>he still doesnt have 1k suicide insurance stack

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Nolinkers don't exist on biz. Prove me wrong.

1.5k reporting in.

we are all going to make it

I don't own any LINK

Bought 2500 earlier in the week so I don’t eat a bullet when I have to wagecuck til im 90 cuz I didnt buy some stinkies.

Could have bought BTC for trivial sums, never again.

I don't believe you

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10k is the suicide stack
100k to make it

He doesn't own anything though and his pappa took away his lunch money for getting expelled from school because he taped mirrors to his shoes to look under girls dresses.

i was about to buy 1k then it pumped to 30 cents and then to 50. im waiting for a return down to 30 at least.

This. 10k was the biz bare minimum from the beginning

ok marine we going to increase the quota, 50k is now the suicide stack. 1mil to make it

in the next couple months...yes
on the timescale of 2022...1k suicide, 10k to make it

>suicide CAUSE stack


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>Killing yourself because of $500

Jesus how poor are you? I spend that in a month on cam girls.

nobody would pay 5kusd for suicide insurance retard. thats emotionally invested money.

Why buy 500 usd worth of link now when I could buy in a few months after its price has been shattered into pieces?

650 Million links being locked isn't necessarily a buy signal you know. Also 1 year+ of constant shilling, so kindly gtfo with your shitcoin for a while

I don't care when you buy it your first point was "Losing $500 will make people kill themselves"

>>>""Oracles simply mean the ability to bring data from old legacy systems, off-chain APIs or data feeds into a blockchain in a decentralized fashion, which Aion Generic Bridges will be able to achieve, without the need for an additional middleware token like “Link”

There’s no difference between using Link oracles & Aion Generic Bridges as oracles except that Chainlink requires paying their validators in Link while Aion bridge validators can use same Aion coin as the entire network.""

Why the fuck would anyone buy and use Link. You stupid fucking normies

every linky is emotionally invested

If it doesn’t go back down what price will you fomo at out of interest

Would be a good meme edit fren

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