/hpg/ - Hoskposting general

post em

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Keep em coming, saving all of these.

Attached: 1523675144955.jpg (1200x900, 209K)

Fuck anons help me fill my folder

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Shitt... So is this Cardano crap really gonna pump? We all know when you autists are negative on something, that something is going to shoot up.

Will pump for sure. Doesn't make him any less funny.

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Every picture i see of this guy his expression is saying "thanks for the money retards!"

look at that picture. he looks exactly like he is. a a 40 year old virgin, narsassis that lives with his mother who scammed billions from people, isnt building shit, spending money traveling, eating and posting selfies

Honestly you fucking retards are just funding this beta fags dream life. Wow you all are serious idiots.

If you want to be involved from the ground up in a special purpose vehicle DAO with the sole purpose of controlling a cayman company controlling various shell companies that raise money for low hanging fruit infrastructure projects, car parks, student accommodation etc. through issuing security tokens under SEC regulation D, then please join discord dot gg/tdTC5JF it’s an open DAO forum to create a dividend paying commercial enterprise,

Attached: E2E236B8-7D98-448A-8351-1C0C7B6ADB1F.jpg (1080x1086, 189K)

Looks like he bought some nice clothes with your Bitcoin donations.

>40 year old virgin
He's actually 30 lmao

> Do an ICO. Be set for life.

> Buy shitcoins. Financially ruined

last bamp
when I come home I better see some good pics

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