So this pretty much explains what's going on with employment in the US. Why the numbers say one thing but the word on the street says another.
The job market is doing good. Only problem is there isn't enough jobs to go around.
So this pretty much explains what's going on with employment in the US. Why the numbers say one thing but the word on the street says another.
The job market is doing good. Only problem is there isn't enough jobs to go around.
we also have welfare government workers, look forward to blood on the street.
seems like we've been in a game of musical chars and the music has now stopped and theres a bunch of people left without any seats.
I don't understand his verbiage in the second line. How is it good to not have enough job supply, or is he referring to not enough workers?
Shit sucks. I can't get dishwashers. Like seriously not even Mexicans want to do this shit. We need more people.
Maybe pay your employees more, then they will work for you?
Peter Zeihan is a deterministic geopolitical analysist, his entire thinking process is centered around nothing matters except geographic..
So why does he care about the unemployment rate? it's not like it is gonna affect the geographic position of the US.
Companies will need to pay higher wages to attract employees. They have hardly needed to budget for twenty years so it's about time. Maybe they'll engineer a credit shortage to start from 0 again.
>everyone in the picture is pajeet
so why am i unemployed
what do you pay per hour for that
cant you just get big dishwashing machines or something
Why are there only Pajeets and Chinks in the pic?
>the numbers are too good
>we have a problem
Service sector economy employment is large, rootless, bullshit bubble on the real economy.
Do you understand how they calculate unemployment?
Only people who claim government benefits are considered "unemployed". NEETS and everyone else who doesn't have a job who aren't collecting gov't gibs aren't even considered.
$7.50/hour. We don't have enough volume to justify spending thousands on machines either.
> $7.50 an hour for nigger-tier work
> surprised nobody wants the job
You can’t even pay double digits you cheap fucker
At my work one of my friends recently left the company to take a higher paying job elsewhere. The move isn't a complete surprise. He has a master's degree and 5+ years of experience so it makes sense that he would be a competitive candidate elsewhere. We have been trying to fill his position for 5 months now.
Hell we're even willing to take someone fresh out of college and have made sure to advertise the position as entry level. It has been an absolute shit show and it doesn't help that our HR department is garbage and withholding applicants from us.
At this point though I'm starting to think he had the right idea. Labor demand is high and labor supply is low. It's best to take advantage of this situation now as there's no telling when it will shift the other way.
I kind of think if anyone complains about not being able to find a job right now it is because they are brain dead and can't write a proper resume.
Nobody who needs to earn a living can even waste their time working such a low paying job when there are unskilled labor jobs that pay $10+ starting
Especially since they don't check social security numbers either
>they are brain dead and can't write a proper resume
This,. I'm not technically unemployed,
I'm a discouraged worker. Feels good man.
up your prices you cheap greedy fuck. otherwise your shit business deserves to die. it's not other peoples responsibility to live in squalor so they can keep your failing business afloat.
I thought this guy was based, is he just a delusional retard?
That's not entirely accurate.
Unemployment is defined as those who are willing to work and seeking a job who have not found one.
People who aren't considered in the employment figures are:
>people under the age of 16
>those who have "dropped out" of the labor pool, meaning they have stopped seeking employment either due to retirement, simply not wanting a job, or are incapable of holding a job due to disability or some other reason
>the military
Another figure that is not taken into account when calculating labor statistics is the rate of underemployment, meaning someone does have a job but they are only working part time. Part time work counts towards employment figures and imo can be misleading when you're trying to claim the economy is doing well. Part time work likely means you are struggling to support yourself.
The way you're talking about unemployment isn't entirely inaccurate either as another statistic that is also commonly thrown out is the number of americans claiming unemployment benefits, but that's not the only measure that makes up the unemployment rate. That's an entirely separate statistic that can also be thrown out that is kind of misleading.
So, if you look at all these measures together:
>Underemployment and Unemployment
This is relatively low right now in comparison to previous years.
>Labor Market Participation
This has been comparatively low ever since the recession hit. It appears that in the years following the recession a lot of people dropped out of the labor force entirely. These people may at some point decide to reenter the labor force. Not nearly enough attention is called to this fact.
Essentially, if you are seeking work right now, it's a great time to be in the labor market since a lot of people simply aren't participating and there are more jobs available than there are people seeking work. The pendulum will shift the other way at some point though so get in now while the getting is good.
When I see shit like this, I know business owners and companies are doing something wrong.
Your jobs are in low demand. No one wants them. That means you need to raise the wages to increase demand. Econ 101
fucking boomers