Is it really that hard to find a job in the US?

Is it really that hard to find a job in the US?

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Is it hard to find a job? No. The service industry is hurting right now so there are plenty of places to go make $11/hr flipping burgers. Is it hard to get a skilled job? Yes. You come out of college to find all entry level jobs require 7 years experience and you're completing against millions of other chad retards who know 1/4 of as much as you do, but because HR and management is all chads or roasties, they don't hire you because you're quiet and, "probably just another incel."

This is true. Where I worked they refused to hire the "timid" type of candidates because they didn't fit the workplace culture.

‘I’ve had such a hard life’

Somehow I doubt this

>panhandling on facebook
the absolute state of normies

>this cry baby filter and onions frown should help my cause

What do you expect? You're competing in a nightmare land of ideology and consumerism, are you too big of a bitch to play the game? I don't mean being over, I mean being smart and aware enough to play the cucks and roasties that you will have to deal with. It's pretty simple, get over yourself and learn some basic machiavellianism/"how to win friends and influence people" logic.

Yeah, pretty much anyone can serve/bus/bartend and get by fine. Is it a great job? Hell no, it is emotional and petty, but you can make money. If you can't bridge the gap between digging literal holes and working with food&beverage then you are destined to be poor.

That being said, anyone who dedicated 1-2 years to learning an in demand programming language/stack WILL find employment, this assumes you have self awareness and the ability to channel your focus/attention into worthy pursuits.

Hahahahaha yes that's why they won't hire you outside home depot. Learn Spanish if you're gonna be a day laborer or you're gonna have a bad time.

just wait till shit hits the fan and then were really in for a ride

If you don't know anyone at the company or didn't do an internship with said company, good fucking luck.
Finding a career straight out of college by just applying to random places is a PITA. I started my own business because I couldn't be bothered applying to shitty positions at shitty companies anymore.
Fuck that noise

What general industry? Not asking to take your idea, but I like hearing success stories from people who were in my position.

I had (sort of) the same experience as you. Graduated last year, got decent offers ($75k in SF/NY which isn't great) and started a business... a niche type of consulting which hasn't worked out. Still living at home 9 months later. Need to either bite the bullet and go wageslave or find another business that requires really small startup capital.

Nigga it's January everything is dead right now

You don't even need to be that serious about it. Just be social and you will get by just fine.

A good job, yes.

A shit job where you have to share bunkbeds with 10 mexicans to make rent, no

$75k in SF is like $2k in the bank

that's how they keep you cucked until 65

yes our government undermines us in favor of 3rd worlders especially in STEM

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>undermines us in favor of 3rd worlders in STEM

You stupid nigger. LIFE is undermining your dumb illiterate ass

the US government is in complete disarray and they don't know how to handle the solution. they only thing they can do is double-down and lie to people about how great things are.

this explains the shills you see in these threads saying "everything is fine, you're just stupid". and yes, paid shills are a real thing.

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Yeah that's why I didn't take those. But it's still depressing to be living at home with a volatile but failing business. Might go get an MS in data science or something...

I doubt those are paid shills, but your pic is right. I just want to make enough money to move and live near some close friends before we all get sucked into this hellscape.

This, it's annoying as fuck, me and a friend went for the same job and he got it despite having basically no experience or knowledge of actually how to do that work, I then, being the biggest fucking cuck I am, literally spent the weekend teaching him all the programs he was going to use. (I mean, basic shit like lotus and office suite but jesus still).

Also someone tell me what is a good way to spin all this time I've wasted on day trading into something that looks like I've been doing something with my life on my resume.

Hard to find a good well paying job yes.

pick a big corporate chain store with high turn over, say you worked there as a retail cuck

when they call to ask to speak with the manager's name you made up, chances are so many managers have been hired the current one doesn't even know who they're asking about

No. Our unemployment rate is at pre-Depression levels. People just don't know where to look (*cough* trades *cough*)

go kill yourself. if you want live a fake life, then you will have to live with the consequences.

>being the biggest fucking cuck I am, literally spent the weekend teaching him all the programs he was going to use. (I mean, basic shit like lotus and office suite but jesus still).
That is a very cuckish thing to do, HOWEVER it may (assuming your friend isn't a pos) pay off because he can put in 'a good word' for you.
Failing that, congrats you're a tutor now, start getting people to pay you for your lessons.
>inb4 huur it's all online for fwee derr you don't need teachers lmao
Fuck you, you pedagogical imbeciles.

>Implying the serfs didn't have more rights than the modern man.

Good to hear. CS student currently but I'm attractive so I get away with a lot of shit that most people don't. Happy to hear that I'll get a job easy once I graduate.

Sounds like cog wheel activity for those willing to be dead within a hollow shell. A sea of NPCs.

Society is ugly and so is its 'progress'. Reset, even if that means homelessness.

Found the retard. Go acquire a skill you piece of shit. You literally have had a 20+ year go ahead start over these pajeets and you are still wining like a fucking democrat.

Must be an easy life if everything you disagree with is a "paid shill". Pathetic.

Nigger can't you read what Trump said. He's only after the creme de la creme. Fucking mouth breathing faggot. I wish I can just go through the screen and choke you to death.

Jesus christ. Seek therapy

Good grief, you faggots are pathetic. These whiney comments belong on plebbit. I graduated in 2008 when it really was impossible to find a job, and it sucked but everything turned out fine.

Fuck off to Jow Forums

He'll stay and so will I. Fuck off to tumblr

I've been here shit talking tumblr longer than you, and I bet you won't even believe me.

As others have said, it is easy to get a job in unskilled labor. For white collar work, pic related.

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the infinite immigration

Boomers. God I fucking hate boomers with a passion.