How can one man be this based?

How can one man be this based?

Attached: Screen-shot-2014-05-02-at-18.10.26.png (847x470, 174K)

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Attached: absolutely-based.png (581x347, 59K)

Good fuck Bitcoin

He was beautiful.

Attached: Bgxl1joCAAAtR0i.png (599x366, 260K)

>be shitty trader
>become trading educator

Anyone who's a "How to make money" seller has no clue how to make money.
Those who know how to make money don't tell others how to do it.

>Become a professional Goldman Sachs trader at 20
>Retire at 27
>Shitty trader

He's still trading idiot

He was vp at goldman sachs and retired on 10 million u fkin ape

>retire at 27
>teach clueless people trading for money

what kind of a brainlet retires on 10mil
and then gets a "job" as a ((teacher))

>goldman sachs
Says all about him.
Screwed up whole global economy and caused it's collapse, then fucked off with the money.


Attached: kreil.jpg (807x792, 138K)

How am I to reconcile this with my acknowledgement of the utility of bitcoin under the current paradigm? Does he simply recognize that TBTB could never be defeated by what we know as BTC? They could bring all global networks to a halt, nevermind power stations, etc. Or does he possess a greater understanding, I would wager yes, of the needs of global moneyed elite and knows that BTC can't compete?

Or is the price of bitcoin in the next 2 years simply irrevelant in the long term? In fact, he does not say it will go to zero in 2020.

>Screwed up whole global economy and caused it's collapse, then fucked off with the money.

>which in return paved the way for cryptocurrency
>fast forward a few years and biz finds LINK
>you are now here

how much more BASED can this guy get?

Attached: 1548264215123.gif (404x347, 1003K)

So hes a wage slave?

Thats nothing to be proud of


How does his taint taste?

He started as an ordinary working class lad from Manchester, he traded his first book at 16 from 2000 to 60000 then studied finance and joined a firm. Its an inspiring story to say the least.

t. fell for the crypto meme

I liked him in that trading show