Night time security guard VS Cuck?

If you are wagecucking deadend jobs and have not applied for you're security guard license you deserve to be penetrated by boomer cock

>mfw work a nosupervisied overnight security shift at a science musem
>mfw paid to show up to an empty building in the night/ hang out when normies are sleeping
>sign a log of my arrival/patrols/departure
>patrol once or twice a shift
>spend the rest of the time eating, watching movies, playing vidya, (if you bring a laptop), reading, working out (if the facility has a gym) and fapping

Basically you are paid just to be somewhere where no one else is (kind of like getting paid to sit at home right)

This is the setup for my current site.

>I have a gaming set up stored a way and connected to the projector in the security office

>I bring in frozen tendies, popcorn, microwave pizzas etc and cook them in the office microwave

>I spend the whole night playing LoL and watching horror films on the projector while eating comfy snacks

>Patrol twice a shift (with comfy audiobooks playing on my bluetooth speaker)

>Paid $22/hr to chill in a comfy science musem at night while you're fat mexican boss shits on you daily for being a fuckup

honestly wagey how do you cope this?

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Is this the one next to pit rivers?

sounds comfy user

I work security too - An easy job with lots of free time to study or just burn the time on Youtube. I'm studying for my IT certifications.

What's your pay and did you get a guard card before applying?

I have to patrol every hour though

Pay is average (15/hr) but you will get preferential treatment if you work with a security agency for a while, also you will need to pass an easy as fuck dcjs test before you can start work

It is other user

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don't you need to be ripped for this job though?

I did security for 5 years and bot was it great getting paid to do jack shit. I'm glad you're still living the dream user

Is security + day trading the patrician combo?

most security guards are obese manchildren or black women

Do security jobs randomly drug test after the initial hiring screening?

>black women security guard
With ATTITUDE, if (((Hollywood))) has been telling me the truth

22 am hour is high as fuck for mickey mouse security. Here in the Midwest its about 13-14 an hour max for security work.
You armed? Id work night shift there for that much for sure but thats high pay in that field.

I would work as a night security at a natural history museum for free. Unparalleled /nightwalk/ feels.

Would you get freaked out by strange noises at 1AM?

yeah just wait until those dinosaurs and statues come alive faggot

i cant figure out were to get a security guard license, multiple websites keep giving me lists of schools in my area offering criminal justice degrees and shit. I know you didnt require that much schooling for this crap. Ive had the idea before but was led to the same results

Aren't cameras just enough? Who the fuck would break into a science museum anyway and what could a security guard do against 2 thieves?

My step dad was shot and killed doing security work. Stay safe anons.

Wew. Fuck Niggers man, when I'm out on a walk I'm in full blown gear all the time. Even have my modified AK on me since this is an open carry state

I did night security for a year and while it's really comfy it also gets really boring after a while.

This is such bullshit. You don't get good sites often and entry level is treated like shit. Overnight positions in the north where most guard jobs are are rarely in good places, the higher end places require experience and connections. You're a shitter. I've had three shit sites in a row, FUCK Summit Security, fuck you.

what non-existent company do you work for, not even ny guards get that much

I suspect a faggotry
Europoor, here, the security guards get paid well only if they are ex military, step below are the former cops...zoomer faggots guard tesco stores and museums for less than a minimum wage.
The comfiness part is true though

Sounds fucking pathetic

Learn to weld and be a Chad like me making 300k/yr

G4s you cuck

Stop assuming shit fag do you're research on companies in you're area stick with shit sites and suck up to you're supervisor then maybe you'd be sitting as pretty as I am right now
Security camera's aren't as mobile as people it's not my job to 1v2 theifs I will run for my life screaming if someone tries to break into this place

Unarmed but I have 3 years security experience and aviation security experience

You guys really don't get it do you? I had to work 32 sites before I got this gig 30 fucking 2 I worked shitsites I worked chill sites I worked dangerous sites I worked white collar sites the point is I didn't have to interact with normies and I didn't have anyone breathing down my neck, once you make it at a site all the struggle will be worth it

that dude on the right is every security guard ever. probably has a high tech segway

Working night shifts and stuffing your face with junk food and vidya is going to harm your health. Also walking alone at night in a museum also has the chance for spooky ghosts to appear in the dark corners.

Don't you need to be a huge ass motherfucker to even get hired for such a job?

Unironically a literal dream job. Not a reasonable career goal.

It all depends on the sort of object a security guard works for tho. It's a very diverse field and most people's knowledge about it is literally based on a few popular mall-cop memes.

I'm a hospital security guard myself, and it can be a very demanding and stressful job. Drugged up crazies and psycho's on the ER, daily verbal abuse, thieves, missing patients, nursing assists, accidents, fire alarms, CPR, all sorts of service-related requests from both co-workers, visitors and the police or justice departments, safety inspections, traffic management, camera observation, minor technical repairs, etc.

Yet every fucking time i tell someone i'm a hospital security officer, they first thing i always get to hear is something like "Oh, that sounds like an easy job".... genrally speaking, people have no clue as to what private security entails when it comes to high risk objects.

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>"Oh, that sounds like an easy job".
I would never say that. Nothing hospital-related can ever be "easy".

IT certificatations are a meme.
All that info is gonna be outdated by the time you put it into practice.