Absolutely anything, have an hour to kill
ITT Ask a dentist anything
Do you hold Link? If so how much? If not why?
What do you think of dentacoin?
#14 tooth had a root canal.
Gum boil cleared up.
Recently noticed some swelling and a new tiny white bump.
Is it possible the infection spread to the other teeth or is that tooth a bitch?
Is using toothpicks a good substitution for flossing?
How often to do make people get expensive procedures that arnt really necessary? How many times have you been sued?
What is a Warwick James used for?
Do you guys always intentionally cause more damage so your patients will be back?
What's the best mouthwash, toothpaste and toothbrush? What are your thoughts on invislign?
Have you hired a social media marketing agency for your business?
any good way to get rid of white spots left by braces?
>being a wagie
Infection is probably not going to be related to another tooth, may just be a recurrence of the infection in the root treated tooth if it wasn't completely eliminated. Worth getting it looked at
Absolutely not
From the UK, work in the NHS and in a kinda deprived part of london, 90% of my patients are exempt from payment, so not at all really. I guess the most you could say is charging private prices for a molar white filling when technically there is nothing stopping me doing it on the NHS.
Elevation during extraction
Not as far as I'm aware
Is amoxicillin the best treatment for an abscess, at least until you can get a more permanent solution like root canal
Why do you ask me questions about my life while your hand is in my mouth?
Is water pick a good substitute for flossing with string or nah?
Is it true that mouth wash is a meme and if you do it after brushing you undo all your work?
How many people have you robbed while they were unconscious or did you at least think about that once ?
Do you ever feel like taping someone to the chair ?
How large is your teeth collection ?
Do you actually use gloves and change them or try to re-use them as much as possible ?
How close to the genitalia do you regularly move with that chair and does it turn you on when they're so helpless ?
Are tooth implants worth it. I lost 6 molars and i am thinking of getting the implants that they put screws in
Mouthwash - if you have active periodontitis then it's going to have to be something chlorhexidine based like Corsodyl. Otherwise, any common branded alcohol free mouthwash is fine. Toothbrush - Definitely go electric, Oral B Pro 2 is a good reasonably priced one that will do everything you need it do. Toothpaste - Colgate total, only toothpaste to have a Cochrane systematic review validating it's efficacy
I'm 25 and still a wagie, don't own my own practice
If they're significant enough, restoration may be the only option - composite fillings ideally. Very minor ones can be improved with microabrasion
Yes amoxicillin 500mg is our go-to to help control an abscess until it can be treated, sometimes combined with 400mg metronidazole if particularly severe
smell my stinkie breath wagie
Is there some truth to the benefit of composite fillings over the metal ones due to the trace mercury in latter?
They're the best, most natural feeling option for replacing multiple teeth, definitely. Of course there are more risks associated being a surgical procedure, but if you can afford them they are ofcourse superior to getting dentures
Not at all, the mercury content is absolutely trivial. Composites also leach their own chemicals like bisphenol a and have other issues like polymerisation shrinkage and microleakage
Overall though, these days both materials have been improved significantly to where you can pretty much choose whichever one you want based on cost/appearance considerations
Willl a root canalled tooth ever get whiter or just blacken and die? Had a jaw injury and one of my teeth died from it, front right top one. So the most noticeable. Also how good are implants and whats the expected lifetime costs of them, Imma need about 8 of em and Im 29.
Not at all, the mercury content is trivial. Composites also leach their own chemicals like bisphenol a and have other issues like polymerisation shrinkage and microleakage
Overall though, these days both materials have been improved significantly to where you can pretty much choose whichever one you want based on cost/appearance considerations
Also I second user
I would like to know too
I know that you're not an orthodontist, but does mewing seem to work.
I noticed that autistic/asperger people that are emotive tend to have well developed faces from clenching/contraction.
Are braces or invisalign etc. effective at 27 years old?
My teeth have been crowded in the front since I can remember and I never got them, but I really want to fix my teeth now that I have a good job with good coverage.
Basically my two front teeth are huge and the two teeth on either side of them stick out. Am I fucked?
I have braces right now and im 24, they have done wonders in the last 6 months!
I think you should def get them, I love mine even though they cause mostly discomfort and brushing them properly takes about 20 minutes.
Also get an electric toothbrush if you dont have one already
I have read that abscess pain can go away and one might not even know one is present. What are the tell tale signs that there’s an abscess and treatment should be sought? Also, it seems conditions such as sinusitis mimick toothpain making it difficult to tell if the infection is in the tooth or sinuses.
thanks for sharing user. this lifts my spirits a bit.
my wisdom tooth has been crumbling for a year or so
hasn't been painful at all, just annoying
should I do the dentist meme
They don't all necessarily discolour, but they certainly aren't going to get any whiter. Implants are supposed to last indefinitely, provided proper care is taken. The crown on top though may need replacing after 10-15 years or so
From what I've read, it seems to be an adjunct to manual flossing but not an out and out replacement
Absolutely not. The principles of mewing are relevant when the jaws and facial bones are still growing in childhood (mouth breathing for example can cause abnormal development of the maxilla and lead to the characteristic elongated "adenoid facies") and is part of mainstream orthodontics. None of these principles are going to change anything in an adult, mewing is nothing more than a hustle
They can be effective at absolutely any age
Missed this question. I don't have link, mainly because it doesn't make sense to me buying a coin that's well above previous sats ATH at the bottom of a bear market. Feels like I wouldn't be taking advantage of the past year at all. I'm sure the project is good though, used to hold some in '17
missed this one too
How much student loan debt, if any?
Do you feel like dental school was worth the opportunity cost?
How Jewish is the dental industry?
Serious question
An dentoalveolar abscess is a walled off collection of inflammatory products (pus) that generally develops at the apex of an infected tooth. It will be painful unless a sinus tract develops which allows drainage of pus.
Sometimes chronic apical infections will be asymptomatic for that exact reason, and may just be incidentally discovered on an X ray. Generally though, you'll be able to see a small spot or lump on the gum next to the tooth which is soft and mobile, and pus draining from it.
If it's a proper acute abscess though, you will feel it
UK here so not as bad as it is for burgers. About £70k, which is mostly paid off
Can you fix an underbite without lower jaw sergery? Or if not fix is not make it noticeable ? Also, how bad is it to have a molar with a hole in it for an extended period of time? Any health effects ?
Why does biz get so many fucking posts about teeth?
Thanks for taking the time to answer all of these questions!
My gums are slightly inflamed at one spot near the teeth for about 2 months now, what can I do?
My gums are swollen and bleed when I floss (they usually stop bleeding after flossing for a few days in a row), I haven't consistently flossed ever. My gums are receding as well on the front teeth. I'm getting ready to go to a dentist soon (haven't been in 2-3 years), anything I should know before going in? I'm already expecting them to push some treatment that costs thousands.
Depends on the severity of the reverse overjet (the correct term btw). If there isn't a significant underlying skeletal discrepancy (prognathic mandible or retrognathic maxilla), it may be able to be corrected just with extractions and orthodontics. If there's a severe skeletal problem then you're looking at jaw surgery
It's obviously not a good idea to leave a decayed tooth for any amount of time. If the decay reached the pulp, pulp becomes infected, leads to abscess or spreading infection, then it can get all kinds of nasty
i eat a low-carb/almost no carb diet (only animal products, lots of fat and meat and eggs, lots of dairy which is where just about all of my carbs come from). I don't brush anymore unless my mouth tastes gross in the morning and my teefs feel better than ever. When i was a kid i ate lots of carbs (not even candy and soda, just lots of bread and oatmeal, etc) and despite brushing and flossing pretty well, I got like 20 cavities. what do you think about that?
At 25, u practically fresh out of school.... clean nicely experirence come with time... u might screen cap ur answers and re visit in a few year
Clinical experience*
Can't really answer this without knowing where you're from, it does seem in the US you guys get taken for a bit of a ride because of the mostly private system
Yes carbohydrates are what will cause decay and low carb diets are protective against decay. You're still gross though timothy
All my answers are just basic general dentistry, ironically we tend to have a broader knowledge of theory when fresh out of school/exams than years later when some stuff will be forgotten
I had a temporary filling the week after christmas (black in colour if that means.anything) how long.is it good for? I can't book holiday for a fortnight to go back. When I asked the dentist she unhelpfully said "their good until they're not"
I am 30, I want to remove all my teeth and get some sort of permanent replacement dentures or something that wont hurt. Is that possible?
Is offgasing from almalgam fillings a thing?
lol Why would you want to do that!
That can't be good for you.
My point exactly. U can’t be more than 2 year out of school. Reciting research and facts taught from books, mentors. Once u go into private practice.... u will change ur mind about some of ur answers today. Still u doing this biz user a service today
i wouldnt leave it more than a couple weeks
lol now why would you want to do that
>Do you feel like dental school was worth the opportunity cost?
Absolutely not. US here.
agree with you 10000%
how many dental assistants have you fucked? All the ones I know are freaks in the bed
From one dentist to another. Buy Link.
rare gatis, nice
Is endodontics worth the toil for that ridiculous amount of money?
You've leaked alot of information in this thread op, dentist working for NHS, in deprived part of London, you are 25. Getting close to where someone could ID you.
This would be disadvangeous for me, as you will be less candid in your answers, and I am quite enjoying the thread.
Details are great but make them illustrative red herrings that are similar enough to the truth without allowing anyone to zero in on you.
80-90% success rate on root canal treatment, depends on how keen you are to save a tooth
in other words pay for the root canal with a 10-20% failure rate, then pay some more for a crown afterward.
You in the EU mate?
I'm an american dental (3rd year) student, youngest in my class and turning 25 in a month, starting to wonder the career path i've gotten myself into. Seems like you guys get into the work force much earlier but I'm wondering if it's not as lucrative as it is in the States?
Yes EU here, student loans are much lower and we start work earlier, hours are also easier. But yes, not as lucrative as in the US (though still pretty damn good)
Enjoying it so far
Imagine being this autistic, he's a fucking dentist who gives a fuck
Rolling again for an answer OP...
>ask a dentist anything
>absolutely anything
Have you fucked any patients?
Where I'm from, not particularly. Mostly whites and pajeets
I'm 24 and this summer I'm getting my physician degree, AFAIK it's the average age of med school aplocants in the US of a
we start uni at 18
No I'm asking you if it's worth the extra money on schooling to go into endodontics for the crazy money an endodontist can make?
Are you suicidal? Apparently your profession is up there for suicide rates
You guys have a pretty high suicide rate. Feeling suicidal yet? Also, what is your opinion on veneers?
All high stress professions have high suicide rates. Physicians are higher than dentists
Not suicidal yet
What's the cheapest way I can get my wisdom teeth removed, they're hurting like a bitch and I really don't have the money
Get it done at a dental school if there's one within reasonable distance
Looked into it and I need a dentist to examine and refer, any cheaper way to do that?
be burger dentist.
-Borrow 240K USD to go through school.
-Graduate then pray you pass your boards.
-Get first job, employer demands you to see pedo, demands to do sx extraction, demands you do molar rcts.
-Get paid $600 a day on 1099 not W2.
-Pay 35% income tax, plus 15% self employment tax.
-Take after tax money and pay student loan now.
-Great making it as a dentist in burgerland
am i still banned
Only autists know the truth of how to navigate this new crypto-world.
Buy Bitcoin Cash.
Lol don't think so desu
Your debt sucks but your ceiling for earning is high af
i brush my teeth about 5-6 times per year and i have done this for about 4 years now there is no pain there is no smell there is no problem why do i need a dentist? 31 btw
Would you recommend white fillings over silver fillings? And if so why?
There are advantages and disadvantages to both, but these days the materials have been improved sufficiently that either of them will give sufficient strength and longevity to last without any major downsides. I wouldn't particularly recommend one over the other, get white fillings if you're willing to spend a bit more and don't want metal visible in your mouth, otherwise nothing wrong with amalgams
As a dentist, do you hate niggers?
Amalgam seals via corrosion. Resins via etch and bond. If you're the 25 yo UK dentist from earlier, my suggestion to you is still the same. Wait a few years... you'll see the difference. Without rubberdam, how long do you think a resin fill can last? irl, how many time have you used rubber dam. You're still too early in your career to see what works, and what doesn't.
>Have killer cavity
>Call dentist
>Booked three months out
>Hang up
>Call again
>Say I want an exam
>They are able to fit me in within the week
Explain this.
I eat lchf/carnivore with raw milk. My teeth stopped being sensitive to temperature/no pain but there is a weird grey/black shadowy buildup on my teeth.
I figured it's protein from the milk binding the iron in my spit, do you know anything about that? Should i care?
Also i get calculus buildup on the inside of my lower front teeth quickly, is that related to diet?
>there is no smell
HAHAHAHA imagine actually believing this
You obviously aren’t around other people very often
I'm going off the literature not my own experience which does generally find posterior amalgams to have better longevity and lower secondary caries rates, but that composites have considerably improved over the years in terms of properties and that they are far more comparable to amlagams these days than they were
Whats your opinion on electric toothbrushes? Is Diamoncare SonicClean worth the money?
The teeth are still white.
The point I was trying to make the whole day was... books and literature are worthless without clinical experience. Unless and until you see you're own failure starting to come back to you... you won't know what works and what doesn't. Looks at % of work done on virgin teeth vs a tooth with existing restoration of some sort already. Sometimes it take years before you know if you did something right or wrong. Once you have your own office, you will have more control over technique, material and tx plan.
btw, told you to buy link about 4 hours ago.
that's a fair enough point, there is a lot of value to personal experience, but I would still have to refer to the literature as the primary source of information if someone was asking me a clinical question and enough literature did exist on the subject - obviously many questions won't have any quality studies done and so professional experience is all you have to go on, and that's where it's most valuable. but i see what you're saying
i can't bring myself to fomo link no matter how many memes I see
One of my molars was diagnosed with amelogenesis imperfecta. it is brown and dirty and takes up half of the tooth. what do?
I hope no poor girl will ever have to kiss you
Buy some link, enjoy the ride. Peace out dentist user
Brace as an adult: the change will never be permanent so I'll have to wear a retainer forever, right?
Is there a permanent solution to the snaggletooth?
Especially Mormons. Lot of Mormon dentists in the US.