Storing Private Keys on USB vs. Ledger Nano S
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If at any point you type your keys on a computer which is not completely and eternally airgapped, you are a brainlet and will lose your money.
There is no comparison here.
There is no comparaison.
A ledger Nano S is a secure device that lock your keys from your computer while storing your keys on a USB stick is like storing them on your hard drive : it's reckless.
I keep my keys in special emails to myself using a basic word cipher.
I trust Google a lot more to keep my data then myself .
ledgers are for brainlets that don't know how computers work.
And how is your flawless ledgerless setup working, computer genius?
ledgers are perfectly fine
>my computer will infect itself
No, retard. Ledger is made for people like you.
>encrypted USB/volume > anything else
And free.
>encrypted USB/volume > anything else
And how do you sign your transactions without deciphering your key and exposing them to a malicious software on your computer?
It's impossible, unless you have an offline secondary computer that is used to sign your transactions, which is what is basically a ledger.
>malicious software on your computer?
There is no malicious software in MY computer.
IF I have to use a computer I don't trust, I restart it offline with a linux live cd, check for any rootkits, then sign my shit and leave no traces.
Ledgers are fine for the tech/computer illiterate folks, I can admit that.
>There is no malicious software in MY computer.
If you were that good with computer security you would know that you can never make such a statement with complete certainty, unless it has never been connected to the internet (and assuming it was not purposely infected in the factory).
Saw the thread yesterday where some user lost his entire link stack and was using a ledger. Kinda freaked me out
Sure, but that's being Mr. Robot's levels of paranoid. I can guarantee you my crypto is safer than 99% of the regular PC user.
Most of the "hackings" are user related and can easily be prevented.
He stored his seed words on his computer.
He had a keylogger on his computer and he typed out the seed phrases to his computer into a file
Nothing to do with Ledger
88k Link he lost. I still think about that poor sob.
That's exactly my point. You can have an airgapped PC with Ledger inside a bunker 100 meters undergroud... And still get hacked if you're retarded to skip one of the steps of basic security.
>Check for rootkits while on a live USB temporarily using an untrusted computer
This is how we all know you have no idea what you are doing and are essentially just talking out your ass. Making sure those 1337 hackers didn't unsquash your OS and repack it while your weren't looking ?
You don't know all the zero days faggot that is why they are called zero days , plus I bet you run outdated as fuck software with your Ubuntu Hardy live USB
Doesn't make sense to compare them. Do you mean USB + airgapped PC? The usual Ledger + paper wallet setup is more convenient.
>what is TrueCrypt?
I literally couldn't understand anything you said. Can you speak like a normal person?
Read the thread
>Thinks he can and will vet every binary blob that ever executes on his computer
>Thinks he can and will anticipate zero days before they are public
>Thinks he will never make a mistake ever
>Doesn't want to spend $60 to reduce his attack surface by orders of magnitude
When you lose your crypto it will be even worse than when a techno-naive person loses theirs, because you won't even have ignorance as an excuse. You're the kind of person who ought to know better.
what thread link to thread pls
First rule of computer/web security is to assume that any computer you use that has an internet connection has malicious software on it.
You're just a poorfag who hides behind "muh computer skills" for why you don't buy a ledger
But what if cipher?
Is Nano S good enough or should I get Trezor instead?
I have a trezor, It keeps my stuff safe
only problem is that I cannot afford a Trezor as of now. I would have to use credit card then. I can afford a Nano S though. Are the extra features worth it?
Get a nano then, Keep your seed words written on paper in a safe and you'll be alright.
What are the odds? Plz don't steal fundus
anyone that goes through insane amounts of bullshit to make their transaction computer "safe" is a poorfag that has no significant amount of money in crypto in the first place
Fuck Yeah!, DDR!
Ai Yai Yai!
Ai Yai Yai!
Ai Yai Yai!
Where's my Samurai!
I just have a seperate machine with an encrypted QubeOS installation on it.
Add up all the hours you spend setting up Qubes, debugging it when it doesn't work, reading stackoverflow to help debug it, and other time sinks involved. Is your time so worthless that it's more efficient to do all of that (and hope you did it right and didn't miss anything), than to just send $60 and have dedicated airgapped hardware wallet?
Honest question.
like some anons said already. if you are a super brainlet that does'nt know how anything works and use windows, get a ledger. but don't bitch when the cops or niggers find it and demand you to pay up your cryptoes.
a real computer man doesn't need a ledger, he runs some Linux OS and has his keys in a keystore or even just an encrypted file somewhere in the cloud.
>real computer man
Am I a brainlet for thinking the only safe way to store without reformatting a computer just to create a key is with a paper key?
>a real computer man doesn't need a ledger, he runs some Linux OS and has his keys in a keystore or even just an encrypted file somewhere in the cloud.
This. If someone enters my house to rob me and recognizes a Ledger, then I'm fucked.
On the contrary, even If the fucking FBI goes through my PC they won't find my encrypted volume hidden between the file archives of my hentai Steam game library.
Where do you guys keep your recovery phrases?
>inb4 in my head
>fast forward to the future
>google deletes your account and bans you for life because you shitpost on a anime themed neo nazi hate speech forum
says alot about link holders
I was referencing the fact that this user was bragging about checking for rootkits after booting a live distro.
The vast majority of them use a combination of a squashfs and a kernel/initrd. The squashfs is like a tarball where the whole OS is decompressed and loaded into memory from this read only file.
When he spoke about checking for rootkits:
A. if you are rootkitted you cannot do this as you are technically running in a userspace that cannot see them
B. you cannot rootkit a live USB install without unpacking then repacking the squashfs file, which really no automated exploit in the world would have the logic to do.
Essentially, this script kiddy likes to browse /g but does not really understand why he does the things he does which makes him an even easier target.
>store crypto on cracked windows with no AV
>untouched since 2013
Really activates the almonds
Dice and paper are the best way to generate a key, it's true. Sooner or later though the key needs to go into a machine, and at that point the key is only as safe as the machine you are entering it into. Hardware wallets allow for entering keys safely even on the most compromised of desktops, which is a plus, provided you trust the manufacturer.
you are a top tier faggot
Ya i guess I only ever thought about long term holds. I still will likely persue the paper route, and hope that in the future a better solution will arise vs reformatting a comp to then transact with. Also thanks
based quints
>they won't find my encrypted volume
I do data recovery, they would be able to find the encrypted volume.
Whether you would be compelled to provide the password through discovery is another question
Can i trust a new macbook bought from the store or should I assume it was tampered with or that apple is watching everything I do?