I'm kind of baffled as to why so many companies are pushing political agendas that are counterproductive to their own...

I'm kind of baffled as to why so many companies are pushing political agendas that are counterproductive to their own profitability? I thought that the one iron-clad law in business was the bottom line? So why shoot yourself in the foot? Who's making these decisions? And who hired those people? I just don't get it.

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Other urls found in this thread:


post it on pol you low iq fuck

it's because it isn't counter to their own profitability

It is though.

because these companies hired SJW's who worked their way up the food chain under threat of #metoo and now they are pushing their bullshit agendas and again the CEOs and boards are either SJWs now as well or they are too scared of getting #metoo'd to stop it.

>Jow Forumstards having temper tantrums and virtue signalling to each other about muh white male victims is bad for business
lol not in the real world, kid

I’ll explain it to you
It’s marketing managers testing the effectiveness of identity politics. They’ll see how this ad will do as a gauge of market interest in the message it portrays.Also it allows the person in charge to make a splash by creating a viral campaign whether it is positive or not, essentially (at least in their mind) moving on the fast track to a high six figures director role. They’ll shill as appealing to a larger audience but it’s really kissing ass to the top in order to get a higher position, leveraging that experience in order to go to a smaller company as a market executive, possibly president or some kind of VP, and make an even bigger salary, then leveraging that experience to get a c suite and a golden parachute.

Gillette seems to be banking the fact that women still do the majority of the shopping in the US, even for men's products for their husbands. Otherwise it seems really dumb to alienate a huge portion of your consumer base.

You’ll get the rope, too

Intersting how all the obese incels on Jow Forums are whining about the Gillette ad and calling for boycotts and then complain about SJWs whining everytime SJWs target a company for the same reasons.

fuck off back to your cesspool of a board. Jow Forumstards are equally as annoying as SJWs

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It’s the Trump model: any publicity is good publicity. Did you know Gillette is a Proctor and Gamble brand before this? I didn’t.

still mad from election night?

No I'm mad because you won't stay on your containment board.

That ad was fine though.

They're banking on the fact that liberals will continue to win the culture war. This isn't so much an ad for now as it is an ad for the future. They don't give a fuck what people think about now. They want people to study this ad in business classes 25 years from now and have those kids think, "Wow, Gillette was really ahead of the curve".

Basically the equivalent of multi-racial ads in the 1960s.

anyone remember this shitty pepsi ad?
it's not as bad as Battlefield 5 or Gillette but it's pretty close.

battlefield 5 in case anyone hasnt seen it:

fuck you, cuck. it's business related.

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>liberals are winning the culture war
Three words: President Donald Trump. Make of that what you will.


They're absolutely winning.

Go take a look at normie sites like Reddit, its faggotry and degeneracy of the kind our grandparents wouldn't even concieve of.

Attached: Reddit homo.jpg (1341x1069, 291K)

When companies approach natural monopolies or are massive multinational conglomerates, then they can dictate market conditions. Don't like their message? Too bad. Go invent your own internet. Go invent your own detergent, toothpastes, and soaps. Western governments are too cucked to do anything about it.

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It causes controversy and thereby brand awareness. You are playing into their hand by making this thread.

Really? cause it seems more like youre still mad about election night :)

Completely incompetent figurehead who gives backwards conservatives warm feels because he's a racist retard like they are, while enacting zero useful legislation or positive change. And the best part is that conservatives claim to "hate identity politics" while choosing the absolute peak of muh white male identity politics.

You know you can buy other brands, right? Better yet, learn to shave with a straight razor and never buy another one again.

You sound extremely salty. I’m not American by the way.

Probably this. If you thought being single saved you from nagging you are wrong. Women have gotten multinational corporations to nag you to death for them.

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admit you'd be too if you had our president

And this is why people will leave the stock market in 2019 and enter the crypto market. See you all at 100k q4. This is the reason the stock market will capitulate soon.

Positive. It's you shitting up my Jow Forums with your political snowflake crap

so much fucking this, these incel retards spend so much time in the echo chambers they really have no fucking clue how out of touch with humanity they are.

>You know you can buy other brands, right?
That's pretty naive. The companies are acting as cartels now. And again they are conglomerates. You are feeding the beast in some way whether you like to or not. Unless you want to live innawoods.

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how can he get the rope when you're getting the bullet?

>can’t compose a proper sentence
Ask me how I know you are American.

yes an incel meme from Jow Forums will take down the stock market. genius

Leftypol shits up the board 100x more than regular pol, but I dont see you Defening us from them

Once again, buy the durable equivalents of disposable products and you win twice: you get to stick it to the corporations where it hurts (their bottom lines) and you save money in the process.

They are absolutely winning.
Its not exactly a courageous position to be anti-Trump in public.
If some bitch comedian had a photo of herself holding Obama's severed head it would have been doubleplusbad for her.

Population of USA + UK: 391 million
Population of USA + all of Europe: 1066 million
Population of India + China: 2725 million

Most people on Earth do not subscribe to western ideas. You and your neighbour are a minority.

India and China are only just beginning to come online and there's still the language barrier. But it will show more and more what humanity really think and SJW and feminists alike will feel it.

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I really hope those godless chinks win.

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Chinese guy here. We don't really like Indians but we will readily admit that they're less cucked than westerners. In Asia, the man is king and women do what they're told. That's how you keep a community, a country, strong. You divert from that and you have all this gay tranny shit happening in the West. China just gets stronger over time and western countries get darker and dumber.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门 1989年4月15日天安门广场

I live in a western country, you mouth breather. Jesus christ.

Nice larp dude. Chinese bitches are the absolute worst. I’ve never met anyone more cucked than men from Shanghai.

>Nice larp dude

Oh, so I'm not actually Chinese? Alrighty. All I know is if China invades and starts killing all non-Chinese, I will be spared.

Probably because I said I was

post picture of your eyes

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imagine needing an ad to educate you on how to treat others

I'm not going to post pictures of anything. I don't give a single fuck what you believe. I've given you my thoughts and now you can accept reality.

It wasn't even educational. It was preachy.

wagecucks shave
wagecucks are cucks
cucks want to be cucks
make a cuck ad

manchildren from Jow Forums are not important and they don't shave anyway

This guy is right, more than he knows:
Women are the chief household purchaser of womens AND mens toiletries. What percentage of men over 35 purchase their own deodorant? Most men just ask their fucking wife to pick some up at the store. Just think in your own life, how often to you buy cologne for yourself? Gillette pandering to women is just an appeal to their target demo.

Women buy toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, and shaving products for the men in their homes. Bucking this trend was the secret to the success of Axe body spray; they actually got young men to seek out a specific grooming product. This is something that is almost never done in the industry. Check the add in my pic, who is the target demo for it?

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If you were actually Chinese you’d know that the mainlanders consider western born Chinese to be degenerate and weak. Besides, the notion that the Chinese will invade is so ridiculous as to be laughable. They have zero blue water capability and can barely suppress dissent within their own country, let alone project force outside of their own borders. Africa doesn’t count.

>chinks and pajeets
pick one

>If you were actually Chinese you’d know that the mainlanders consider western born Chinese to be degenerate and weak

I've never heard that opinion. Probably because they're little fucking girls and afraid to insult me to my face. I've been to China plenty and never felt out of place.

There's not even enough people with a wife or Gf to make up a bulk of shopping. It's all singles and degenerates spreading aids.

>posts ad from the 70s

>China stronk, they’ll invade and start killing non-chinese
>mainland Chinese are little fucking girls
If you are in fact Chinese, thank you for dispelling the high iq myth.

Using political agendas like this is an easy fucking way to get attention via the social media outrage cycle on a fraction of the marketing budget it would take to buy ad time. It's just fucking clickbait. The company feels like the exposure will increase sales, even if it turns some customers off.

There are a lot more single men nowadays.

Girls can fire guns. Niggers are low iq and kill people all the time. You talk about low IQ but you're the dumbest person here.

That's the joke of the whole thing. The culture still hasn't changed much. What your seeing now is the "woke" version of the ads from the 70s. Just convince gullible women that they can change the behavior of their man with some shaving cream. Go women's empowerment!

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>your man can be like James Bond, daring, brave, sexy, misogynistic
>your man can be a huge pussy that’ll cuddle with you on the couch and talk to you about feelings
Yeah, totally the same.

You incels are fucking idiots. Sure, the number of married men is down. But, the total number of men cohabitating with women is just as high. Millennials are moving in with each other in their 20s instead of getting married. It's the save behavior with a different name.


There have always been a subset of loser men that couldn't get laid. You and your lot in life aren't new or special.

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its not da joos most companies are just retarded and they have to hire women so this is what happens

I don't believe Trump has ever even said the word "white" before. Plenty of times "African Americans" and "Latinos" though.

I'm curious. What do people like you imagine America to be? Just like a world shopping center with a rich/poor divide like the third world? It's already not even a nation anymore.

Its because someone internally wants to sell stock, so they make you think it was a "dumb political stunt" that made their stock drop when really it was someone internal selling mostly, like the CEO having his friends sell.

I think for the time being is key here when thinking about a possible Chinese rise, because yes, the US Navy dominates. I could def. see it happening long-term, though, as the US becomes increasingly fractured and third world.

Lol have you seen the Chinese soldiers? How the fuck will those little guys invade anything? A bunch of weak manlets like you

Nah, lots more incels nowadays especially in the Tinder age, where women can be super choosey. Go ahead and google it. Results may not be because of what I think is the reason (loss of traditional morals/culture), but there's plenty of stats out there about the rise of single men.

Maybe, but China has 5000 years of history in which it cyclically centralizes and decentralizes, which is to say forms empires which then collapse due to various forces, both internal and external. They have no history of projecting military or political power beyond their corner of the world. I’m not saying it can’t or won’t happen, I’m just saying there’s no precedent for it, and they’ve had a long time in which they could have set such a precedent. Also, speaking from experience, Chinese people make poor leaders and are culturally subservient making them ill-equipped to rule anyone other than each other. Maybe I’m wrong, but I really hope not. A Chinese dominated world would be pretty shit for all concerned.

>wagecucks shave

Neither soibois nor lefty feminists that buy into SJW bullshit shave....

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it's business related retard

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This whole gillette controvercy is just giving them exposure which leads to an increase in sales. The ad was just the marketing team trying to target women because men growing out their hair is more common now so they are seeing if their sales nimbers go up when they target women. Gillette could care less about the message they just think that ad would be appealing to women.

Because muh current year CSR

Good take. Thanks, user.

Maybe in the 50’s and 60’s grandpa half the adult males(25-32) out there today don’t even have a girlfriend let alone a wife so of course they’re buying their own hygiene products.
Gillette fucked up and it’s showing stocks are down regardless of the bear before this they were holding and no one gave a shit now they took a risk and are paying the price
Play stupid games win stupid prizes maybe I’ll jump in when p&g dips below 70

the outrage was expected, calculated for, and, ultimately, designed to benefit gillette. This is literally going all according to their keikaku. they managed to get millions of people to talk about fucking razor blades for days on end, that's a successful marketing campaign if you ask me

>off by one
fucking gay

Whoa, whoa, whoa. This is a worksafe board, user. That spooky skull is definitely far too spooy to be posting here. Please, user, for the sake of Hiro's advertisers, stop this spookiness.

Have you ever heard of the phrase, "there's no such thing as bad publicity" OP? How many times have you thought of the company Gillette before this commercial aired?

based and black pilled

More women running companies on feelings not logic.

this is how three letter agencies influence the population...they plant people in major orginzations who push social agendas the idea of independent thought...now companies advertise to tell you what to think. this ad speaks to an entire gender, and aims to emasculate traditional male values so that males are now expected to be subservient, onions-loving, citizens who wouldn't dare have a controversial opinion. the problem is, america got tired of the psyops and has moved in a more populist direction with the election of trump.

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>I've been using the same mach 3 razor for the past 5 years
Get on my level, plebs

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It's not for customers. It's not for you. It's for upper-middle and upper-class progressives to make them feel good. Though it is a sign of the times that Gillette ads are now about criticizing the negative aspects of masculinity, whereas in the past they were about praising its positive aspects.

underrated and woke

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Hey, there's nothing wrong with onions.

Anyway, anyone in this thread who watched the ad and is now complaining ought to reconsider their life choices.

It's actually quite a mystery.. I think that the message they were trying to commune :
"you are not good enough. You may be doing your best in life as a man/father/husband, but your best is not enough, you need to do better." - buy our brand.

If it was "you are not good enough as you are on this particular limited area" - buy our brand. Then they would have a good message, but they went for an unironic "everything is wrong with you".

It is though. Fuck your politics (this isn't about Jow Forums shit) - is alienating a core demographic good business? Seriously, ignore politics for one second - break the business strategy down for me. Explain, in detail, why companies from EA to Gillette are going out of their way to piss off their main customer base. And no, it isn't viral marketing - I've heard that excuse and I don't buy it. When a company annoys me, I never buy from them again if possible. And again (because I know none of you faggots can stfu about your retarded, delusional, political shit for 2 seconds), this is isn't even a political issue - I'm irritated enough by Bethesda for example that I'm never putting another Fallout or Elder Scrolls on prepurchase again, just from the way they've treated their customers.

Who here unironically an SJW

>because these companies hired SJW's who worked their way up the food chain under threat of #metoo and now they are pushing their bullshit agendas and again the CEOs and boards are either SJWs now as well or they are too scared of getting #metoo'd to stop it.

Except this ad was done by a third party marketing company that was barely overseen by Gillette due to their long term trust relationship.

Pretty ridiculous ad but I’m OK with it, targeting gullible people is a profitable strategy.

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Isn't it interesting that in the other 80% of the world faggots are killed? You exist purely out of the near suicidal tolerance of whites.

Companies just get bailed out by the fed so profitability is a moot point

there are other people in the world besides whites. get over it. youre not the majority and the world doesnt revolve around you or the sun

This. 1 in 4 men is still virgin by age 26

The ad certainly is appealing to most women.

when was the last time you actually talked about Gillette, the specific brand name, in any conversation in the last 5 years?

guess what name your talking about now.

thats all there is too it.