Be Gillete (p&g)

>be Gillete (p&g)
>recent ad becomes one of the most disliked YouTube videos in history
>this happens to your chart

Can someone care to explain?

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Investors beleive the company is falling in line with future trends set by things like #metoo.

Current cosumers just dont like the commercial but probably still buy the products.


i wonder why

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Because much like Nike, this was an elaborate plan to get the newest of retail to short DOW stocks

because theres more to a business' valuation than just a single advert they put out

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buy backs?

P&G owns/makes a whole lot more than just Gillete, plus those who were offended probably don't trade stocks.

Nobody cares about a bunch of YouTube losers.

>make "controvercial ad"
>millions publicize your ad on their own social media for free (to complain about it or support it)
>crowdsourced advertising through manufactured outrage, virtue signalling and the need of retards to have "an opinion on things"

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Good goys get rewarded with Good Goy Tokens to be spent on the Good Goy attractions.

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It’s part of the JUST etf. Companies who support social justice are now targeted by savvy investors.

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Look at Nike. They get a short term SJW pop but in 1 year this stock will be down, specifically Gillette.

Gillette is gonna lose 10% to 20% of their customers overnight.

brainlet MAGA hatters unintentionally give Gillette all the views, social media interactions, and attention that P&G would NEVER have gotten with any other sort of ad by baiting them using some weak racial undertone pro-feminist bait

Nike did the same thing. Liberals take the bait "NOW IM GONNA GO BUY MORE OF (x corporation)'S STUFF BECAUSE THEY SIGNAL THE SAME VIRTUES AS ME!!!!!" while conservatives take the bait "I'M GONNA TWEET ABOUT GILLETTE 20 TIMES BECAUSE I HATE THEM NOW!!"

Americans are fucking brainlets and led around like sheep. I can say with 100% certainty that P&G (just like NIKE) doesn't give a flying FUCK about whatever is in the ad, their marketing department probably guaranteed them huge numbers and attention around the ad and they said "fuck yeah, pull the trigger"

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Ha, can't wait to see this go red

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holy fuck that's brilliant. Using the "social justice" meme to push stock prices upwards is seriously one of the most morally corrupt things I've seen in capitalism, completely takes advantage of the current absolutely fucking retarded American zeitgeist

are retail shorts the only thing fueling this fire the past few years?

It's like most of you retards can math. The left does not even have the money to make a stock jump like that. It's manipulated data to make you dumb goys think they were successful and it works.

>Gillette says it's satisfied with sales after controversial ad

Sorry goy, nothing personnel.

Electronic arts followed this trend. It tanks after a year.

Because the razors they sell for twice the price because they are pink are selling much more. Men dont care much for hygiene products and will mostly go for whats affordable, Gillette is tossing their old market under the bus to mass advertise to new customers who will pay more for the same crap colored pink.


I got in a huge debate with someone recently about this. Of course something like this will get a short spike from liberal purchasing and liberal stock buying, but the reality is most spending money out there is conservative money. And we're in a more divided time than ever.

All Nike and Gillette did was piss off a LOT of buyers over the age of 40. So when they go to the store they'll go "oh right these people acted like fags I'm not gonna buy their product".

Nike was the blueprint and Gillette will follow the same trend.

>All Nike and Gillette did was piss off a LOT of buyers over the age of 40
But EA customers are mostly young men?

>most spending money out there is conservative money
You incel fundie fucks are a dying breed. I’ll dance with my gender-neutral life partner on your grave.

I don't see how it's necessarily only American, as opposed to the West in general. I (German) received a health care insurance company magazine lobbying against "body-shaming," suggesting that it's okay to be obese, by proposing the straw-man that it's all about beauty and not at all about health. Yes, that's right. A health care insurance company encourages people to stay obese and develop health problems. Mind-blowing times we live in. I'm just waiting for health care companies to start handing out BigMac gift cards in the name of "Social Justice."

>buy backs?
This. /thread

>A health care insurance company encourages people to stay obese and develop health problem
Gee, I wonder why.

Threads like these make linkie spam look like nice content.

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(You) are not as important as (you) think (you) are

I don't understand the point behind gender neutrality. The same with other shit like wanting the one global uberlanguage. Simply because it goes against the sentiment of combined arms and every country which keeps up specialization is going to crush you. It's also why the promotion of race-mixing in particular is retarded AF. You can't do everything at once. Why wouldn't you want a partner that compliments you instead of some gender-neutral redundant hipster?

this. its takes a while for the sales to reflect boycott. they’re trading short term spike in sales from sjws for losing long term customers

>thinking u know better than gilette

that's why you're poor and lurking on Jow Forums

Just thought I’d chime in and say I’m still using my Gillette because it shaves well. I don’t give a fuck that some faggots at their marketing department made a shit ad.

Amazes me how many boomers are like “I will not buy their razors after 20 years” because of some they’re important or something.

Bad publicity is still publicity.

Streisand effect.

All publicity doesn't equal good publicity

You vote with your money faggot. If you want to keep getting cucked by all means

Have you considered trying a single blade safety razor? Way cheaper than cartridges and kinda fun once you learn to take your time and not mangle your face.

The ad was in Q1 2019. The revenue was from 2018. Any effect the ad had wont be known until March.

Probably was an earnings beat. This may not be the case going forward.

Really it’s a tiny minority of people who dislike the ad. It’s just that some faggots live in an echo chamber where they are protected from the knowledge that almost nobody in the entire world agrees with their idiot philosophy. The funny thing is that these weirdos are so mentally underdeveloped and autistic they they literally can’t comprehend that nobody in the entire world agrees with them except for other mentally delayed autists.


Lmao at these triggered faggots

You obv don't know shit about stocks

always do the opposite of retail plebs OP

Institutional investors are the exact same big nosed gentlemen that's pushing the political overton window left, they're betting on that socialism will win over capitalism

You retards didn't even bother to take a second look at the chart...
The stupid ad came out jan-13 - price closed 91.15 that day. Today price closed at 94.84 - barely +4% - nothing to see here

No such thing as bad publicity.

Pretty much this. Make "controversy," fags on here and elsewhere get up in arms about it and sell their PG stock. It's now oversold and they beat earnings. So easy to manipulate people based on their political ideologies.

huh? go fuck yourself kike.

Men make up the majority of YouTube views, women make up the majority of consumption, especially of household goods. It's pretty simple once you think about it in terms of demographics. Gillette (and therefore P&G) didn't care about pissing off bunch of men, even considering that their user base is predominantly male, because they knew it would still likely appeal to a majority of those who actually purchase their products, as well as garnering enough press to attract new consumers who support the message expressed in their advertisement (especially considering how it was favorably communicated by most news outlets).