Was ETH shilled back then on biz as much as LINK is shilled now? Is LINK going to pull a run like that?

Was ETH shilled back then on biz as much as LINK is shilled now? Is LINK going to pull a run like that?

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No, ETH is a serious project. LINK is an inside joke that has gone too far.

Attached: eth_ will never 100$.png (1321x189, 35K)

>pic related

Attached: eth_rubbish.jpg (545x227, 35K)

>and this one

Attached: eth_is_vaporwarescam.jpg (1548x882, 290K)

Link bagholders pretend it’ll have a parabolic run but OP, it never will. It hasn’t even hit $2 in its lifetime. Every year the price will be under a dollar, promise

I think ETH was shilled occasionally by smart people but was always met with lots of FUD. AKA there were only a few people who saw its potential and really believed in it. Definitely not similar to LINK at all (LINK is shilled by the masses here, brainlets as well as smart folk. Not saying LINK doesn’t have potential, because it does, but to my knowledge it also doesn’t have the same community of coders that ETH seemed to develope. There was a huge team effort behind ETH and very few 4channers saw its potential early on). If you check ETH and Bitcoin threads they were always met with tons of resistance, which was kind of a good sign.

There is one coin that is occasionally posted here and every time it’s posted it’s met with the same resistance people had for BTC and ETH. It kind of makes me more hopeful every time I see that. It’s the tokens that are attempting HUGE changes to the status quo that are met with the most FUD, just like ETH and BTC saw back in the day. LINK definitely does not meet that kind of resistance, at least not on Jow Forums. Take from that what you will.

ETH was a truly novel idea and it was mocked in its early days. Since its breakout, people have applied that same logic to every shitcoin under the sun. Proceed forward with that in mind.

I usually give linkies a pretty hard time for spamming the board. So obnoxious that I refuse to buy it, but it does seem to have some potential in its space. There are several competitors, but the cult-like following should at least guarantee it a nice pump during the next bullrun.

Which coin are you talking about? I see alot of fud on skycoin

Also dero

Not a joke but yes, the shilling gone too far considering oracles are nothing spectacular, even if perfected. I'll continue swing trading Link nonetheless as long as we're still in a bear market territory, Link profit tremendously from being the biggest meme on Jow Forums during times like this.

no, eth was barely shilled.

>MY biz shitcoin is the new ETH
Opinion discarded.

Eh, that may be true now but real discussion about LINK ended months and months ago. Those times were full of discussion, FUD and critique. Most of us from that time are just waiting it out, while a few enthusiastic old timers and a legion of newfags keep the LINK threads going here.

If you look at Twitter and Plebbit, most have no idea about what it's trying to achieve and in fact, have a difficult time putting it all together. It may be obvious to us but to understand it you need a decent understanding of several distinct areas.

Also OP something similair to ETH is Zilliqa, although it being shilled much less and probably will be less impactful in comparison to ETH in 2015.

What are you talking about, where you even here? It wasn’t spam shilled like all the shitcoins it was more discussion back then. Most people here bought ETH, like i did at 2$. Sold at 6$ though.

Biz was the best back then before we got invaded by normies, now everyone uses plebbit spacing.

Let me guess, something like HOT?

Purposely didn’t name it for that reason. Don’t need to. It gets hate every time it’s posted about. It’s too outside the box for a lot of people, even on Jow Forums, and that’s enough for me to believe in it.

That’s the thing though, ETH never had the “fan” community that LINK has. It had a DEVELOPER community. BTC has both I guess, but nowhere near the cheerleaders that LINK has. I think that if your coin is as technical as LINK clearly is, it needs to invite a community of Devs that see its potential. Maybe LINK has that? I’m not sure. Having a bunch of fans/cheerleaders making memes about your token is probably enough to make it moon in a bullrun, but BTC and ETH have hoards of literal genius devs behind them. That’s what I’d prefer.

So its Skycoin.

Of course it was mocked by people back then. Low price = no buyers.

No one cares about your garbage street shit token

I always saw BTC community being more about the politics / religious zealotry where as ETH is more about developers interested in the tech.

closest you'll get to a novel tech since ETH is Nano and like ETH back in the day , mentioning it on /biz brings the fud out like crazy

Eth wasn't shilled as mich as link back then but back then ethereum had real fud and it wasn't so obvious it was gonna be a great project. That idea for smart contracts existed but it wasn't until those big important devs came and backed up the project that it became more of a sure thing. The people who bought ethereum early are still browsing biz and they are now saying that link is more of a sure thing than ethereum was back in 2015/2016. I think the reason link gets so much love on this board is because tons of good projects were talked about here btc, eth, xmr, xrp, neo and many others. Now blockchain is a much bigger topic and there are way more threads on biz relating to cryptocurrency. Now all those people who remember not heeding the words of those now super rich biz fags now are listening and will not miss oit again.

Nano did get hacked multiple times though. Nano is the ultimate normie coin and the fast free transactions slogan is very powerful to draw people in. I will admit I hold some nano but nano is not memed like ethereum was back then. People were always talking about smart contracts and the game changing tech when discussing ethereum. With nano people didn't talk about the tech. Also what scares me about nano is that in the future when big funds are entering the space they will use every underhanded trick to profit and if nano aver becomes an asset you can short it will be very profitable to double spend attack the network while shorting and nano's insecurities from having no incentive to run nodes will be its downfall potentially.

Do you have high hopes about link? What do you think of it's fundamentals and tokenomics?

Link is my biggest bag and will stay my biggest. It really feels like a sure thing but i have diversified into ethereum bitcoin monero nano holochain and skycoin. Thinking of adding dero too though.

Thanks mate, I’ll get more xrp

Did you at least make it big with eth?

I didn't listen and pull the trigger for eth until 8 dollars still made alot though. Not enough to retire but i won't complain.

>The people who bought ethereum early are still browsing biz and they are now saying that link is more of a sure thing than ethereum was back in 2015/2016
Hmm...I don't doubt you but I am just curious...how do you know this? Are you in touch with many early eth adopters?

Can you tell me what it is? I'd buy it

I called people Ethercucks and didnt buy any.


Consider it dead.

Let me help you Jow Forums:

Smart contract:Zilliqa/Dfinity
Interoperability:Polkadot/Cosmos/Block Collider

Don't bother with the rest.

Beyond help

Pretty sure every oldfag thinks links is shit.

t. in crypto from 2012

No but if you browse biz enough you see people admit they were around here back in 2015 and some of them have posted proof of their gains. You can usually tell when people are larping here. This isn't anywhere near the first time anons asked if link was shilled like ethereum was back in the day. This same question has come up alot.

Anun Pls just post it

I haven't seen a single time when someone came here with proof of their crypto gains and then proceeded to shit talk link.

LINK is a meme, if you were actually a programmer you'd understand how retarded it is, it's a fucking JSON parser and it's completely useless, you've fallen for the shill and your shitcoin will NOT be valuable

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I might as well ask here, what you guys think of the AGI token? The team behind looks somewhat good, I am thinking of getting 15.000 and holding it for the future.

Satoshi's vision

>he thinks he is going to make money by accumulating erc20 tokens and cryptonote shitcoins.


ding ding ding
It's HOT

>comparing the second most known crypto (that is an actual platform with hundreds of developers) that has 1/10 of links supply to an ERC20 shitcoin

Decent list. Beam is a scam though. I'm also very suspicious that Polkadot and Dfinity are scams as well.

nano didnot get hacked. the bigrail exchange did also nano's blocklattice tech is unique.

nano might fail but that probably is because no one cares about currency coins anymore

thats a nice list

Maybe Dfinity kek

Beam is not and polkadot isn't either.

I know both teams.

The similarities are there, buf look at what happened to ETH. You dont want LINK to follow a dead end coin.

i'm in crypto since 2011 and i'm currently all in link

Bullshit newfag


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Antshare was heavily shilled here

This is why Litedoge Gold Token will take off and everyone who disagrees should go impale themselves with a bitconnect mug

>There is one coin that is occasionally posted here and every time it’s posted it’s met with the same resistance
It's RLC.
Always people fudding it.

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Polkadot I'm skeptical of just because no one has been talking about it for a while now. Maybe I'm just not paying enough attention to it.