The Gym-Chad Fitness Trainer Lifestyle is Superior

Is the gym-chad ultra alpha fitness trainer lifestyle superior to everything else? Is there any reason not to take roids and get jacked?

>Get jacked
>Get thousands upon thousands of followers
>Get a hot fitness g/f with fake tits
>Shill useless supplements that keep naive trainees back for more
>Overcharge people thousands for personal training sessions
>Get featured in promotional media
>No worries about other men stealing your woman
>Party it up and enjoy full Western degeneracy

Is there something I'm missing here?

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basically anyone whos naturally extremely giftted at something is superior to everyone else . this is the ultimate and final redpill


>just be born attractive and tall

It's tough to differentiate yourself from the thousands of other jacked Chads on instagram to get a profitable following

You also need to maintain that following, when younger zoomers get the same idea. I'm not sure how sustainable long term roiding is either

Nothing wrong with being Jow Forums, but the women have it the easiest in that lifestyle.

They do not have to sacrifice their health for steroids. They do not have to hit the gym autistically 5x a week. They only have to do so squats and basic movements and not eat too much.

Extremely shallow world, only your looks matter, strict training and eating regime which ultimately wears you down and may destroy your hormonal health and give you other symptoms for years to come.

Also in a scenario, you end up in a car accident or have to spend only even few months in a wheelchair these gym thots will not stand by your side.

Check out Calum Von Moger, his girlfriend ditched him after he lost a bit of size because of surgery.

Remember, all depends looks on this "lifestyle", your friends, clients, girlfriends, everybody will ditch you the moment you have some health problems rise. Nobody will stand by your side.

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>They do not have to sacrifice their health for steroids

NOT TRUE NOT TRUE NOT TRUE, trust me bro, trust me on this - they are roiding. All those fitness models are roiding. They arent bulking so its not that obvious, but they are roiding on Anavar and other cutting supps to maintain those really lean shots. They arent that lean 100% year round, but they do roid, especially if they do any kind, ANY KIND OF FITNESS COMPETITION. It doesnt matter if its crossfit or "Natural Bikini" they are on something.

You are right that its easier for women, but thats because theres legions of thirsty men willing to follow them.

You're right about the rest though. They will leave you once you lose your good looks. Extremely shallow world.

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roids will fuck you up.

Most of those gym thots have muscle mass of little boys even if they were roiding.

None of these "hot" gym thots have any sort of big muscularity. Some of them have some definition

Only to men are expected to look muscular, and at the same time, maintain dangerously low bodyfat.

The women can have little to none muscle mass, higher bodyfat. Only they have to do is to pose in gym sports wear and look Jow Forums

This. Any male who is a leading role in fitness industry is on steroids. That’s not to say that just staking steroids will get you results but they are on steroids. Been going to gym and eating healthy for 5 years. Thought about doing steroids but I don’t really want to go that route. Not interested in scamming people into buying worthless supplements.

>not getting trust fund set up to make profit
>not getting cryogenically preserved till trust is massive.
>not being returned to the mortal world just to be cybernetically transmuted in to a literal demigod of nano robotic machines and subatomic logic gates.
You're not going to make it.

>Any male who is a leading role in fitness industry is on steroids

Do you actually believe these two faggots are on steroids? They're small as fuck

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And who the fuck are those nobody’s?

Based and technocratic-eugenicist pilled

big size is not required for steroid use...learn from

>Steroids != Big

how the fuck are these guys "small". i swear to god all you Jow Forums faggots have body dysmorphia.

by normie standards these guys are above and beyond huge

These guys have horrible style... can’t believe they have customers

they are ripped but not big
they look like they weight 170lbs for fuck's sake. That's tiny

>that face and thigh gap on the left one

Left one (the smaller one) is on steroids. It's not his size, it's the proportions between his muscles and the way he is ripped. You can also see the ridiculously high test in his gaze.

Right one might be, might not be. A few of his muscles look a bit unnaturally watery/chunky compared to guys that size that have worked out longer and the proportions between different muscles don't really add up if he does any normal kind of strength progression program natty (maybe he has really weird routine?). Leaning towards roiding, but not sure.

Look at his shoulders and vascularity. He's clearly on steroids.
Checked. These two probably aren't on steroids. They might've cycled but they are off of it right now. No traps, no shoulders, and the guy on the right has 0 veins.

Easier if youre a woman.
For a man you need to literally be an international tier bber

No they are not, bodybuilders are but fitness thot are not.

Well, I am already prostituting myself... so let me try with Francebro.. I have a better face than this guy.

If everything goes wrong I will hijack steroids until my soul gets pumped.

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Based and gaypilled.

even the skinniest bikini competitors are taking shit. unless you can see the persons bloodwork and they are using their body to make money it's always correct to assume ped use.

Maxx chewning on steroids...?
Highly doubtful. If youve seen his videos its pretty clear hes natural as hell. Its almost sad because he has so much commitment and is a genuinely good guy he would just absolutely btfo everyone if he jumped on a cycle.

It's cringey to post your body on a forum when it has nothing to do with it

Dear favelanon, when I make it I'll hunt you down and pay you what ever it takes for you to suck my peepee and video it for my Jow Forums bros

Its me favelanon, just posted to motivate anons to be fit because even I am fit.

Hope you make it bro, but sorry to say I wont suck you off such this is one of the few things I'm really sure that I dont like pee pee and man.

kys attention whore monkey namefag.

I will end up dead anyway, as I said just posted to show anons even a monkey namefag is fit, so there is no reason to be fat or out of shape.

imagine destroying your health for money
imagine his testicles cancer after 20 years of "work"
imagine having to prostitue your soul on instagram to find customers

>strict training and eating regime which ultimately wears you down and may destroy your hormonal health and give you other symptoms for years to come.
You don't have a clue what you are talking about, lol.

whats dangerous about low bodyfat? t. skeltal

>imagine destroying your health for money
>imagine his testicles cancer after 20 years of "work"
t. knows fuck all

Guess why Arnold Schwarzenegger is still alive in his 71? Why all those people he competed with are alive as well? Because they didn't use roids. People who overuse the supplements are going to die at 55.
You can eat healthy and get fit without this shit.

Discipline and hard work is what makes you better, besides - you can find a girl without any muscles at all.

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Arnold started using roids when he was 16

Fuck off you dumb fag. 200mg test every week after you turn 50 dramatically increases quality of life. Keep your bloods in check, eat healthy and reap the benefits. Look at guys like sylvester stallone. Get redpilled and get off your ass.

You sound like an absolute dyel fag who never picked up a weight in his whole miserable life.

Yep, lift heavy and take a multi- all you need really.

t. fags who made no gains or made gains but are still ugly and autistic


>Because they didn't use roids.
alexa, pull up an example of cope

>You can eat healthy and get fit without this shit.
sure, if you mean attaining a runner's body that looks like vitalik fucking buterin, sure. you're gonna get mogged 24/7 though.

>you can find a girl without any muscles at all.
siri, pull up an example of cope

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LOL you've never stepped into a gym have you?

Kanpeo = Dachshund (Ebenki; Soejima Copic; thulium) 2019/1/18 15: 37

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The ball of the invincible jade eared shark starts if it bales! 2019 / Jan 18th 19: 40 ●
● Brain capoid goblin hume (SEX disabled!) Was sent in the song of Valve Rave 2019/1/18 18: 56 ●
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no its not. im looking at the poor minimum wage workers in the gym next door and it makes me feel sad to look into their faces...
please clean the toilet and my sweat mr. superior chad
meanwhile i spend all the money i make by not working in a gym

do you tell your gf roiding is unhealthy when she moans as her ass gets fucked by someone who's more muscular than you?
>B-but muh health, muh 2pl8 bench
Before you reply with anything, post body or else your argument is invalid.

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And roids

it takes years to get a body like that working out like 5 days a week for 2 hours straight per day. what wageslave has the time to do that?

>Gets jacked without roids
>Doesn't fuck up heart or natural t production
>Isn't ball-let mini rice

coping natty, do you tell your gf roiding is unhealthy when she moans as her ass gets fucked by someone who's more muscular than you?
>B-but muh health, muh 2pl8 bench
Before you reply with anything, post body or else your argument is invalid.

>post body or else your argument is invalid.
>doesn't post body

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These two fitstagram fags worked out at the same gym as me. She’s a womanlet (~4’-11”) and he’s a manlet (~5’-7”). Regardless of height, they’re incredibly narcissistic people. She goes to the gym, barely works up a sweat and takes selfies with other sluts who have genetically gifted big butts or good physiques. The only reason she makes money is because she’s a whore on instagram and appeals to her demographic (beta’s who masturbate to her) by posting butt shots and gib cummies pics. She’d mire me hard at the gym (I’m 6’2” ~ 230, huge benis). The guy on the other hand gets cucked immensely hard. He’s bloatlord to the max when he’s not on a gear cycle except when they go on luxury vacations so that he’s shreds (can barely put up 2 pl8’s on bench, doesn’t work for shit), then it’s right on the trenbalony sandwiches. Apparently he rents all of the cars in his pictures to give the facade that he’s a baller kek. It’s hilarious that it’s literally that easy to make money if you have relatively good genetics and know how to market yourself. It’s the nu trend nowadays considering the most popular degree of college graduates is kinesiology. Practically softcore porn at this point. They live in about a 1-1.5k sqft apartment and pay 2-3k rent for it and own zero cryptocurrency. J U S T.

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>typing all this out

You sound pathetic desu

>busted ass face
He's not a Chad. He's a Gymcel you dumb fuck.


choose one
gym-chad is an oxymorone

What’s pathetic is that you’ve already fapped to the girl in the pic

Prob a larp but possibly not far from truth. I'm ripped up too, but you have to go full fag mode to take your shirt off for insta. But if you sell your soul you can do it, take it further and cycle like these morons (gonna fuck up your nads and endocrine system) and affiliate sell proprietary mixed sand powder to underage kids until you realize you have no real world skills.

But if that makes you happy, do exactly that. The thing being a gram "model" is prob less fulfilling than you imagine. It's just so far from where you are that it sounds appealing.

Please just kill yourself. You are so fucking pathetic and annoying. Get the fuck of the biz board.

Are you serious user? or is this just a larp? Please be honest for once

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It seems like you envy such style of living user. Do you know that you can afford a similar kind of lifestyle by using steroids? Why you just don't start today?

On the other hand, there isn't trascendency and control over your life by living like that. It all reduces to being a visual whore even if you are a man. Just consider the fact that it is like light a match and watch it go out as fast as the years go by because younger chads will get your place. Yes... such a way is very similar to how a regular and hot women live... Is that what you want user?

I can consider that, us, men, can do better that being a simple link of the continous chain of — Born, grow up, fuck, reproduce, die — we can create and transcend beyond that, while acquiring capital through it.

I don't know man... if you "feel" that way, the roids aren't even so hard to afford. Get what you admire the best you can.

>Make it with crypto
>Buy and rent property
>move back to basement and play WoW Classic 10 hours a day
>GYMcell for 6 hours a day
>Your living is made out of wagecuck's tears
> Find Right-Wing wow players and create a squad
>Go full Nat-Soc when society collapses in 5 years from now

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fit faggots get big and bloated and still whine about why they arent getting gfs when their face looks like a narwhal and their flabby lifting bodies arent turning heads

>>Make it with crypto
found a little flaw in your plan user

He's talking about if you mess it up.
I messed up with overstressing my body (chronic insufficient recoveries) and it was a slow downhill for 3 years before I realized what I was doing wrong. My shits fucked but I'm hopeful i can fix it and get to making real gains.

Can you imagine the amount of neckings that will make the news if crypto takes a shit.

Dead serious. I know where they live. What cars they drive and what time of the day they workout at. AMA

i tried imagining fucking that bitch but that clown face creeps me out.

Just curious. What time of day? Do they have people who follow them around working out? How do they get those workout vids and photos taken? Do they get stopped at the gym?

Where are they based? I think in TX right? DFW area? You say they payin for like a $2k apartment lol? Thats gotta be a fortune in DFW

- 7-9pm ish (differs)
- yes, tons of orbiters who want to take pictures with them, rather strange in an environment where everyone is minding their own business lifting weights
- they have some other orbiter who records them with a gopro with the weird stability stick attached
- yes that was answered in a previous q, they really enjoy being stopped for photos
- san antonio (shithole of Texas)

This is not a sustainable lifestyle.

I'm a doc, now 30, when I was 27 I jumped on (test, NNP, anavar). Got some. bulk, shredded, ran shit to keep gynae away (raloxifene) and balls big (HCG) and ran proper PCT cycles.

Not fucking worth it, for months after finishing PCR my emotions were slightly off, libido was all over the place, and developed some gynaecomastia which I reversed with letrozole and raloxifene.

In the long-term, get fit and healthy, you'll find someone who accepts this. There's plenty of women who don't want a guy who's gasping for air fucking (tren heads) with tiny balls.

Women do take steroids. Lots of Instagram models take anavar to get a leaner look and follow starvation diets. To keep themselves looking "healthy" they get fake tits and asses. Whenever they try to pretend they aren't starving themselves, they purge the food they eat off camera. Not even adding in the models are basically prostitutes for rich men, being living toilets for rich Saudi men. I would never get a GF that's an Instagram model.

Tell me more about how you reversed gyno. How long did you those pills for?

This guy is not 5-7, he is shorter. I saw him IRL several times.

take raloxifene, 60mg daily, for 2-3m. Absolutely no side effects.
Letro will destroy your libido and make you feel like utter shit (because it's an aromatise inhibitor rather than a SERM), but will also work, via a different pathway.

Tamoxifen and Clomiphene won't do much.

That shouldn't happen if you run proper pct. Did you have a reputable source? Did you stick to aromasin and nolva? If you used them properly, none of that crap should have happened.

Besides if that was a first cyclebad idea, always always just do test for a first cycle. Can't believe I'm telling a Dr this... Lol

I mean who are we kidding here. Steroid side effects are so overblown. Women love the roid gains. Bottom line

>Is there something I'm missing here?

yes lie about being natty

this is a hilarious reply, typical of most steroid user meatheads who have no understanding of physiology.

Your HPA axis is out for a long time after running a suppressive course of steroids. Irrespective of a proper PCT cycle. Aromasin is the incorrect thing to use during PCT, this should be used on cycle to minimise oestrogen production from excess tesoterone, used in PCT it will be of no use as you're running high dose SERMs to block oestrogenic effects.

'Nolva' (tamoxifen) is a very basic SERM which alone isn't sufficient, clomiphene (you probably call this 'clomid' is more effective, but toremiphene is by far the superior SERM, but hard to get a hold of without the right connections.

HCG on cycle to maintain activation of LH receptors in your testes followed by toremifene and clomiphene during PCT for 4-6 weeks is most effective at kick starting your natural testosterone production, but it's not as simple as that. You think your HPA is then working as it had before? No. There's plenty of research showing the long-term effects on hormones can last for over two years in younger users, and permanently damages it in older users.

Additionally, I'd run 3 cycles, only the last was anything more than test alone.

with respect to gynaecomastia - this developed 6 months post cycle, after having clear bloods (normal to low prolactin, oestrogen, mid range test, normal range LH).

>extremely giftted at something
This is a fucking meme. It's an excuse to not try. People who are "gifted" still have to work hard, just not as hard as other people. God you faggots are fucking pathetic.

i fuck in 1 week more bitches than you all in your entire life, faggots

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Are they all fiveheaded slags like the one in your picture?

>'Nolva' (tamoxifen) is a very basic SERM which alone isn't sufficient
Nolva is the most commonly used and most reliable SERM on the market today. Most cycles use Nolva.

>permanently damages it in older users.
Citation needed. People make these statements on permanent endocrine damage but I've never actually seen or heard of ANYONE permanently damaging their endocrine system, with the exception of steroid abusers that go overboard with their dosages

>developed some gynaecomastia
Deca can cause gyno regardless if you take an AI. You should have known this before taking it. This is why you dont run Deca...

>Nolva is the most commonly used and most reliable SERM on the market today. Most cycles use Nolva.

No it’s not, it’s low efficacy and works less effectively on the pituitary than clomiphene. Literal basic medical knowledge

>endocrine damage never happens except when it happens
Nice one

>eca can cause gyno regardless if you take an AI. You should have known this before taking it. This is why you dont run Deca...

Prolactin induces which can be counteracted with cabergoline at low doses.

Irrespective, NPP is short acting, ineffective after 2 weeks and untraceable after 2 months, but you knew that right?



Yup, that will get you no where.

she looks thrilled

> it’s low efficacy and works less effectively on the pituitary than clomiphene
Actually, its technically more effective than Clomid, which is why you take smaller dosages of Nolva compared to Clomid. But you knew that right?

>Nice one
I've never heard of anyone getting permanent endocrine damage. I've heard some outlandish stories and rumors, tall tales from meatheads but thats it.

>can be counteracted with cabergoline
True. Hey man, everyone's body is different. You should have ran it alone without stacking.

Wait, did you just compare one drugs mg value to another drug?

Here’s a question for you, is 100mcg of fentanyl weaker than 1mg of morphine sulfate? Is 2mg of codeine stronger than 1mg of diamorphine?

sell social media likes and shit

sell at 1000% markup

Cringe, I would outright refuse to swap body and gf with him.

Something like pic related is more than enough with added bonus you dont like a circus freak

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>You can also see the ridiculously high test in his gaze

how can you tell?

Lift weights all u want it won't make your dick bigger.

I got a huge dick. Why should i lift like that idiot. That plus money is all that u really need. Which is why my efforts are put into making money not lifting weights

you're missing the part where your liver almost kills you because of those roids
getting 'jacked' isn't magic unless you cheat


thousands have already made it with crypto
but you're a little slow, aren't you, my american friend? lol

t. bitter bagholder