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That’s a bold prediction user. Personally I would’ve waited until it hit about 22 sat to post this
5 cents eoy.
comfy af
42 cents EOY
0.5€ EOY
>1.8 million
Private reporting in
75 million holossexual here
Resistance seems pretty light. Maybe a sign binance mms are finally ready to pump it for real this time
how high you think?
ffs I was gonna buy a stack of holo next week, all in on link atm
If it’s actually happening this time maybe 45-50 sat. Tron is a decent comparison for price action (I don’t consider the technological differences between the two important becuase the market won’t either). People like cheap coins becuase it makes them feel rich.
You have to go way back on the trx/btc daily to find it but the first serious trx pump went from 17 sat to 51 sat
And we just hit 22
Checking in. Thank me.
250k. Literally just bought over the last two days on a whim.
If this hits $0.05 I'll be a very happy camper.
Thank you based holochad. I will suck your strap on cock.
9.5 million reporting for duty
I just got in before the fomo volume
how many link you have???
ETH/BTC whales converting to HOT
Oh boy, this is mooning.
8.5k but sold half to buy holo
Biz picks the best coins
So now you have like 4.2 link? or you had 17k link?
I have 4.2 linkies now
It really is fucking incredible.
what the fuck was that?
So now you'll take next weeks paycheck and replenish your link? If so not a terrible move. Especially since link will prob come down a bit
Yes thats what I'm thinking tough the fireside chat is in 23th so it might have a slight pump.. or dump
Actually pretty impressive that link and holo are top 10ish in last 6 months across 2000+ coins. Pic related. They’re both top 5 if you add the ‘low tier’ filter
Also- which of you autists came up with ‘reetoken’
i bought in at 20sats, am i fucked?
Who else here all about that /shitcoin/ life?
I have been trying to say that Holo is a top 10 project. Most garbage in the top 10 needs to be flushed out. Holo is going to make waves in the coming months and we are only seeing the initial pumps that precede it.
With each subsequent pump, more and more HoloChads are born and more memes are made. We will achieve full biz meme status quite soon and Holo will be shilled here as much as link is.
Those of you who have stayed away because of "muh principles" and have refused to research, now is your time. Take this pump as a chance to learn more, and wait for the dip that will happen in the coming days. This rocket hasn't left Earth yet. You still have time.
No if you sell now @22
100 sats by ramandan or earlier at least, just hold on
so you have like 3 million holo now?
thats enouugh....now get back to your link accumulation. 8k link and 3 million holo is nice
I'm selling.
Preparing for buying the dip and going to the moon /holo/chads
The same discord groups that called the Binance listing are saying there's Holoports shipping and a Mozilla partnership coming up.
Biz is bad at picking coins is a meme. Biz has always done pretty good. It's just that a lot of crap gets spammed here by pajeets so it lowers the average coin pick success to failure ratio.