Be me

>Be me
>Family member dies, still blindingly depressed
>Find out I will inherit around $100k
>have 30k in student loans
>currently have a job that covers living expenses.
What do I do with the remaining $70k?
I've never had much money. I think the highest my bank account has been since opening it is around $5k
What do

Attached: rare-pepe-economy.png (640x360, 271K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Give it to (((charity)))

Buy 70k worth of TQQQ and enjoy your 1 million in 5 years.

1. Dont listen to anyone here because there are tons of shills
2. Profit

Buy one bitcoin every other week

Not much. Pay off your loans first, buy LINK with the rest or keep it untouched and work on your education with it.

Store your value in a coin with zero inflation until you decide what to do with it.
Either NANO or IOTA.

I'm already graduated
Also, I've been hearing the LINK meme since dec 2017, is it legit or just a shill

Honest advice. Put at least few k into Link. It's almost guaranteed big gains. Put the rest into a savings account or whatever. Don't let the money go to waste. When the blue chips hit the bottom buy some of them as well.

Stop listening to everyone shilling you their erc20 tokens.

Shitcoin shills last for about a month or two at a time until PnD'ers move onto the next scam to shill. There is a reason Linkies have lasted so long. Go look into it.

35% of that is going into taxes. So you might have around 30k left after you pay your student loans. At least Tyrone's kid gets to eat ig

Obviously it's speculative. But if LINK leads nowhere, this entire space will be dead for the next decade or more.

If you already graduated, I'd look around for business opportunities. It's a lot of money. If you can think about absolutely nothing, just keep it on your account and wait till you see an opportunity. The worst thing you can do is splurging and buying luxury items that you don't really need.

Link is a meme. These faggots held it during the bull run and it literally performed worse than Confido which had already been abadoned by that point

100k is what it will be with taxes already taken out.

I'll check it out then. When do people expect it to be moon? Is it a multi-year hodl

btc is very risky investment
eth is gambling
link is extreme gambling

>When do people expect it to be moon? Is it a multi-year hodl

No one knows. But all evidence points to mainnet being soon. Definitely at least some time this year. There is no date yet.

Literally bought in early 2018 with gains from the bull. Obviously could've went into USD, but who does that after tasting from the bull's delicious sperm? If I didn't go all in LINK, I would now have 10% of what I stashed away in LINK.

Send me 50-70k and get back 210-350k.

This is legit a scam.

Plain old s&p500 is the best most consistent investment product in the world. Put what you can in a mutual fund with the lowest costs and dont touch it, dont even look at its performance. Put about 20% of what you are going to invest in your states respective municipal bonds, again you should pick a low cost mutual fund, that's assuming you're in the states.

LINK nigga, every post turns into a LINK thread for a reason.

Also forgot to mention to reinvest your dividends, DRIP is love DRIP is life.

Best advice, I’d say 80% stock market, 15% bonds, remaining 5% split between physical precious metals or crypto

Buy your house or flat.

If you already own it, put 20 in dividend stocks, 20 in REITS, 20 on bonds and keep 10 liquid. Reallocate monthly depending on the performance to keep the same ratio.

Don't do bonds. Govt yield will continue to rise in the US & what most retards don't know is that bonds can lose all of their value. Small interest rate changes can cause you 10-20% loss.

DCA an index fund as the market falls. Dividends for 1.5 years won't cover a 30% fall- invest as things get bad and the gubberments needs to rescue everyone

Why S&P 500 over total stock market like VTSAX?

So 100% S&P 500 is legit?

Pay off the loans. Put $25k in an account you can’t touch for a long ass time. Keep $15k in the bank in case some colossal disaster happens. Put the other $30k into investments.

You can get a relatively based crypto boomerfolio with $12k or so
> 1 BTC @ 3600
> 32 ETH @ 3850
> 100 XMR @ 4500

Nice OP just sent. Will give money in two days. Closed for the weekend.

Yeah- given you buy low. Buying low isn't anywhere near as hard as people make it seem. I stockpick late-cycle and hold cash where possible- then go into a wider index if there is no extreme in stock valuations on the bottom. You don't spend hours a day thinking, processing thoughts and ideas relating to your stock folio- so 100% S&P exposure will be fine- again, given you DCA over a few months when the market is very low.

What interest are you paying OP? Renegotiate this too.

Money in a bank isn't safe, google the fractional reserve system. A bank is a license to print money.

put 5k into link

Even when the market crashes like in 2008 I should be fine with 100% VTSAX right? Because I plan to reinvest during a market crash I'll simply reinvest dividends to buy more shares at a discount...does this sound legit?

If I do go S&P 500 and leave it be, how long should that money be left there without touching it?

Wow Sir I can't believe all these men are knot taking this deal?! Can I be part of such a great and profitable business venture?

If market takes a 50% haircut, you should be in cash for 35-40%+ of that fall.
QT & rising interest rates in a debt system means the system will snap, just like in 08.

Reinvesting dividends (say a 3.5% yield today, i don't care what the index is at yet & don't know the math) means you get about 2% money in at the right time. It has such an insignificant effect, so it doesn't sound legit as there is a doable alternative that has more certain, beneficial results. In a recession, alot of companies do not pay dividends or cut them, further affecting this. & looking at balance sheets, they won't be paying dividends at normal levels for atleast a few years- rising interest rates on a large debt pile has been compressing earnings and the trend is gaining steam.

So little to no dividends, and you'll be wedged. Think of how you can earn the highest return through the index and work backwards- what it takes to do that, i.e what information you react to & what determines your buys and sells. Thr market is extremely overvalued- I've looked at the 50 biggest marketcap US stocks and they'll largely be in trouble trying to re-issue bonds at higher rates & maintain their dividends.

Ill talk about stocks with cash piles below.

Forever. It’s your nest egg.

Touch it every few years- take it out when the market reaches irrational highs late-cycle (I would have sold when the Trump rally if i was indexed).

Anyway find stocks with net cash through screener & list them. Calculate net cash per share & look at its earnings and tangible assets. This is basic stuff- simply buy the market if they drop to net cash per share = share price. Best indicator.

Naturally you can just sent me paypal account with password now. Very easy make sure money is in the account I will sort out everything.

Limited time only 5 people.

I don't get this. If I have a million in stocks, and I sell before the market takes a 20-50% haircut, I have "saved" 200-500k. How many years after expenses and taxes would it take you to save that money again? Don't lose money.

Why do you recommend VFIAX (S&P 500) over VTSAX (Total US Stock)?

Travel to Columbia and fly back to states with 10 kilos

even after 2008 the market had rebounded by 2011

Link is legit. There is a reason it has been discussed daily for over a year. Other shitcoins come and go. Link is the most important project in crypto. Surprised you could browse this board without looking into it.

Pay off debt
Buy 1btc
Buy 10k link
Put the rest down on a house
Don't buy yourself something nice. You don't deserve it yet and it will just give you bad spending habits

Do whatever the fuck you want, but don’t waste it. Personally, I’d put like $5k into crypto, take one trip somewhere cool and different, then invest the rest in either moving someplace better or buying a small apartment building to live in while I rent out the other units and pay a property management company to handle the bullshit maintenance and rent collection/eviction. That would give me passive income, a store of value, and a place to live. If not the apartment building, start a business with a small amount of it and just park the rest in cash for future emergencies.

Don’t buy LINK with all of it. Put no more than 10% into crypto as insurance so you don’t get fucking JUSTed.

Granted, I'm retarded, but if it were me I would:

A) buy a condo or decent starter home that you could live in for 3-5 years and rent out at a profit when you're ready to move


B) stick it in a high-yield savings account like Marcus from Goldman (mine pays 2.25%) and take a vacation every year of your youth from the APY. Sure, you aren't GAINING anything (and technically losing to inflation) but you could take a badass vacation once a year and still have that money sitting there

This seems boomer-tier, but it’s not bad advice. I would emphasize not putting it all in crypto. We have a bear market on our hands and even smart crypto investors may still get JUSTed, even if they only buy stable coins. Use this money to better your life. I would do what I posted above and seriously look at starting business(es) with small portions at a time. The good thing about business is you can fail over and over, but you only have to be right once.

Donate it to your local synagogue.

Based and redpilled.

As someone who inherited roughly $200k, for the love of fuck don't touch it until you're ready. I never had money and had no appreciation for it, blew a bunch on stupid shit like a new car, lost a bunch in crypto, girlfriend spent a bunch of it. I could have been quite comfortable and I'm down to about 1/4 of what I had a year ago.

Get yourself a certified financial advisor OP, dont listen to the idiots here.

Invest in stocks, bonds and mutual funds, sounds old fashioned but it's what works.

Unironically link. Sell half when it hits $1, let the rest ride

I would put it into crypto but only after the bear market ends

buy a brand new car that will depreciate

Ordinarily this is based, but putting money into the S&P until Trump is out of office is risky as fuck. We are due for a major recession anyway and Trump’s ego and constant pissing contests will wreck the global stock market very soon. It’s already leaning towards a crash. Just parking that cash in a money market account or savings will save you a JUST, user.

Based. Redpilled.

I don't like smallcap companies.
Doubled money in bank shares in a year.
3 years with no returns is unacceptable.

>kike spooting
>charity is something individuals do not multikike institutions do
>charity means helping close nit community individuals
>you know wont drug up your money

Buy gold faggot

I once turned 20k to 270k. U can do the same but u need to get introduced slowly into trading.

1k into XCASH
5k into HOLO
10k into LINK


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Dude, just buy a stock that pays out dividends.

Buy Neo with the whole cash stack from Binance where there is liquidity. Then put it on the Neon wallet which will generate Gas for you. This will make you about 10-15$ a day by the current pricing. Crypto is in the shitter at the moment but big projects will survive such as Neo. This 10$ a day will most likely in the coming year turn into about 40$ per day conservatively thinking. Of course not to count the money you'll get when your Neo investment goes up. You should be set for the coming 10 years. You can sell that shit whenever you feel like you've gained enough. Setting this up is super fucking easy and will only take about a day from you. Don't worry, crypto is not dead no matter what the people who lost 90% here want to believe. They just tell that to make themselves feel better.

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Sorry about your family member dying. It sucks.

Don't pay off the entire $30,000.

You can invest those funds, pay $1,000/mo and still have your loans paid for.

Plus an added bonus, when the economy collapses and we enter hyperinflation, that $30,000 will be the price of shitty bike.

Money won't help your depression, but now you can take that trip to Tibet you've always wanted to go on.

Good luck, user.

Attached: boomer.jpg (225x225, 11K)

take 20k and buy BTC when it hits 2,300....the rest put into Amazon and Apple stock. You’ll be top tier rich in 5 years.

My dad died 3 and a half months ago. It fucking sucks.he made me promise him i'd go back to school in the hospital bed. 1 month after his passing i dreamed about him. We used to go on long walks in parks together and i was going for a run in my dream. My dad was always too weak to run in real life but anyway i see him coming down the stairs dressed in light running clothes to go running with me. He sits down at the bottom of the stairs smiles and ties his white running shoes. At first I'm extatic to see him but then i realize he's gone and I get all upset and tell him he's not here anymore. He gets upset and tells me not to remind him. Anyway my sister went to a medium last week and the first thing the medium says knowing nothing about the guy she's contacting is that he says he can run again and that he's worried about me and wants to know if im in school yet.

>Pay off debt
>put 40k into 5 year Certified Deposit
>put 15k into two different peer to peer lending networks 30k total
>go back to work and wait for profits.
>hire financial advisor (recommended)

The medium is scamming you but the dream is reality. Turns out the mind is a telescope, and imagining other people is all we ever really get to do.

Kek this

>peer lending
Yeah hire an advisor so you don't do dumb shit like this. Hint: Know any rich people that use peer lending? Rofl so fucking autistic.

please elaborate.

ive been getting 9% returns on my Upstart investment like clockwork.

hire a financial advisor its $200 for a session

use that money to pay for furthering your education

Pay off your loans.

Put $20k in a liquid position such as CD's, a money market account, bonds, a savings account, whatever, just make sure it's something you can easily access if you need to.

Take the remaining cash and put it in an index fund. I would recommend taking some of that and putting it into an IRA or your 401k if you have one. You want to shelter as much from taxes as you can. I don't know what the limits are that you can contribute to these accounts annually but the more money you can shelter from taxes the better.

Don't listen to any of the advice in this thread telling you to spend it all on stupid coins. If you absolutely have to buy some coins don't put all your money in cryptos. Just take a small amount and do it. You are seriously better off putting all that money in your checking account than you are putting it all into cryptos.

Ponzi. All p2p is ponzi, and losses are huge. You know a bank is simply an authorised, legitimate, reputable lender right? P2P lending is for fucking retards. No respected investor would support it.

Buy real estate

diversify in local business, fixed income and physical precious metals, stock market is too volatile right now and real estate is too damn high.

compound interest.

time to invest like an adult.

>boomer advice

lol dont do this. buy LINK. it will be worth 100 eoy


I'm 26 and inherited 3 million (1 million cash 2 million assets). Can I be a neet the rest of my life with this?

as long as you don't blow it all on drugs and gambling (crypto)