Realistically, what is the purpose of this board? It seems pretty useless

Realistically, what is the purpose of this board? It seems pretty useless.

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its dead rn dude. wait for singularity to revive biz

to filter crypto threads from Jow Forums

Name 1(one) board more usefull.

It makes me feel less alone in the world

To shill link before everyone dumps into btc

oh damn i guess the millionaire neets who got rich off eth, antshares, neo, etc etc etc, browsing this board were saying the same thing? Can i ask you something OP? How do you manage to gather the brain cells to be able to breath everyday?

For the endless (you)s and larping I'll start
>welder making 300k starting age 25 btw fuck college ama

Realistically, what is the point of your existence? it seems pretty useless

r e a l i s t i c a l l y speaking,

I think it was originally to talk about business and keeping your finances healthy however most people on Jow Forums don't help run businesses and most posters here are autistic NEETs so we've gravitated towards get rich quick schemes

lmao if you held btc this past year you lost all your money, on the otherhand if you held link you are up 3x. how low is your IQ, seems like its as low as a nigger

A welder doesn't make 300k starting jack ass. Maybe if youre an oil rig dive welder doing multiple jobs

This board made me a millionaire. By that token, it's only useless to useless people.

s e e t h i n g

>he doesn't know
Stay poor kek

No shit. I dumped into link, now that it's ATH sats I'm flipping it to btc to take advantage of the situation, fucking kike

17 an hour starting, staydumb poorfag. Google something before you shit out your mouth

how do we make money dont fuck with me u lil bitch faggots

Do zoomers believe everything they read on the internet, go outside and talk to some weldchads kid they'll show you some real shit

It’s larp you retard. He doesn’t actually mean he’s making $300k as a welder.

you have to go back 500k !!! 500k !!! 500k !!! $$$BONUS SIGN UP $$$$ BTC LOW $$$

you have to go back

post your shitty lia lopez links fuck bags

dumping Jow Forums

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For 15 year olds to pretend they are about to get rich

>1. Frens
>2. Memes

We’re all here to make money like men, heh, r-right guys?

What is the purpose of this entire site? It's definitely pretty useless.

good luck losing all your money. lmfffao "cryptocurrency" hahahahhha

this pic made me happy

shill link


Jow Forums

Jow Forums is much better than this shit board

Realistically, what is the purpose of this thread? It seems pretty useless.

/trv/ is the best board.

the disintermediation of all governments

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To tell the world how the Shekelniggers own every nation’s Central Bank.

unironically this

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I come here to look at the melt downs when crypto bubbles burst and to collect rare pink wojaks.
i've never invested in crypto in my life kek.

To thank you sir buying chainkink please

>Link shill
It's just all too perfect

i come here to have a laff

Me aswell. In a strange feel sorry for myself kind of way

Actually there were some useful posts and threads lately. The guys from /smg/ and entrepreneurial general are somewhat sane. From time to time there is that Sigourney-Weaver-Ripley-something user posting and I think he's helpful. Oh and sometimes there are threads for sharing setups for filtering the garbage on Jow Forums.

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Any of them. This board is not useful. /po/ is more valuable to the average person than this board full of idiots who can barely type out coherent sentences.

Jow Forumsfunny

I have found out about 3 of my 4 top coins on here.

More like /poo/

Jow Forums

Posting Wojaks of various colors

But seriously this board exists to give the braindead NEETs on this website some hope to cling to so they don't kill themselves and keep giving Hiro data to sell.


Checked but do you really think just because you browse biz after the golden bull run you will make it? Game is over


Jow Forums
Jow Forums

Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums
Jow Forums

delete every other board, they're useless

/ck/ especially. there's other boards on this site I've never visited more than once they're so fucking useless. there's literally an origami board - delete that shit

all this boards are so fucking slow tough. you are better off finding niche forums for them, and might aswell interact non or atleast pseudo anonymous there

True. A lot of those hobbies benefit from making connections and meeting people in the hobby. That doesn't really happen with Jow Forums

>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums


>Jow Forums
>Jow Forums
The absolute worst boards on the site.

then why are you here? go back to red.dit

Who /tvpol/ here?

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The fuck is /po/?
>looks it up
Ah, yeah. That's gonna be a yikes from me senpais. If you want useful go to Jow Forums and /x/ although you will need to filter 95% of shitty threads (just like every board). Jow Forums works too if you're a fat fuck.

The chad folio:
75% Jow Forums
15% /a/
10% /ic/

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Jow Forums

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asian qt's?

too much ass