Be me

>be me
>go to interview for job
>pays 75k
>50k is baseline to live paycheck to paycheck here
>grit my teeth through the entire interview process
>pretend to act eager and interested
>get hired
>start next week
>I'm already over it

I don't know if I can go back to waging you guys but I need the money. I am so uninterested in working already, I don't know how the fuck I'm going to muster up the energy to "prove myself". Usually people are eager to start a new job, I haven't even stepped foot in the door and I already feel like I've been there 5 years.

Anyone else experience this before? How did you cope? I'm about to lose it

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iktf but only for a mcjob my mom made me get. is office life really that soul sucking??

where do you live?

I think you should see a therapist.

>able to put over 2000 dollarydoos into LINK each month

USA, not saying where exactly. in the South

Protip: nobody likes working. Most people just hate home life more. They marry some gross, used up sow and have two shitty kids who scream and yell all day and they'd rather me a slave for a kike because at least they get some peace there.

What's the job?

Why not just start drinking on the job? Chew gum to mask the smell.

I disagree, only people with souls dislike working. I've met plenty of wagies who love it

You're doing it all wrong. You don't need to spend 50K on living expenses.

Here's what I spend in NYC (East Manhattan).
>Rent: $800/mo
It's usually closer to $900. I rent out bedrooms of people still on leases that need to move out to save on rent. I own very little things, so I can relocate very easily. I typically find these on Craigslist and they are lined up in advance. I could rent out all the way in Brooklyn, but I found a good deal for 3 months in Manhattan so I'm here. One thing I highly recommend is to find a unit with a lockable bedroom or temporarily install your own doorknob while living there so you can lock your room when you're not home.
>Unlimited Subway pass: $121/mo
>Food: $200/mo
2400kcal diet. Most of the food I eat is raw/blended. What I need to cook I can usually do in a pressure cooker, and it takes me about an hour to prepare 4 days worth of food. I bring lunch to work so I don't have to spend money eating out.
>Cell Phone
I'm still on my parents plan which is like 6 lines for $150/mo, but generally if you live in the city its pretty easy to get service for $30/mo.
>I spend about $200/mo on clothes, electronics, and books (if pdfs/torrents are shit). Try to buy electronics for cash on eBay auctions, you can get really good prices if the auctions end during the day when everyone is at work. I will follow auctions on my phone and bid the last few seconds during work. I got a Galaxy S9+ for $470 this way. Keep in mind, I have to spend a lot on clothes. This is most of the budget since I work in insurance (client-facing role).
>Utilities and internet: Depends
Typically, I try to include utilities in the rent price I agree too.
>Health Insurance
My employer covers this, but if they didn't I would just not pay for it. I am 25 y/o and live a very healthy lifestyle. If I was obese/preexisting condition, I could always opt in.

So, about $1300-1400/mo in Manhattan. Remember, OP you only need food/water/shelter.

sorry OP but your misery is making me smile. I think it's some sort of nervous reaction to how much this world sucks. is 50k seriously the baseline? get extreme, you can cut that I imagine, 50k is absolutely insane.

anyway yeha being a wagie sucks

rent here is literally $1300+ a month not including utilities for a 1 bedroom. my car insurance alone is more than your subway pass. I'm also not on my mommy's cell phone plan.

you chose a wrong place to live considering thats rent price for studios in cali. The south has some of the cheapest real estate, esp georgia.

Rent in Manhattan is 3K+ if you want a 1 bedroom in a good location. Hence why I search for just a bedroom for a short time period (1-5 months typically), and I can get that down to $800-900/mo.

The truth is, you can probably get roommates and live in your area for

>you can probably get roommates and live in your area for

This guy, , knows what's up. I live on upper east side and pay $1680/month for a studio. Looking to move soon and I keep seeing cheap sublets all over.

try to finesse and loaft as much as u can, also bring your own laptop in, say its more "effecient" and just browse biz and trade shitcoins all day

always moving like this faggot sound fucking miserable. Fucking grow up faggot

You only move every 3-4 months typically, and I only use my apartment to prepare food and sleep. I spend the rest of the time at work, the library, or hanging out with coworkers/friends.

who the fuck goes to the library

k is baseline to live paycheck to paycheck here
Come on bro, your rent doesn't cost 50k a year. You're more than likely wasting your money on bullshit.

there's a little thing called income tax, maybe you've heard of it?

There's no excuse not to be saving money. I easily saved up over a year of living expenses on 50k a year, quit, and started my own business. You can do it too.

Shut the fuck up boomer

Nope, I'm a millenial. Boomers can't do it because they have a wife and kids.

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>15k baseline for me
>Offered 45k starter job with high mobility in the future
>Cost of living so low in area that I can afford to buy a house, pay car payment, and pay off my student loans

Feel good guys

This is me. You should have picked an easier job like teaching. I wish I did that. Tolerable and piss easy. Basically get paid to babysit amd regurgitate basic information.

I feel like it's not even the work itself albeit usually depressing and the companies expect way too much dedication.
It's the goals. Before there was drive to save up for a house or a great holiday, a new car. Housing is now unaffordable and paying 70% of your wage is unmotivating.
Everything else is instant gratification that's wearing off on everyone. Buying a new phone or piece of tech doesn't bring the same joy it used to, spending money in general isn't getting the same value it once used to. Life is becoming stale and working is becoming more like slavery with less and less benefits it once brought on.

I would say a lot of people are starting to feel similar ways. The work is starting to feel like it's all for nothing and I'm curious as to how much people can handle and what the outcome will be when they don't cope any more.

>I rent out bedrooms of people still on leases that need to move out to save on rent.


it's called "sub-leasing", illegal in most places from what I've seen

I experienced something like that before. I ended up in a performance improvement program (do this by such and such time or you're fired). I got so scared that I worked like a champ, gamed the system to get my code finished on time, and was congratulated for it. Left the job in good standing, ratting on my manager to his managers, and got another job where I was very, very eager to "prove myself". They even liked my previous job in my resume. Now every time I need motivation, I just look back at this nightmare and it keeps me going. Fear is a great motivator, use it.

you mean stress? so basically you just stress yourself the fuck out to get anything done? that sounds miserable.

It is. :( . But there are times when I don't need it, when I like what I'm doing. It's just when I start to get lazy, I get a jolt when I remember that one time I was almost fired.

Op I feel you. The more red pilled you become the more crazy you sound to normies still plugged into the matrix. I unironically suggest that you start doing psychedelic drugs and just have goals and other shit you’re working toward to escape the normie trap

Sad out look bro, those people are losers who settle for a loser who can't parent

Yes, I usually pay w/ cash and the landlord doesn't know