Be young female

>be young female
>put on some wigs and stick your tongue out
>can easily be a millionaire within a year.

Life on tutorial mode.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah but then you have to love with the shame of it for the rest of your life

>spam biz
>life on retard mode

how many times are you going to post this

yea, that fucking shame will one day come back at ya when you're snorting that dried cum in your private jet

this. might be worth it, but she will be recognized in public for the next 15 years easy if she stops right now

>implying wagecucking isn't 100x more shameful and dehumanizing.

she's certifiably insane

>shes british

pretty fucking small rooms. Feels like I toured a normal girls room

She's got a bit of a Jacques Demy "Donkey Skin" aesthetic going on, I doubt she's Patrician enough to have seen it though

Attached: donkey skin.jpg (1198x790, 189K)

>normal girls room
I've never seen a girls room like this. Is this normal in the UK?


meant for:

>has personal interests hobbies, not a stacy or "instagram model"
>Takes money from incels and cucks for erotic pics, turned her hobby into good income source
>Won't fuck you in a million years, even if you throw $50000 at her feet

She looks like female version of based and redpilled. Take money from cucks, do whatever you like. And all you guys can do is cry in your mother's basement.

She dosent even make that much she would be the #1 on patreon if she did.

>has a monument to the queen

wtf you guys told me she wasn't perfect

Once her braces come off, it's over.

She can afford removable non-functional braces.

She doesn't feel shame. People like her don't feel shame. You fucking retard.


30 year old boomer here, would any zoomers care to fill me in on what her job is?

>all those photoshop efforts to hide her herpes

insecure as fuck

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She isn't doing porn, just lewds. I know girls who have a more shameful sexual history and they didn't earn a penny from it.

Doesn't change the fact that she is a filthy degenerate.
She is a literal e-whore and I would not sink to her level for that pay check, I could not live with myself.

So hypothetically if i wanted to become an instagram pimp where do i start? I have experience in guerrilla marketing have used instagram and reddit subscriber boost services before, and also good at talking to girls with multiple fwbs. But all of them made it very clear they wouldnt be into this. Where on earth do you find a girls that are pretty and can be coerced to turn themselfs into a patreon-sluts then give you share of the revenue? I dont need to become this big, a 3 thousand a month would be enough. I would travel anywhere.

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It doesn't matter if you're working some shitty 9 to 5 or getting paid to fuck. You're getting fucked one way or the other. But in this case, at least she gets treated like a princess

Get a job within your field(s) of interest and you will not feel like this. Besides, after you have gathered experience you can start for yourself?

The NEET life is comfy but quite limiting.

yeah that shame for making millions with skin on pictures.

you should feel shame if you endure 10 years of work for Mr. Goldberg for the same amount of money

grade A NPC

>Especially young white women
>Especially young mystery meat pseudo-white women

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>still no Jow Forums bf to make gay porn with and rake shitloads of money
Fuck you Jow Forums, you're retarded and stupid and worthless and cucks and all of that a billion times worth. You faggots literally keeping me away from money with your delusional hatred for it.

don't give a fuck about deleting and reposting either
die in h*ck

I actually know this girl in real life, and she doesn't even look like it in person.

She is pretty damn smart, she has no shame to bear as unrecognisable

She will be proud of it

If she cut her hair and dressed normal pretty much no one will notice. Tbh i dont think Belle Delphine is her real name.

fake number by they way the highest earning patreon is a communist podcast, you can't make shit like that up. 100k a month from 25k donators

Some day she will hit the wall and the income dries up and a younger sexier whore will take her place.
The roastie will waste most of her fortune on garbage and end up poor again.
Knowing she fucked up she will suicide before 50.

She has a bf so she already made it. Ez mode ez life.

everybody likes a slut but nobody wants to marry one

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There's a bottom to the thot market like any other, it's going to be there soon

Dude randomly dies or fucks off to a younger better whore.
either way this thing wont last long and people like that usually end up broke because it took them no effort to get there.
And even if they manage to stay together and wealthy their whole lifes, after 2 generations that money is gone completely.

Lol a kikess kiking the thirsty good goyim as always
Nothing new under the sun

>Tbh i dont think Belle Delphine is her real name.

So did we expose this kike rat first ITT ?
Expecting one of you to prepare the meme by 3pm today

>The last name, Kirschner, is a Central European Jewish name

Get the memes going.

Attached: Screenshot_20190119-093400_Chrome_Beta.png (1440x2560, 323K)

A boyfriend that supports her selling herself out while taking part of the income
That sure gonna last long after the cashflow dries up

Haha yes retard, shell be spotted becaose she just wrote a book on internet fame and how it's actually the hardest job in the world...and everyone will be rushing to take selfies

Do you think in 15 years anyone will give a shit?
In 15 years she will hit the wall and will be replaced by younger hotter whores.

Shell adapt, maybe writing books for aspiring whores on how to make it


I think you might be too stupid to live.

Who the fuck will buy books in 15 years?

Society and the internet will have changed so much by then, would you even want to read a book now on how some nobody made money on the internet in 2003 with some outdated bullshit?

exactly you wouldn‘t.
Being a whore and looking like a whore is the only good trait this jewess has, once that is gone its byebye regular high income.

And how long does that last?
Look up lottery winners and how JUST fuck my shit up happens to people who have hundreds of millions.

It can and will happen to that whore too because usually people like this develop bad spending habits and end up in debt anyway, especially when things go south and they need it for distraction.

This is the dumbest cope of all time.
>I'd rather be poor than a billionaire because then I can't lose my wealth


Thats what you said, what I‘m saying is The road to wealth is a marathon and not a sprint.

I didn't say shit, look at the IDs.

I was referring to this post you illiterate nigger

Dude she has a dd/lg fetish for sure. Only the biggest sluts spend thousands of dolllars decorating there rooms to match there fetish. Its so she can feel in “little space” all the time.

>It's all true

Attached: belle2.png (500x631, 93K)

she looks greasy


Oh god, that British accent on top of being cute as something really fucking cute.

Anyone has a link to her patreon?

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no shit, and then there is guys who still believe even after seeing that video that this mentally ill hoarder roastie will come out fine after the money dries up.

>All these people saying "I'd do it if I was a girl"
Are you a whore? That's what you're saying, bro. You're saying you'd prostitute yourself sexually (as she does) for money. So if that's the case then.. well, whats your price, whore? How sad for a man to stoop so low if you ask me.
She no doubt sells other stuff to people who contact her too and I'm sure the people donating a large amount are getting videos that aren't just ""lewds"", don't be stupid.

If you work a 'toilberg' job in pretty much all cases you are providing a service or skillset that ensures society can continue to run. You are somewhat useful. Someone *has* to pick up the trash/serve food/whatever.

There is a big difference between having a low paying job vs. being a sex worker, and men in here have so little dignity that they'd become sex workers, prostitutes, whores, for a bit of paper? You'd make that trade? Then there is something wrong with you.

bait, watch out frens

>>Won't fuck you in a million years, even if you throw $50000 at her feet
not from what I heard

>65$ average
>now she have 2,464 patrons
>already 160,160

Ill keep this in mind when im cleaning toilets.

This planet is fucked beyond repair. I think we should burn it all to the ground. Who's with me?



The planet itself isn't the problem, the bad apples in the garden are. Doesn't mean you should destroy the whole garden!

It's 2019, faggot. This world is corrupt and rotten to the core. Everyone's a whore. If you wouldn't show some skin for horny redditors to make your living, you're either a liar or the last moral man left.

shes a literal jew, so of course she fucks for money.

>shes a prostitute

she's a 6/10 wtf

i just want to blow my seed into her vagoo and cut her head off afterwards for being a slut

i have issues but atleast im up front about it

But than you leave your DNA in the crime scene


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They have to interrogate the other 40 dudes first

>It's 2019 wooo let me sell my ass
Fuck off whore

Even if her popularity eventually fades, she can just marry a rich guy and coast on his wealth. She will convince him that the past is the past and she turned a new leaf. On the worst case scenario, she'll marry an average guy and still do "ok". Remember, there are guys out there that will willingly marry porn stars and literal whores.

Hey rabbi...whatchu doing?

Show me something moral, good or wholesome that still exists, and I might change my view. Until then, you're just liars, and you'd sell your ass, if people were willing to buy.

shes just going to end up doing porn for the money and be a disease infested prostitute for the rest of her life.
she has no career prospects other than her appearance and that quickly fades as soon as women hit 30

Why would a rich guy settle for some old hag when he can have perfectly fine fresh pussy?

I already told what will happen, whore will lose the money over time and likely kill herself because the cash is gone.
The crazy jewish hoarder woman won‘t make it and even if she does survive, she will only raise retarded children that will waste that money as soon as they get the opportunity (since shes a Jew her kids will get circumcised anyway and we all know you will never make it with a snipped dick)

She also won‘t buy chainlink and stake using Linkpool.

>doing porn for the money
i don't think porn actors make anywhere near that much

I'd never sell my ass for any amount of money. Speak for yourself whore

She makes in a year what the average man makes in a lifetime. I think she'll be just fine. Especially, if she ends up marrying some even richer man.

That insult would hurt, if the only non-whore in the world weren't just you.

So I have to pay a few thousand bongs a year for trains after 30-35% is taken from my paycheck for tax. Meanwhile she can claim literally everything as an expense and only pays 20% corporation tax, probably very national insurance too.

>ywn be teddy of the week

sadly thanks to filters (video also) she can keep doing this for a very long time.

she's going to be sad though because she SHOULD be using her body and the early years of her life to find a husband who will stay with her after sex and help raise their children.

panic finding a husband at 30 isn't easy, most men will want to travel and live with her to judge if she is a suitable partner. can she even cook? how can someone living in a princess room in their 20s and whoring on the net be a good mother?

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She won‘t even have kids because she is too busy spending money, when it runs out she will become fat and live like all the other fat hoarder roasties.

That's just the part of being a woman.

Woman who does not exploit her looks for better financial condition, be doing this or finding a rich man, are just stupid.


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I'll put on a wig and panties right now for 1 BTC

u hav bobs n vagene?

Life’s not fair. Work to make others unfair, cunt.

He won't have kids cause he's a dude.

I'll do it with you bro, but remember it only makes money if you're hot