Tfw fell for the “dont go to college” meme

>tfw fell for the “dont go to college” meme

Attached: 5C469246-90F7-4315-84A4-A99A0D508C79.jpg (1280x720, 65K)

>tfw fell for the early retirement meme

Attached: 8e0e936d5df168cb43ccd28b84db754a.jpg (500x500, 31K)

op at least you're not 100k in debt and paying interest for life.

I did too and my life is completely fucked now. Have a useless associates degree but would have had a career by now if I had just done the bachelors.

If I could do it over, I would have just done the first 2 years of college before turning 18, transfer for an online ba, and graduate in like 1.5-3 years from a cal state (probably 1.5 as I would have done the accelerated program). Doing the 1st 2 years at a CC = Debt is negligible.

Now I need 1.5 more years and 21k to finish with no debt. Sounds not so bad BUT I need another 37k for something entirely different. Always something in my way. Plus my number one obstacle is my age. I'm 23.5 and it feels like utter shit. I could have been on this same exact spot by age 18.5. No fucking joke. So automatically, that's a 5 year opportunity cost.

I'm only 23k in debt. Still don't feel good about it.

I'm 24 and in the same boat user. I could of done my PhD by now, with most of NY peers completing masters. Still working on my bachelor but been gaining work experience with related jobs / interns and been freelancing a lot.


Same here. 28 and still only make $40k/yr. I don't know how to move forward.

Faggots move to Europe and get a free university degree and stop whining on a runescape item trading forum for cambodian bean farmers

>tfw 22yo STEM undergrad, going to med school in the Fall
>tfw no debt because of scholarships

College dropout here. Don't even give a fuck about the degree. The memories of all the good times partying, drinking every day, and not giving a fuck I will cherish for the rest of my life. You missed out big time.

>23k in debt
kek, fell for the jewish trap

Comfy electrical engineering student here, making 32 an hour interning this summer

How much debt, Tommy Boy?

Dunno about you OP but I have zero student debt, I work as an electrician and I belong to middle class in my country. I'm doing much better than most of my peers.

The "don't go to college" meme only makes sense for muricans and only in some situations.

>He fell for the finish college but waste 1 year looking at shitcoin charts and dont do anything productive and ruin your chances of landing a good job even though you had a good GPA
yep that's me

>fell for the trade meme
>24 now and have never made more than 50k since 19

0. I saved up about 30 grand for a few years working full time as an electrician apprentice before I enrolled. Dropped out and went back to work much poorer, but I'd kms today if all I did in my early 20s was work my youth away.

I did this but I managed to find a comfy remote job with a bad gpa. Take the digital marketing pill.

Forced memes

To each their own. Sounds like big waste of time and money to me. I guess thats just the Burgerstani mindset lel

Only true if you live in a shithole like the USA.

For example if you want to get a job programming, just learn it on your own because you can literally use a search engine yourself instead of going to a college and have a professor tell you to "read the book" and "google it"

>fell for the "just get your CDL, bro" meme

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-24 Walmart is hiring 900 truck drivers, raises salary to almost $90K.png (762x288, 88K)

Mfw went to college
Mfw floated thorugh most of it
Mfw landed 90k year a job starting with lots of room for mobility
Mfw only 7k debt
Have fun fucking losers not going to college lel

what do you mean by the digital marketing pill?

Every dude I know that didn't go to college is a NEET living with parents with severe depression, I'm stuck being a wagie with the degree but at least I cherish my free time enough to do something with it, and I'm not as depressed because I'm out doing things.
Going to college isn't the problem, it was always the stupid amount of debt you can accrue, you just have to find ways around it.

>he doesn't know that stage colleges are free with FAFSA

you have to pay fafsa loans back

experience was worth it to me. Now 30 and doing better financially than the vast majority my age. It's amazing how little effort it takes to make an above average living.

you dont have to get their loans
i literally got free money from fafsa.

Got free college funding from my autismbucks sponsor. :)

If you want to get a jbo that will pay, go get your associates in nursing so you can be an RN. You will $50K+ after 2 years at a community college and a 10-15K investment.

Should I go to college? 24 barely passed high school because was sent to nigger public schools my whole life. Making 30k and hating my life. I have no passions or hobbys, so I wouldn't even know what to do. Also don't even know how college works I am a sperg

What did you do before retiring and how did you retire early (is it crypto)?

Fell for the "dude just get certs" meme. Wasted 2 years of my life on that. Got a cool part time job but it just pays a dollar more than grocery baggers.
Could have already had my bachelor's by now. Working through my degree slowly now, but i'll probably graduate when im 26. Overall disastrous.

If youre not feeling college after high school then just join the military. Wish I did.

You don't have to attend college to be successful. I work in IT making close to 50k with no degree and i'm younger then you.

This user gets it, having an RN attached to your name is super useful. Nurses do all sorts of shit and can work different hours based on what kind of schedule you prefer. It's also easy to get employers to pay for more schooling for more advanced degrees.

>med school
cringe and bluepilled

is not what you expected?

fuck you for this personal attack on my character
i need a job soon, COL has been eating away my gains and i can only survive on lentils & rice for so long

not there yet sadly, maybe 3-4 years to go.

I did
>generally live below my means: saving rate 60%+
>small pc repair business when I was 15
>selling used books, dvd, music on amazon when I was 18
>while in college: IT consulting with a friend, part-time gov job which paid well, started a few websites
>while working my first job, i still did a few consulting jobs on the side (some guy asked if he can pay in bitcoin), started another website which blew up
>have a very well-paying job now in finance

Attached: saving rate.png (1238x373, 25K)

You have no debt and are much more in control of your future than many who did fall for the meme

Double-edged sword, user. Make the best of it

>started another website which blew up

What is your niche?

unironically memes

>no college
>no debt
>no problem

Attached: 1422337412145s.jpg (225x225, 11K)

Are you moot?


How'd you do that?

you can still go to college....

you can't "return your college" and get your money back though.

think about that.

Attached: 1525406890021.jpg (710x823, 90K)

There is tons of money to be made here I'm sure. It would be near impossible to prove copyright on any of that stuff and people create them for free.