>150,000 job openings a year
>500,000 people graduate from college every year
What happens to the 350,000 people who don’t get jobs Jow Forums?
150,000 job openings a year
they become frog posters on an incel business board
They lurk biz
you have also people exiting the work force
and job closures too
>What happens to the 350,000 people who don’t get jobs Jow Forums?
They're temporarily on unemployment statistics until they haven't gotten a job for 6 months and then they are counted as "not really seeking unemployment" and not counted towards unemployment anymore.
This is why america is great, has a great economy, low employment. Great country. Papa Bless.
>55.3 million people die each year
If we can just increase this a bit more we can get more jobs and higher pay. Any ideas?
flamethrowers are stupidly undervalued. buy or stay poor
They shit post on Jow Forums
Thats why we need WW3.
How would less people increase your job prospects?
They buy cryptocurrency with government gibs and makes it moon.
Less boomers occupying the comfy jobs. Duh.
Not happening. or, if happening it won't be anywhere near WW2. And if it is, people should keep in mind how to do stuff right. Like, how soviets shorted humanity. They ordered a lot of unarmed criminals to fight nazi, basically to be cannon fodder and waste nazi's ammo and morals. It was very beneficial for soviets. Eugenics, but the right way. Why do you need those camps. jedem das seine, huh
Because I hold a degree and there would be a huge demand of people in technical skills for the war effort, I would probably get a comfy job in the home country fucking all the IQlets wives. .
Why not happening like WW2? :(
Doesn't China's rapid military developments, oncoming death of Europe, and end of the INF treaty count for anything?
A lot of those people should be creating businesses to hire the other 350,000. Too many people are trying to work for others, more people need to try and work for themselves. Family businesses are an important part of society because of this - if you don't have anywhere to go you can always turn to your father and he'll gladly hand you the business.
Who cares anyone can make misleading shit. reality looks like this
>What happens to the 350,000 people who don’t get jobs Jow Forums?
Should be taken outside & shot but they have already wasted enough resources so just strangle them.
Those 350,000 people can still be considered an unused resource. The real question is why aren't they being used? They're educated and a lot of them would be useful, but they're unemployed, its stupid. If you just killed them off you would make the overall population dumber.
>unemployment rate for all workers: 4%
don't know, maybe. china can short it's population through savage civil war and revolution.
its an obvious lie. its always above 10% because a lot of people have disabilities.
Are you kidding? After the bubonic plague in the 13th century, peasants were able to ask for higher wages because there was very little competition due to the fact that 1/3 of Europe had died. Less people = more negotiation power
Most of whom are druggies/pensioners so it has no real impact on the job market.
Fucking hell, I thought engineering was a good degree?
It's over, shits so over saturated.
that must also be why there was a huge economic upturn after WW2. WW3 when?
we could also just go less full-retard on capitalism and achieve the same thing without 70 million people dying
Well, yeah. It does not matter actually for job market, if death rate will increase. The goverment will just allow more immigration.
Also, soviets at the very dawn of ussr committed a terrible unforgivable mistake for humanity fundamentals. Soviets killed a lot of royal bloodlines, who were living good lives for generations, therefore were healthier, smarter, were educated. It was an insane idealogical massacre, Lenin did something like what Hitler would do. Nothing as good as simple practical solution Stalin chose during ww2. And yeah, you don't need a blockchain to make a life of a criminal beneficial to society.
They succ dicc for meth
t. Comfy CS wagecuck
you didn't even count how many jobs are lost to outsourcing and immigration every year. so it's probably more like 500k graduate and only like 75k actually get jobs.
>less people = less competition
reli maksu fink
>tfw ee
EE has to be an exception
>Bu..but muh 790k starting engineering job
Killing those blue blooded lizards was a good idea. The same should be done in every country with kings.
They die
impossible. unless you're saying theres a mass conspiracy keeping suicide rates low
Come join the high level programming dark side, there's money and jobs here.
they buy buttcoin
let OP be a faggot and continue think in binaries/ black and white like a fucking retard
white people are committing more suicides than ever before.
Jesus Christ
Most boomers are retired idiot
dont worry the immigrants who are capable of doing ee work will get H1bs, employers dont need to train you
o wait,, yeah worry