Are vending machines worth it?

Are vending machines worth it?

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Explain. I have enough to buy one and a location in mind.

only if you have proper location
how much start up capital do you have?
what type of machines do you want or have?
who do you know personally that could help you place your machine in an ideal location? (warehouses with a lot of employees, large offices) these places will already have machines, how will you disrupt this?

Yes, absolutely, but location location location, and make sure you take credit cards. and keep that shit stocked with boston cream buns you fuck.

and make sure you return dollar coins, understand? I want my change to have that indian thot on the front plus it is more convenient than quarters.

user makes a good point, you need to have this shit filled with all the stoner classics along with card acceptor:

zebra cakes, original or the new jumbo ones
nutty buddy's
a couple different brands of honey buns, the freaky, hot, glazed ones *unzips*

also need a costco and or sams membership

Theres a board game shop that opened near me. Was going to stock the machine with onions

how about you get some of those machines with the rigged payouts and load it with rigged magic/pokemon packs, then kys

There is a feminist center that opened near me. Was going to stock the machine with my sperm

Faggot machine at work ate my dollar yesterday

based and snackpilled

I have a sams membership


put easter eggs in the very back of random rows to incite volatility


No I'm not. What's the easiest way to transport the machine? Will probably need to rent a uhaul or something.

honda civic nets better milage, or horse and carriage

Civic is too small

you can fit at least 7 gumball machines in a civic hatch back, i have done it before

>gumball machines

I'm looking at one of those sensor light vending machines with CC payments. The board game shop is in a nice area, the manchildren there have $$$.

I was thinking a fancy ass one with "full course" meals inside, if you cant set up a microwave you have to opt for the fanciest one with built in micro

Its freemason tier hustle. The wageslaves pay you for getting poisened by this garbage. Do it godspeed.

How are the credit card transactions handled?
What company does the batch processing and bank submission shit?

How does a 50 cent soda get a $2 tx fee? How do they get around that?

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For me, it’s some Jalapeño Poppers and a bag of Skittles


Does your mom know you're on the 4chans again user?

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Ramen. Fresh, hot ramen cups sold at $2 a pop. Feed the lardasses playing 40k. Cost is a few cents per pack, machine itself is about 4.5k dollarydoos. Thinking of spamming them into colleges as well.

Based trips confirm vending machines are the patricians income source.