In your opinion, who is the coolest guy in all cryptosphere?
In your opinion, who is the coolest guy in all cryptosphere?
Arthur Brock.
Nick Szabo
Unironically jihan is pretty based
Is it even a contest?
The pineapple fund guy
McAfee, duh
Craig Wright
>larps as satoshi
>hates soi boys
>Australian shitposting god
Our guy
Craig is delusional and a scammer. Not my guy
Go back soi boy
Charlie Shrem. Mofo got locked up and served time for the greater cause. He also looks like a strategically shaved money.
Go back where? This is my home faggot. Go be gay with Craig elsewhere
Craig Satoshi Wright
Plebbit where you belong kike
Im the coolest
Stupid nigger
>scamming thousands of plebbitors and making them defend him even after he took all of their money
absolutely based, Sunny is our guy
Great Minds Discuss Ideas.
Average Minds Discuss Events.
Small Minds Discuss People
"Small minds discuss people".... where does that put you?
Based vitalik and his turbo autism
arthur hayes
Sup bitches.
Wasa wasa wasa!
suck my dick
all yall niggas just got BTFO
how you doin'
let us get away with this for just this once plox :)
The only guy who truly doesn't give a fuck about what others think of him and isn't afraid to rage against the machine.
this has to be a troll right? pic related blew yo boy out a few months back nigga
Hal Finney
Based and Satoshipilled.
Tone Vays
Now that's how you command a fuckin room
Roger Ver
Craig 'Satoshi' Wright obviously.
Nick's pretty based
Vitalik is plebbit scum
Charlie Lee is a shifty slant eye
CSW and Ver are fucking clownshoes
CZ is pretty fucking based
Vitalik. Next is Sergey
Fuck your mother if you want fuck
Suck dr Craig’s gay dick you asshood
Probably the coolest
Mr.Brock, the messias
based boomer
Charlie fucks lee