NKN won the bibox vote and will get listed shortly

-Stephen Wolfram

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hi stephen! when binance?

Hi Dave ramsey

how do you know that i am dave?! woooha

Stephen, i love you.

A jew advisor with
>entrepreneurship guidance

When non shit exchange? Who gives a shit about bibox?


The total money makeover. Cut your credit cards, buy growth stock mutual funds and invest in NKN.

Attached: 636288953019537722-Dave-Ramsey.jpg (534x712, 47K)

Nobody cares?

>no one cares
you can pick only one

Say, it might work fine on mainnet with 20000 nodes, but when it will reach 20001 nodes, a tiny little error will start to occur, and with 20002 nodes it will become a serious issue. And if the network will expand way too quickly, which will be the case at some point, especially if bored botnets will join the network, fixing the issue beforehand may not be possible.
Regardless of that, the idea itself is easy top100. But what if it won't be buggy, what if it will work?

Is this a real bug or are just speculating that NKN will bug at 20 000 nodes?

dude, i have no idea. just assuming. jesus christ

he's talking bs, nkn will undergo a security audit before the mainnet and will be properly testted, that's what the testnet is for.

medium estimate is 1 M nodes, not 20k anyway, let's say in a year or less

i think even on testnet will reach more than 20k nodes.

Then why the fuck are you speculating a bug?
>oh maybe after 40 years of bitcone mining the chain will be too big to download because we miscalculated, sell now

most def

Asking the question you dumb fuck.

It tilts me that nobody gives a shit about this project and but they're all in on holo and link

bumping the thread.

Bibox could move the price up a bit. It's totally stagnated on gate.io.

bump - come on biz.

i'm bumping too! let us get some nkn discussion going.