Let's have a serious, shitposting free discussion about this project and expectations for it
Ambrosus discussion thread
confirmed scam, mr bearwolf showed us all.
Based and redpilled
I expect to get rich. One of you AMBlets promised good returns. I sold my other stack for Amb.
Baeshoor is literally a pajeet
Sigma node checking in.
80k here, bought at 1800 saterinos
Are you enjoying watching it slowly creep up in value?
Yes very much, dunno what to expect though. Where do you guys plan on selling
Unironically 3 dollars or higher. Monday has me a little nervous though I'm not gonna lie
I just recieved my first rewards in Amb. I will retire in 2 years or less
This. This fucking loser killing conversation whenever he can. What a faggot.
whats going on monday?
My whale discord is about to buy the fuck out of AMB. Come monday boyz AMB is going to pump hard
it is a literal scam!
get FOAM instead
LOL... your a fucking money.
AMB is one of the few projects with actual products, revenue & continuous growth / development, warchest, huge sensor R&D.
10k AMB enough bros?
Yeah g. 10K is a solid amount
>next ethereum
Fuck that niggerr
lowkey shill during FAILED pump