit as possible.

do the needful
buy LINK, sirs

I've never not paid off my entire card balances at the end of the month. And I'm not a poorfag either. I put $1600 on one card this month.

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>having more than 6 months expenses in cash
>not having all your money in investments
>not settling the minimum funds you need to pay off your credit card balance

I shouldn’t even have to mention the rewards points and cash back. It’s like you like flying coach.

Ramsay is wrong in that you CAN beat the credit card game. Get a bunch of credit cards. Max them out. Dont pay it back. Dont talk to the creditors/collectors. Stay low for 7 years... rinse/repeat. You get the idea.

This is how you beat them. If everyone did this, it would be holocaust 2.0 Money Edition

This is how someone with a 400 credit score thinks credit works

>Get a cc suited for your lifestyle.
>Don't overspend.
>Pay cc bill every month. Use automatic cc payment if available on your bank website.
>Enjoy free benefits.
People pay their electricity or internet bill in full every month. It's exactly the same for cc bills.

hi Graham i'm subbed to your channel

I have truck payments. Should I take the truck back?

Imagine being such an idiot that you are forced to use cash because you would overspend otherwise.

>tfw live in the UK and the best i can get is a cucked 0.5% cb unless i want to have minimum spend limits

This HAS to be a joke right? Literal sub human IQ

It's not joke frendo

for some reason here you can only choose automatic payment for the minimum not the full balance. jews eh?

I haven't used a credit card in 18 years!

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