Get in here marines, this shit doesn't market itself.
Calling all linkmarines
Other urls found in this thread:
Not clicking that shit nigga
I'll help
Already noticing some anons in here. Thanks for the help. Now I'm wondering if its better to increase the size and add some flare, or to spam the entire page with smaller links
Let's do the outline first. I think we should aim for the classic cube, or someone try and draw fat sergey or big mac theme
Very solid idea. I suggest we move to the right where there is a lot of room. I like the linerider so lets try to keep that intact.
someone posted this in pol. Might be helpful
Im going long on the bottom to try and give ourselves a lot of room for a THICC sergey
should we just fill this whole bitch in white?
Yea, I'm gonna put a biz logo in the bottom right when I start up
Yeah sounds like a good plan.
bump for reinforcements
holy fuck i am such an autist
have none of you made a fucking circle in minecraft jesus. Dont use even numbers
dawg Im thinking about how to draw the old logo with the cube and im having trouble envisioning it.
Certified retarded.
lmao its been too long man.
Also wtf made the link logo into an octagon?
ive never been so committed to something in my life. (white squad wassup bottom left)
I think we should do all hands on deck for filling as white
Bleaching squad presenting
using even numbers and trying to make it too pointy.
not using 7x 7 on the longest internal faces is a missed opportunity for meme magic, for shame marines
hopefully we keep the thread up until america wakes up
here you talentless fucks
im fighting this battle alone!!!
Or europe comes back from work.
bless you user.
I think some salty nolinkers have made the logo into a circle. But the larger logo is looking good.
>wearing pants
every single time
Based pants poster
we can turn the "ONEY" into "SERGEY"
Can we do pee pee poo poo pepe? any artistic anons?
Look to your right, marine. Working on him now.
Looks great
You don't think I'm autistic enough to fill white blocks all night??
I'm working on a small >wearing pants.
I can help if I'm done but I'm not that artistic.
I believe in you user
wearing pants is coming along nicely
i'm writing a python script to fill in an area automagically
share it when done. Lets get multiple nodes on this bad boy
Thanks fren. The legs are a bit hard to get right though.
stop with the 1000000000 EOY
the meme is 1000 EOY. get rid of those extra zeros
should we try to put a $ after 1000
Also why am I getting so many catchpas?
which one of you retards is erasing the "1"
Goes before $1,000
do the $ symbol before the 1. gotta redo it I'm afraid.
a retarded no-linker probs...
Lookin good boys
Anyone able to do the plaid shirt pattern?
It is also strictly forbidden to place dots between the numbers
Nice work marines. We will complete this!
its shaping up to become a masterpiece. i am proud of you stinkies
lmao i was typing out we are all in this together and someone changing it to YOU ARE A MANIAC
im testing the waters a bit not sure how I like how the plaid is turning out
nice touch with the ducks
how many ducks are we going for anons?
Why is the 1 not lined up with the rest of the text. My OCD.
the holy number
I wrote the script but it's not brainlet proof. You have to install a module and know how to run a Python script without my help
The last duck is one block further away than the rest
of course, that was a really stupid question from me
kek. we still love you fren
someone immediately fixed it. I guess we really have our ducks in a row now
I think we have a few sevens too many
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?! THIS IS ADDICTIVE YOU CUNT! Also how do I zoom in on keyboard? My mouse goes all in or all out.
Stop wasting time on fixing the small area and start expanding!
got that
this is literally all i have been doing for the past hour in my wage cage
Fixed the $1000 EOY position. Fucking no one helped me, thanks goys... Looking even more good now
This. Biz can defend a much bigger area than this.
someone keeps erasing the swastika in the bottom left
Same, I just wanted to make a chainlink logo and now I can't stop.
Its really cool to see how far we've gotten. The big apu is also looking great.
yea thats me retard the swastika is so out of place get rid of that shit its such an eyesore
Put a pepe there then?
or make it into the cube logo
yea, cube looks good. How bout this one?
You’re a faggot
Nice I was actually looking for that one.
yea but forgo the red. Anything but just a plain old swastika
Get out of occupied territory and out onto the front lines!
We should extend the border to encompass pee pee poo poo
>people are still unsatisfied with how the 1 looks
I fucking love this thing
whos gonna want to do the positive thought copy pasta?
What do you want to do with the line rider stuff?
Its going to take a shitton of space and we'll probably never finish it but I'm absolutely in favor of trying.
idk, maybe just go around or incorporate it.
we are expanding aggressively. keep it up marines
wait dont expand too quickly
work with the border we have right now
Are we not gonna put the "Chain Link" text on the box?
I'm gonna close it on the top right
We should put it somewhere big
Im starting positive thought pasta top right
I tried, but there is no way I could make that shit myself so I made the box small.
I'll help you out
Best we expand towards the right. To the left we may get competition from Jow Forums
i actually dont remember the pasta by heart
Think positive thoughts
We're all in this together?