Any anons want some comfy LINK breadcrumbs?

>komgo network members easily connect through industry adopted and standard interfaces.

>Whilst at the core of our solution we use the excitingly new distributed ledger technology there still is a lot of legacy IT technology that we use for interfacing and data management.

I've got more

Attached: ath-smug-levels.jpg (500x528, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:

yes please

feed me daddy!

Attached: 1547700646627.png (750x750, 259K)

Is there any statistics how many people are into Link? I mean in terms of active bagholders etc.

How marginal stuff we are still talking?
When Link last had big pumps, lots of twitter and other social media attention, those 2 subreddits Chainlink and Linktrader both only got 100 new subscribers. And probably not all of those 100 even bought Chainlink.

We are not even early investors, nobody except Jow Forums does not even pretty much talk about Chainlink.

Do you think we will achieve some sort of "tipping point" and some other sites actually start to talk about Chainlink?

Komgo is old news

you should stop caring... adoption will happen B2B, it doesn't need normies


>Kaleido’s partnership with Amazon Web Services has opened up a worldwide marketplace for blockchain-as-a-service.

>get your ducks in a row

Attached: keys.png (264x145, 17K)


There's a wealth of insight on this breadcrumbs, I won't spoon-feed

Any user who maps out the breadcrumbs will sleep comfy

meme url - it's fucking nothing

>mbs will sleep comfy


user, we've gone down this road before. Its a brainlet hole for us.

Small spoon-feeds would be appreciated.


Get a loaf of pajeet power tripping with his crumbs. Fuck you.

Attached: morecumbsSir.jpg (1200x749, 390K)

plez spoobs sphhhrrssssspppppps

Attached: 1547908533607.png (645x614, 83K)

iv'e already been sleeping comfy, just sucks that even if i shilled it to anyone i know in a way that a 4 year old pajeet could understand, they would never be able to realize the value of LINK.

more newfags with their old news

LAW THIRD, if OPENLAWS platform performs well

Nice to see a new generation following our footsteps. Good luck, you've got many sleepless nights ahead of you if you're going to get to my level of delusion. Read the bletchley papers for starters, that's where I started to connect the dots. - Riddle user

can't wait to buy this back at .20 cents lol

yeah but do you have anything that hasn't been covered here multiple times?

Drown in the ganges, chaiwalla!

The article mentioned of the same things we've heard before: current contract processing is inefficient, slow and creates higher risks, etc. What's interesting is that komgo acknowledged the trade finance/ insurance industry to be slow to change so big companies with a stake in this will be FORCING the transformation. You can see the same happening with Tom, he's pushing for digital signatures hard and could have involvement with 2021 IDEA.

Komgo will also be using Kaleido so that's cool

Fuck you -Riddle user

You lieing swinglinker, when dropping?


watch them