What are you going to do when chainlink gets you rich?
I’m going to get penis extension surgery and buy a bathmate first thing.
What are you going to do when chainlink gets you rich?
I’m going to get penis extension surgery and buy a bathmate first thing.
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Yikes what? I need a bigger tool lmao I’m white
buy 4chins and give the janny's a $.01/year pay raise
Penis implant
Is this a thing?
It actually is.
They do not actually remove your penis, put some sort of penis pumps are inserted inside your penis. And you just press the button and 2-3 seconds they fill up with air or something and you have an erection.
Sounds unpleasant lmao
But you can fuck for hours. Or in theory, forever. I mean the pumps do not deflate if you do not push the button
But yeah, you have to renew the implant every few years etc.
Does it make it longer?
Depends what size you have now...
Scroll down for sizes
LGX MS 12cm PS IZ 72404250
LGX MS 15cm PS IZ 72404251
LGX MS 18cm PS IZ 72404252
I mean they probably could make it bigger than 21cm if you pay for them...
Very nice model...
Good luck to you with enlarging your penis fren
I will go home and buy a bunch of farm land in my home town and eat steak and ride dirt bikes on a regular basis
Can they give my penis a longer foreskin and a spoiler to fix wind resistance? I've always been into speed over sheer power and size.
>there are people so insecure about their penis size that they are willing to pay to surgically insert an air pump into their penis
ahahaha is this real? I'm seriously thinking I'm being trolled here, this can't really be a thing can it? It's like reading about an SNL skit.
Thank god my penis is 7 inches and I have never worried about it's size.
I'll outbid you and triple their salary
Those are mainly for people who cannot have erections, have suffered some sort of penile cancer or maybe been in an accident
Lol. I don't know will doctors even perform you a surgery for it in western countries if you do not have any erection problems.
Of course with money all is possible I believe. But like... you cannot go to some surgeon and say you want bigger penis, don't think it works that easily... you gotta have some sort of issues down there
Dicklet detected
support my mommy, cuz my fater left us few days ago
>inb4 fucking larper
no, wouldn't do that shit with this
Here's my promise to all of you:
When I make it (and I mean really MAKE it)
that's right folks
I'm going to buy a toilet and the finest potty training professor in New Delhi. Yes yes Ranjeet, I'll still be a subhuman, but at least I won't be a street shitter.
first thing I'm gonna buy is more holo
I got a big ass dick but still don't get laid lel
You seem like a faggot.
Kek how
Will move out of my shithole country
1. Consolidate and not doing stupid things
2. Pay off all debt
3. Buy a flat or two as rentals for remaining 60%
4. Invest 30% into Etfs with dividends
5. Hold 10% cash to pay for further education and porbably fund a business idea.
6. In total not buying liabilities and other consumer crap but invest it in long term holdings.
Forgot about metals 5% of total portfolio.
foreskin restoration
same, I‘m still touchless virgin at 29
I know I never even had a job
I just droped from highschool and then neet and played videogames for over 10 years in my parents basement.
This has to be bullshit otherwise it's the most fucked thing I have seen
slavery is still legal, it simply evolved
> pay off uni debt
> buy newer car
> holiday somewhere
> buy home on lots of land
> invest portion of gains into other shitcoins and wait for next bull
> live country life smoking my tobacco pipe with wife and kids
> monetize land
> reinvest profits etc.
Pay off my debt
whites don't have small cocks on average.
you must be (((white))).
I hope you make it user
>making it off a shitcoin
>reinvesting it in other Shitcoins
Unironically not gonna make it
that is painful to look at
>What are you going to do when chainlink gets you rich?
Wake up cuz that'll only happen in your dreams.
It will? Are you sure?
Most of my family lived in farms, working the land for others before being forced to move to the cities, if I make it, I will buy a good amount of decent farmland and get my family working on our own business.
Shame that while my uncles are hardworking man who value the land and have a few hectares of their own, my cousins are urbanite trash that would sell the land or rent it to some fuckface just so they can waste the money partying.
I'll finally travel to India to attain eternal crypto wisdom