So what are you having for dinner today, Jow Forums

so what are you having for dinner today, Jow Forums
t. poor scandycuck who eats as cheap as possible to pay up debt

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Enjoy rectal cancer

How do you eat the fish whole? It's head and tail are still there. Honestly curious.

atleast I won't have to suffer for so long

I've missed you scandinaviabrah

I have gutted it. When you fry fish for long enough the bones become fragile and crispy enough to eat. I don't eat the tail though, though I take a piece of the head but not all

Not sure yet its like 1230 here.
Had burgers last night, might do some chicken tonight.

Interesting. Thanks user.

jokes on you though, this is the first time in many months that I fried with canola. I have alot of tallow after making beef bone broth, I usually use butter for general frying and also got a huge jar of coconut oil

Nothing, don't have money for food for the next several days.


no problem. Just be sure to not make the oil too hot or else it can taste bad and it also makes it more unhealthy.
I hadn't fried this long enough so the more central back bones are too soft to eat
Also be careful. You might get some bone fragments stuck in your throat if you don't chew enough. But otherwise you should be fine and it's a quick and really delicious way to prepare whole fish, requiring you to only gut it and then fry it whole. Be sure to have a fry cover as the oil will splash all around the place

huh? Who?

Because I had to pay the bills. There's around 2 days a week I don't eat. You get used to it.

not bad user.

Teriyaki salmon with asparagus, broccoli and onions. Served with rice.

I fucking live in the philippines and eat fucking salmon from norway. No rice. Why did we switch food OP?

oy kuya, this dish is literally based on fried galunggong I had when I was there a few years ago.
I also got tomato and red onion sprinkled with bagoong balayan and s o y sauce as condiment to dip the fish in

Jow Forums 2019

Hello fellow norwegian homosexual.
Ditch the rice! It's just carbs with no nutriton. Mackerel is godlike though. Both in taste and nutrition.
I would urge you to switch to a carnivor diet. You will become much more resilliant, clear headed and better fit to withstand the neger.

I need those calories from rice. It makes me reach my macros
>I would urge you to switch to a carnivor diet. You will become much more resilliant, clear headed and better fit to withstand the neger.
I eat chicken whenever it's on sale and not sold out to the neger

I mean, how do you literally plan your bill payments leaving you exactly $0.00?
Are you short on your bills too?
You know you can just buy a shitton of ramen for like $2?

I always use olive oil anyway. Used canola for a recipe that called for it but that's it.

Godspeed user. I hope you figure out a way to stay fed

You don't plan something like that. You have to pay what you have, you know. Not paying leaves you with debt and problems. I pay until I have enough left to eat but sometimes I can't. I bought some ramen today and I finished it this morning, now I have to wait. I'm not complaining, I take responsibility.

What's the yellow stuff user? Egg?

>rice has no nutrition
the entire continent of asia challenges your statement

Rice isn't bad especially if you eat it in large quantities after lifting. You could also make pasta which is better in my opinion. It's called carb loading. On non lifting days you could limit your carb intake. Also most people can't shit if they don't eat some form of carbs/fiber. Eating meat/veg only means you have to eat piles of veggies to get enough fiber. All meat diet = shitting deer pebbles every three days.

Lamb, Oatmeal and Lamb is unironically 50% of my diet. Usually I have fresh garden vegetables during the warm months.
>tfw eating like a 15th century peasant because you own a small Jow Forums farm

>eating fried fish bones

Fucking gross dood

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arent asians all tiny and frail though


Funny how peasants ate healthier than 90% of the people alive today.

looks delicious

Beetroot goat cheese soup with some blue cheese bread on the side

Protein shake and cocaine

looks very tasty! enjoy your meal. I will probably sleep hungry tonight, because I do not want to leave my room because of social anxiety from my flatmates.

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What's wrong with you, the tail fin is the best part..

you give WAY too many fucks, user. it's okay to be you.

12 ripe bananas, blended with a little water

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thanks mate, was super easy to make.

Broccoli and asparagus in a little sesame oil in the pain with the lid on, high heat.

Add in salmon after a few mins, then add a heaped teaspon of KUM LEE chilli garlic sauce and the same of their teryaki sauce. Add some onions sauce and sit fry for 5 mins.

Same time boil some water and pour over rice vermicilli noodles, takes 3 mins to cook. Drain, mix together.

Healthy, tasty.

relax user, walk out at a slow space, make eye contact with people and do that fake smile every motherfucker does, if they talk to you, think then respond. You'll be fine. Fuck them anyway.

>a tribesman in africa eats more than you
Looks like modern society shit isnt for u user

>t. retard

you should never eat farmed salmon from Norway. that is one of the most toxic foods on the entire planet. i live in norway and this is a fact. farmed norwegian salmon are fed food pellets that are made from fish that are harvested from the black sea. norway is very invested in hiding how horribly toxic norwegian salmon are. most norwegians do not even know. look it up anan. save yourself. no more than once a month... better never

hello brainfog and candida

Yeah, no. My mind and digestive system are working better than ever.

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I'm gonna roast a Cornish game hen with some potatoes, carrots. Side of rice.

that chimpanzee picture is wrong. they eat animal flesh, including other chimpanzees, quite a bit. a gorilla or orangutan would've been better.

Hei kompis, fellow norseman here. Pic related is my semi-budget food. Shrimps costs only 130nok/kg in rema1000 so I use it a lot.

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>The chimpanzee is an omnivorous frugivore. It prefers fruit above all other food items and even seeks out and eats them when they are not abundant. It also eats leaves and leaf buds, seeds, blossoms, stems, pith, bark and resin. Insects and meat make up a small proportion of their diet, estimated as 2%.

>Although the chimpanzees mostly eat fruit, they also regularly hunt for meat. Their main prey are red colobus monkeys. Between 1995 and 2014, Watts and Mitani observed 556 hunts, 356 of which targeted red colobus. These hunts were very successful: 912 colobus were killed, an average of 3 per hunt.

idk about other animal, but they kill other chimps much like human do. I suppose that where we get our aggression from

new genetic research shows that people with some Neanderthal genes are better adapted to all-meat diets while others are better on plant-based or seafood diets

Give me your PayPal, you poor shit. Goddamned.

Eating out today cause I've been cooking at home all damn week.

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i'm proud user

looks tasty AF

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sucks because smoked salmon tastes so good

Why do you hate yourself user? why are you eating that trash

Kek this guy falling for the humans are omnivores/frutariand/vegetarians meme. We are carnivores who evolved past the need for fangs and claws. Our ape ancestors were primarily scavengers who thrived on bone marrow and carcass with the occasional plant based food IF starving. Plants are detrimental to our health, although certain ethnic groups fare better than others. Humans who have Gene's which developed north of the equator (cold climates like northern europe/america/asia) Thrive and do best on carnivore diets as opposed to the latter. What this means, is that these humans (whites, inuits, mongolians, etc) are damaging their health on these fruit/vegetable based diets. The health jews will never tell you this, it would destroy the agricultural industry.

I enjoy cooking everything in pig fat. It locks in the flavor better than synthetic oils.

partly true, but oh my kek, the main agricultural jew is the meat producing one

Wtf debt? I thought socialism was supposed to fix this problem?

hot dogs

the usual spaghetti with salt

nothing. I bloatmaxxed for 6 months and now its time to cut

>not on a full carnivore or even keto diet with intermittent fasting
Not gonna make it, nigga

This guy fucks

that actually looks really good. post recipe and cost?

>Actually buying into the keto meme
>Ignoring a mountain of evidence showing the detrimental effects from saturated fat and cholesterol including limp dick and heart disease

Please fist yourself

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Lol, he thinks eating fat makes you fat and eating cholesterol puts cholesterol directly into your veins. Everyone point and laugh.

On keto like any other diet you limit calories to lose weight. It's much easier on keto because the lack of carbs keeps your hormones stable so you have less appetite.

Cholesterol is a normal healthy substance the exists throughout your body. When cholesterol builds up in arteries it's because your arteries are inflamed and damaged, and the cholesterol is there to repair it. Eating a shit diet full of sugar is what damages the arteries to begin with. Eating cholesterol doesn't go straight from your stomach to your arteries, that's a dumb cartoonish view of the human digestive system.

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>caring about your diet

what are you, a woman?

Shhh... the adults are talking. Someday when you finish puberty your hotpockets and tendies diet might catch up to you. If you ever met a woman you'd know they eat yogurt and sugary granola all day and are too lazy to exercise, then whine that they are flabby and muh' HAES.

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special diets are for brainlets. literally just look at how much calories you're eating and keep it beneath your daily limit and you're good. if you're dumb enough to fall for keto you're probably dumb enough to fall for the herbal teas that "clear toxins from your body"

>look at the teeth
A cow can eat small mouse... You gotta look at the digestive tract, ability to absorb nutrient in veggies, ability to fermented greens to generate protein, etc.
You're not a rabbit, drop the salad, eat flesh.

dumbu fucku

>not on government assistance


Having cancer results in a slow, painful death.

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also dumbu fucku
