/smg/ - Sailor Moon General

Haha what if sailor moon got fudged sensless on a pile of money by Bobo next to a fireplace that had a decapitated Bull's head hanging on the mantle? edition

>I'm new to the stock market, what stocks should I buy?
Before you buy anything, stop making the general with trips, make a brokerage account and read investopedia articles and/or the books in the OP list. If you don't have a broker, you can't buy stocks and if you blindly buy things without understanding how the stock market works or doing any research on the individual stocks you're buying, you will lose money and it will be entirely your fault.

List of popular brokers:
pastebin.com/mrSchZPg (embed)

List of basic stock market terminology for newfags:
pastebin.com/VtnpN5iJ (embed)

Real-time market news:

Educational sites:

Free in depth technical analysis charts:

Premarket Data:
pastebin.com/y9PRQLR3 (embed)

Earnings Report Calendars:
calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]

Pump and Dump Advertising:

Boomer Investing 101
bogleheads.org/wiki/Getting_started (RIP John)

Suggested books:
pastebin.com/jgA5zTuC (embed)

past life of /smg/:

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mobile edition

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I didn't buy LCI.

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Can someone explain this "full moon anxiety" thing. Saw a user say it would make the market dump.

>he fell for the bear crash meme

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Let's get at er

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>LCI breaking even while the market gained 5%

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>bears have to resort to fantasizing about the opportunity to live vicariously through the successes of a fictional cartoon bear to feel some sense of gratification in their lives


Why is everything going down at the same time, im scared

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Whats going to be the best performing stock of 2019 and why is it LCI?

who the FUCK is buying NFLX today

fuck all of you idiots

LCI cheapies won't last long fellas. I'm down 40% but have high confidence that I will break even...... buy today!

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get on it. NBR to 9

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I feel like buying a share just to fuck with you

I cant believe Bagholder is really dead


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Wait what?

eh, I'd give it a 50/50 chance he lived

he's in gay heaven now


So... Pendulum's house?

just read the previous thread
hes either passed out or dead

Turtle Beeeaaaaach

he got tired of bagholding, bgfv, lci and nak so he finally decided to end it all

Mobile posting, someone give me a brief overview? He pound a bottle of 151 like shoenice?

Bears actually on suicide watch

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Shame, he was going to make it with NAK they are going to the industry leaders in intergalactic 4th dimension moon mining (pending permits)

he wanted to OD on heroin but he probably didn't shoot up the whole thing

It was pretty obvious that it was going to happen eventually, tho
He's spooning his dead friend in heaven now

You didnt think we were retesting the bottom did you user?

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b-but we retested the bottom in the past

m-muh unhealthy market

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>Bears turned to heroin from the all the Ls

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Who else getting motherfucking JUST'd right now?

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I got JUST this morning on IV but it was a small position

I doubt he did it. He is just attention whoring. People who actually want to die stick a gun in their mouth.

what did you do?

I just don't know what to do boys.

The market is defying me, and as soon as I go bullish I will get annihilated. I know it.

Nintendo is looking fucking good

not all people want to die the same way, heroin overdose is after all a pretty popular way to die pleasantly

Anyone else using ThinkorSwim having their level 2 fuck up on OTC stocks?.. i'm only showing one MM on both bid and ask side..

IQ puts at $17.75 that got JUST from the gap up. Going to expire worthless, but it was only a couple hundred. My shares are making it not so bad.

If you aren't buying absolute jank speculative shitstocks then it shouldn't matter. Just buy in and average down if it goes down, if it goes up then congrats you made money.

So the market is being hyped up from whispers. Don't get too far ahead of yourselves, bulls.

The bear is going to come back and rape you in the ass.

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They only do that to faggots. Your breath must have reaked of cock while you were making your trade. Delete your account

Poppa Powell will make everything go down again in March.

Never buy weed stocks
Never buy video game stocks
Never buy Chinese stocks

Not really. If you're not used to shooting up heroin, you get massive nausea

that was the most try hard lamest shit i have ever read on here..

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Do you know anyone who has actually ODed on opiates? I have heard it is an incredibly unpleasant experience. Obviously only the ones we brought back could say how pleasant it was so maybe thats the problem. But I suspect it is different than if someone is terminal and already in agony before they get pumped full of morphine.

Atvi is my worst performer. Absolutely raping me.

I kind of hope they get bought out. Even if it's the Chinese.

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Yikes. Although that's ore of a delta issue than IV.

we should let all junkies die desu

if I could get rid of heroin or narcan I'd get rid of narcan

let all junkies die and rot in the ground where they belong

Why buy ATVI when they're in fierce competition with EA and Bethesda to be the worst games company in the world?

>Do you know anyone who has actually ODed on opiates?
my brother ODed on heroin about 8 years ago... from age 16-18.. about 20 friends/associates died from heroin.. it was like i was going to a funeral every couple weeks.. had a friend pass about a month ago.... can't even put a number on how many people ive known that has died from overdose..... sad really... especially when you think back and go oh hell yeah i remember me and user used to do this or do that or go here or there... then realize they're gone... its crazy...

Let the goyim fall for it

Seriously though, look at a long term DOW chart. The dip in December is historically relevant. You'll need to break through 25,800 26,200 and 26,800 for the bull market to resume higher.

But Nintendo is keeping me up today

wouldn't know, I'm not a junkie

Do you manually type all of those ellipses dot by dot or do you copy paste an ellipsis from the clip board?

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Lol a whole family of degenerate fags. Lmfao

>He didn't buy CGC at sub 30

Loving every laugh my man


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fucking lmao

See you at all time highs

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kek willy likes em young

>Do you manually type all of those ellipses dot by dot

Are you from the Midwest by any chance?

Fentanyl is the druggie grim reaper

keep buying our otm puts goys

oy vey

California.. why?

Sounds like the California life to me

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I have the same attitude towards people who die of drug overdoses as I do people who lose large amounts of money in the stock market
It's unfortunate and sad, but they accepted the risk when they chose to start using
Even though most people use drugs to cope with other issues in their lives, they still have the responsibility to not let it get out of control

What's the word lately AMRS?

Damn, I guess everywhere has an opium problem. Is that the drug of choice out in degenerate land?

They are becoming a casual mobile gaming company. Sticking their butts in the air for a suitor to come in.

what a great day :)

Be patient
Their new meme 0 calory sugar is supposed to do well

the drug of choice here seems to be.... well... drugs....

Filtered, just because you're too broke to play with large money doesn't mean everyone else should be. Also, *responsible* drug use is one of the greatest spices of life.

How much money is ok to keep on Robinhood.

Once I have 20k should I move to a serious broker? RH is trading against me.

You mean the faucet?

Rest in peace Baggie :(
But to be honest, he's died before and come back a few months later

I always thought cocaine was big out there.

Yeah the sugar substitute is the main thing I keep clinging to as well. I'm holding long but haven't been on here in a little bit so I wanted to see how you guys were feeling about it.

all the homeless here pretty much replaced Heroin with Spice since its cheap and makes them zone out hardcore. The least lazy still do heroin


Duck you cunt, I hope your parents die

He's done this before. Just attention whoring.

His parents are already dead lol

it is... seems like fucking everyone does cocaine

It's a dilution machine user.. they are selling you watered down shares...

rkg has done it 6-7 times in the past year alone

spice is fantastic if you can find it

get higher than on weed while passing every drug test? yes please (even if it doesnt last as long)

weed is better though, if you already have a stable job

and of course, LSD is the GOAT drug, but its far from a daily one

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Damn, sounds like you are from a shithole part of the country. Junkies that die may or may not have been trying to commit suicide. Most of them that get brought back from being “dead” are either pissed that their high got ruined or talk about it being a miserable experience. Whether that is only from the treatment or not I couldn’t tell you. But alot of people underestimate how awful it can be.

>Duck you cunt
I agree, though. Pendulum is a ducking cunt.

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Lmao, at least they don't have to see this disappointment live