INFINITE MONEY >go to casino >play roulette >bet 10bucks on black >if win take win >if loose just repeat with 20bucks >if win take win >if loose just repeat with 40bucks >at some point the 50%chance of winning is gonna win
It works, in fact, you should take a 100k loan and try it. After that, take ten different 100k loans and try it again.
Blake Lopez
50% chance you will lose 4x in row in 15 min
Bentley Brooks
There isn't a 50% to get black because of the green double zero. Sorry OP
Nolan Lewis
Literally just read wikipedia dude.
Oliver Rogers
I did this once with 5$ at a casino final bet was $233 or something just to break even, it hit and I never did that shit again
Bottom line is one time you will get over extended and run out of money and you’ll feel like shit
Gabriel Hughes
How many threads do we need to have about this system?!
Betting limit. Get fucked.
Grayson Powell
I did this with a kid's roulette set when I was like 12.
I always ran out of money and could never figure out why I didn't win.
Cooper Williams
then you ask all your relatives and friends for "a couple bucks" to make that final play you need to break even only to lose once more
Angel Garcia
i've worked at a casino and literally saw 25 x black in a row happen. And not once
Nathaniel Barnes
Betting cap in most (legal) casinos >montecarlo fallacy
Jonathan Robinson
^ And ^ But, is it called Martindale? Martindale does seem to be a fairly solid system, if you're a degenerate gambler.
Gabriel Flores
there was a bitcoin faucet that let you play exactly this with a 1 satoshi bet and you could automate it to do like 10 rolls pers second. After a couple thousand rolls you end up losing like 12x in a row and all your money is gone. Happened to me every single time.
Henry Barnes
Lost 2k like this. Don't do it.
Andrew Moore
This is the correct answer. House edge in roulette is 2-5% which means in theory even with infinite money and infinite time you will still lose
Easton Robinson
Oliver Carter
Wow you've obvisouly never played the wheel. Go do it and become infinitely rich. How big would your bet be if you lost 10 times in a row??
Christopher Allen
>go to an online shitcoin casino >0.01 btc >bet with 10 sats >lose so many in row I still go broke
You're not going to win in the long term.
Jayden Jenkins
yeah the point of the system is that you have extreme high probablity to get an extreme low payout. like there you paid $233 for a potential $5 gain and barely won.
Evan Moore
In theory in works mathematically ot6could work. However in reality it could never land on black again ever. Your odds don't get better on every spin it's the same 50% odds on every bet. Not accounting for the 0 and 00
Levi King
tried this on lottery, ended up losing all my free satoshis
it works when the system is not rigged, but greed will make you play until you reach the point where you actually lose like 12 times in a row (1 out of 4096 chances is not that uncommon), burning all your supply
Sebastian James
This is what spammy 1-page affiliate websites advertised in 2005. "I am *obviously fake person* and l will teach you the secret casino do not want you to know "
Isaac Richardson
just buy high and sell low if you want to get rekt