What's up Jow Forums long time no see...

What's up Jow Forums long time no see. #Jewelrybro back again to chat with you guys about my projects and hopefully get some solid insights about my plan as it stands.

First, a few things about me:
>25 year old ethnic Jew living in a major metropolitan area
>Over a decade jewelry industry experience
>Entrenched in the contemporary and pop art spheres
>Occasionally do consulting for brand strategy with startups

Ok, the project:
>Establish my name as a brand, taking internet and youth culture (I feel these are typically sources of what becomes mainstream over time) and applying them to lavish materials. >Somewhere between arthouse, urban fashion - and hype.
>Typically I use gold and diamonds, but also experiment with other traditional jewelry techniques that I feel are often overlooked. (Champleve enamel, different metal pigmentations applied graphically)

Some growth strategy:
>I have friends who've offered interviews in HYPEBEAST, JUXTAPOZ, and others when the ball really starts rolling for me.
>Also could easily swing pop-up shops or exhibitions at a few popular galleries here.
>I utilize likebots on Instagram, targeting the followers of jewelry, culture, and fashion accounts. As well as targeting those that a specific person of interest follows, in order to get their attention. This plan currently nets me between 15-30 followers/day.
>I was recently offered reposts in @love.watts (1.7M followers)


Attached: IMG_F32FAD963BA2-1.jpg (1242x1196, 320K)

And general planning:
>The entire production pipeline is in place.
>I'm growing into margins between 4-10x, I've been taking on lower margins to get my stuff out there amongst friends. Cutting deals ultimately works against the luxury brand image so it's definitely a short-lived strategy.
>I'm moving to be selling more on spec, and employ wildly realistic 3D renders (creating 3D files is amongst the first steps in making these works) as it's cents on the dollars to get pieces to market this way.

I know I need a website soon. I do web design so that won't be an issue. But I am finding trouble with capital, it costs me about $2-400 to get new pieces to market, and I'm only bringing in $1,800 a month from my other job, making the pace of self funding kind of stressful. Which is fine, I deal with stress pretty well.

Anyway! Thanks for reading. If anyone has any relevant comments, critiques, questions, assistance - I'll be here to discuss further!

This is my phone ID too, just so everyone knows.


high-quality bait is still bait

This isn't bait! This is my real life.

I might commission your first major art/jewelry/hype piece depending on your style and quality of work.

It needs to be 100% ChainLink and Sergey Nazarov themed.

Please give me your ideas and any mock ups would be appreciated.

Would we be going for positive or kind of snide here? Like are we celebrating them or being irreverent?

You can message me at [email protected] if you'd like.

It's a throwaway email but just for Jow Forums purposes.

Is this your other phone id?

EXAMPLE: White gold cuff bracelet with a hentai montage vitreous enamel champlevé.

Attached: FD79BDC2-CE40-4E56-AB01-CF71B65D2AB7.jpg (829x783, 662K)

No. I don’t really have anything to do with crypto so I definitely not a suggestion I would make to myself.

All positive.

Would like to see a mock up here if possible. I've made a lot of money from reading anons opinions on things over the years and would like to see if they like your work and if it would be worth it to have a piece commissioned.

Developing a concept and then going from mock to render will probably take longer than this thread is going to survive. Shoot me an email if you want to get it done!

Self bump because I love you guys

Yikes Jew bro.
First off, quit identifying yourself as a Jew.
Nobody with money gives a shit about your ethnicity.
Second- think of your demograph.
You think virginless nerds got loads of money to spend???
Third- you have to have a brand and a logo.
Your brand should represent your logo and your logo should represent your brand.

Create lines of jewelry that vary by season.
Do limited runs of your expensive shit.
Once you literally have 1-4 done, the rest will just fall into place.
Your only identifying factor is that your Jewish. Ok fine and dandy if that's what you want to do but you'll have to make all your shit Jewish.
Is your plan to make product that works/useable or essentially Decorative?

Do you make custom moulds for every piece or are you one of those chums that just bends precious metal wire into squiggles and calls it jewelry??

Pretty shitty, Bad colors, no theme. But retarted people will like it forsure. Also nobobdy cares about the jew shit, abbah.

Attached: skkkrt.jpg (539x521, 72K)

good lord this is pathetic
you really are a kike

If the only thing you could identify that I said about myself is that I was a Jew please read again. (Btw, I only call myself a Jew on here at bait this guy was right)

>Plenty of luxury brands rely on urban and edgy aesthetics so the "virgin neckbeard" comment is irrelevant.
>I'd disagree that the "logo" is even worth mention here. But for the sake of it, it's my name, and it's gonna be typographic.
>Yes to doing FW and SS lines.
>Most everything I do personally necessitates molds and casting.

Uh, idk how much of a weeb you are, but to people generally HENTAI is the theme.

LOL K, cool

Still here for a good discussion for any lurkers out there!

am I being trolled? Is this a troll job?

No, I'm fully serious. I'm into the jux of lowbrow culture and lavish materials. This is actually getting a lot of positive attention on Instagram and is the thing that has been offered to be reposted by @love.watts (1.7M followers) after an editorial shoot.

Can somebody contact this @love.watts and tell him that one of his clients is asking for advice on a neo-nazi imageboard for incel racist pedophiles?

I'm not a client of theirs, and an anonymous board dedicated to business advice isn't even kind of concerning to be posting on.


Bump w a piece I made a long time ago.

Attached: F128A16D-B16D-4448-8CFB-F8399F076FA5.jpg (750x740, 913K)

looks like a roastie pussy

That's the most useless comment, go back to /b/

It might get attention but not from people who will buy your stuff

I'd dispute that characterization.

Even if this particular repost doesn't flood me with orders (duh) it's a move towards building a larger audience which is, on social media, a positive feedback loop, and someone will buy my stuff.

(I actually a really targeted idea of who, but I'm speaking more generally here)

Teach me to make jewelry. I want to take raw material and sell it overpriced as fuck. Is there a such thing as college for jewelers? Or do I have to know a bona fide jew?

who are you calling lowbrow

there's colleges to learn jewelry work, but half of the posters ITT (100% of those saying "stop saying you're a jew, ethnicity doesn't matter to those who have money") are jews themselves and you will never get anywhere in the industry without connections. your best outcome as a goy is store clerk

Fuck man. That sucks. I need to go start hanging out in NYC.

Good morning. Here for real discussion if anyone's open to it. Thanks.