Stop using credit cards.
Stop using credit cards
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I bet his foreskin is missing.
Ramsay's advice is good if you're clueless, but bad if you aren't.
Yeah getting free money back sucks I hate it
His advice is for morons but some of the phonecalls he recieves are kino watching him tell some Shaniqa that no she can't drive a $50k car while being a student
The worst are the humble braggers and for some reason he doesn't roast them like he should.
Yeah! Getting between 2 and 6 percent back on every purchase I make plus a slew of other benefits, while paying 0 dollars for all of it is a terrible idea! Who could possibly keep thier cards paid off and not spend more than they have?!
>*blocks your path*
He wants the people sitting on the fence to become humble braggers.By taking Financial Peace University of course.