The Holy Trinity

ETH + LINK = Smart contracts for derivatives, insurance, etc

Holochain = dApps galore

The Holy Trinity of portfolios.

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Other urls found in this thread:!/trade/0xa8bdc8882987a3ed83d8030f08d64479f1eff731-ETH

Literally the only 3 projects I have in my portfolio.

eth and link are dog shit and direct competitors of holochain

holochain solves the oracle problem and makes dapps sustainable on a infinite scale. theres no reason anyone would use bloat wear shit like eth and link

bitcoin until 2020ish as well

>sustainable on a infinite scale

Fuck link

ETH vitalik said the days of x100 are over, so I dont see whats the point of buying ETH

HOLO : another dapp piece of shit chain

LINK: the onlything that the WHOLE crypto spae needs to actually become relevent.

I fail to understand why would anyone hold anything other than chainlink

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Holochain doesn't do smartcontracts.

Eth tried and failed to do dApps.

This portfolio is the ultimate compliment to the others weaknesses.

since holochain is agent centric, it's datatype agnostic, meaning any agent can be used as an oracle and the reputation management system will enable you to code a trustworthyness threshold and multiple oracles in a smart contract.
TL;DR, holochain solves the oracle problem by default

I honestly don't know how any of this shit works but careful meme analysis over the years has me splitting 15% of my income into these three coins, the sole motivating factor being explaining my wealth strategy to professionals at high-end recreation areas.

You buy ETH for the things that get built on ETH, most ERC20s are going to be rendered obsolete by LINK but on the other hand ERC721s still have a long life ahead of them.

>Vitalik said
into the trash it goes

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from today

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I like your style user

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>Holochain doesn't do smartcontracts.

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this is why so many people on Jow Forums won't buy holochain dude. stop being an idiot

t. doesn't understand the tech
t. holds 2nd gen shit

>IQ 85: all in on LINK
>IQ 100: nocoiner
>IQ 115: all in on ETH
>IQ 130: all in on HOT
>IQ 145: all in on LINK

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Pick one

goddam fucking shit, anons, if you're going to keep turning my comments into pastas I need to stop daydrinking and start licensing my shitposts.

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obviously link... because its not pumping hard right now....

When is the testnet for Holofuel? I wanna see them back up their billions of tps claim

link is obsolete, holochain enables every agent to function as a built in oracle

i intend on hodl for atleast 5 years anyway so I dont care about short term bumps.

I would apriciate an honest answer tho


dont buy 2nd gen tech in this space. eth isnt bitcoin. its not a store of value, its value comes from its utility and it will be thrown into the trash when something better comes along, that something better is called holochain. it has the potential to be the next amazon

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Eth casper update will make all other shitcoins obsolete

Pay attention kids, this is how a conman sounds.

i am a firm believer of link i must say this, much i have a huge amount already, i will hodl, nothing will change that.

but i am thinking if i should branch out now. because why not ey

can someone frens please give me their honest opinions.

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IQ === 163 // 50/50 split link/hot

If you had an IQ above 130 you would know that holochain makes chainlink obsolete and therefore would not invest in it

>Ferrari makes Volkswagen absolute

>holo pajeets continue to try to co-opt LINK to shill their shit coins

>next amazon
Well that's a pajeet phrase if ever I saw one

Poor comparison

Why buy an archaic engine and chain with no body when you can buy a volkswagen thats ready to go

Why do some government agencies still run windows XP?

FYI Holo is an app that will run on Holochain. It utilizes its own "fuel" for a decentralized hosting ecosystem - this is Holo Fuel. The HOT tokens on Binance, etc are ERC-20 placeholder tokens that will be swapped for Holo Fuel once Holo is operational. So you do not need Holo Fuel to make use of Holochain, but if you want to interact on Holo, then that's where it comes into play. So basically you're buying tokens to use an app.

Because its still a functional piece of equipment and theres only so much refinement one can do on a piece of technology before you hit the ceiling. It took microsoft 20 years to get to tbuild microsoft xp

Ayy LMFAO I still have one of my old PC's running XP works great.

holo is the first holochain inplementation.
Like bitcoin was the first blockchain implementation.

I'll let you figure that one out...

Which will be pegged to the demand for processing power which will affect the price

Are you being serious? Do you genuinely think that is an intelligent thing to say and that you are intelligent for having said it?

Nobody on Jow Forums thinks they're intelligent. We just throw shitposts at the wall and see what sticks, then claim we are 130+ IQ genuines when one of the shitposts sticks. Now leaf.

A few things to keep in mind..

Holochain is an upgrade to blockchain.

Two ETH Genesis wallet holders (most likely one of the founding ETH devs) have put in more than 1200 ETH in HoloChain ICO.

Mozilla’s CFO Jim Cook: “Holochain is talking Mozilla’s language”

No this fucking retard really thinks this isnt skycoin 2.0.

it's twice as profitable for me so far
so it's a much better scam
also pic related we're about to leg up again

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>Two ETH Genesis wallet holders (most likely one of the founding ETH devs) have put in more than 1200 ETH in HoloChain ICO.

Glad you agree it's a scam.

Bitcoin is a scam
life is a scam

You sit around all day watching Dancing With The Stars and think that makes you an unlicensed blockchain practitioner?

Check the wallets for yourself. Whenever the ico was happening this was a big talking point. Do you retards remember anything?

If he is unlicensed who cares. Also, shutta ya mouth

fuck off rajeet

Shut up idiot

ETH is still fucked. BTC is the only safe bet since it will never lose its usage

Of course you have no respect for law and order, you shit on streets without a license.

take your meds!/trade/0xa8bdc8882987a3ed83d8030f08d64479f1eff731-ETH

>not buying TRUE
>Shorting Okex
No wonder you're poor

stop spreading this OP, you're going to ruin a good opportunity by reposting this on Jow Forums, everyone should sage this thread

What about kyc on okex?

Except that one time it very publicly lost usage.
> Network is saturated
> Just wait, do nothing for years
> Fees and waits rise to unusable levels
> Users leave, permanently
> 'Problem solved' - BCore

The KYC on OKeX is a joke, user. Just google "Korean" or "Chinese" ID and use the 6+ page...first ones are taken. Will 100% get you approved.

Mfw I'm now known as "Lee osimoto" FeelsGoodMan.jpg

OwO wow anonchan thank you so much you actually changed my life tonight. =OwO=

Can confirm this but I also thought everyone knew this by now. Okex isn't special the KYC on all exchanges are exploitable.

I miss XP :(

dapps are a meme. Prove me wrong.

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Yep this. And before anyone starts about Holo competing with the other 2 - one of its many use cases is the ability to easily act as an Ethereum offchain resource (since you can run all the usual libs like Web3 in your project it's easy af). So if you want interoperability with the Ethereum ecosystem, or to talk to a smart contract like MakerDAO you can.

Crypto is a meme, prove me wrong

Easy. Patreon banning Right-wing e-celebs, YouTube demonetisation, Azure kicking Gab etc. Build Dapp that can't be censored short of nuking the whole Internet = profits from millions upon millions of non-leftards wanting to support or watch their e-celebs. Oh and for the current best Dapp (since it built its own Oracle already) MakerDAO is extremely successful. Hell, even PoWH was too in it's own retarded way. Once actually decent performance is possible & off-chain data can be hooked the possibilities are limitless.

I hate to admit it, but even Faketoshis shitfork is better than Btc at this point.

Incredible stupidity


to see a huge 1,374 ETH investment from genesis wallet into holochain ico. He currently has 6 billion HOT tokens which have remained there since Holochain's ICO. If you go right back it comes from ETH GENESIS creation.

That's just one of them, apparently there were 3-4 genesis wallets that put their $$ into holo. At that time every single person thought ETH would eventually hit $2K and beyond. My guess... these ETH devs knew the limitations of blockchain and wanted to diverse their portfolio. Looks like their decision has paid off so far. In a year or two, HOT might actually take over Ethereum.

Jesus christ. That's one big fucking whale. And here I am trying to get $40 trading shitcoins.

It's not a dev.

Doesn't this unironically go against the boomer SJW tranny loving faggots ideology that are making Holochain?

That Matthew Schutte character is someone I wouldn't trust, I get a bad feeling about him. Not to say holo wont be successful but that it will somehow be used by the elites against us

how many hot u have

Just bought 10k good shit nigga

100k. I live in the third world.

shit nigga I hope you didnt buy just now

Nah, I'm up like 100% at this point.

fucking based pajeet

So you've already made it then, why aren't you selling?

hes waiting until 1$ a hot

he will be lord of the slum

does this sum up Jow Forums ?

anons offloading shitty penny stocks to other anons?

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Yeah, we're gonna have to see how that plays out. If it goes that way though - open source. Fork it, add a proper dedicated privacy layer (ring sigs to mask DHT edit source IPs) & remove anything vaguely KYC related. Bam, release it as something else. It's a great concept on the whole regardless. That is my one concern thoughz agreed. Supposedly anyone can choose which happs they want to host - if that turns out to be crap though it'll be irritating.

Really. So you can't import Web3 & call smart contracts from a dapp? Or you think that the slow, shitty, 0-utility & deliberately crippled Btc tech is the future? Topkek

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Retards will sleep on this topkek

Got 2k

Why even bother using KYC if it's this shit................



Go back to pol edge lord

Jow Forums

Nationalist Conservatives are always poor people because their brains work like this.


Smartcontracts are supposed to be trustless. Chainlink + eth is about end to end trustlessness. Holochain is for hApps where monetary legacy systems are not used.

Http bridge is awesome news. I could link an article in this post, user clicks it and reads an article hosted with holochain without knowing. At this point it's all about the cost efficiency. And security, but for holo meme sites and apps it's not that important